May 17, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

May 17th, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :    President ~ Bruce Harris, Secretary/Treasurer ~ Landis Bohn, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Dan Bannier from RCAC

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Cleve Borth, Sharon George


President Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m., and recognized a quorum.


Burgess Well

President Harris reported the Burgess well tested 40 gpm and that the IOC testing was done and turned into Cascade Analytical lab which will send the results to RH2. Karen K at RH2 says we will need a 24hr draw down test to see if it affects the BRWU well. Karen K will get back to us on that. Clerk Dickinson is instructed to follow up with Tumwater for a new testing date.

Mountain Park

President Harris relates the only well likely to be of use is the Tabor well. Harris and Tabor are in contact and Harris is hoping Tabor might be willing to make some sort of deal with the LWWD. Sharon George opened discussion of other possible sites around Mountain Park. She and her husband Jim own some property that might be suitable if a well must be drilled. Harris prefers to follow up with Tabor first as that would be a proven bird in hand. VP Klasell suggest we have Steve Nelson from RH2 have a look at the Georges’ sites next time Steve is up, thereby avoiding a special trip. President Harris suggests a last option might be to combine Mike Dickinson’s well with another one immediately next to it (17gpm and 11gpm) such that together they might produce enough water


Hashim’s Easement to the Water Tanks

VP Klasell relates John Hashim has tentatively agreed to allow 6 months access for construction in exchange for 2 water connections. Mr. Hashim doesn’t seem willing to entertain anything permanently encumbering his property. President Harris says he will talk to RH2 about the feasibility of moving ahead with just a temporary access for construction, and then a smaller, permanent easement for pipe and maintenance at a different location.
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President Harris made a motion to present Mr. Hashim with a request for

1.)    A permanent 25 foot wide utility easement across the thin strip of land running along the north side of Whispering Pines, between lot numbers 3 and 4, for the purpose of installing pipeline.

2.)    A temporary (6 months?) construction access, allowing for minor land modifications, including the possible addition of gravel. (all funded by LWWD)

In return the LWWD would grant Mr. Hashim the right to connect 2 water connections without a connection fee. These no-fee connection rights would be non-transferable (thus encouraging them to be either exercised or abandoned, but not continue in limbo in perpetuity.)

VP Klasell seconded it and the motion was passed unanimously. VP Klasell will continue to liaison with Mr. Hashim on this matter.

Asset Valuations

RCAC Consultant Dan Bannier presented asset valuations by Association. The spread sheets showed original costs, depreciation, whether LWWD would use the asset in the transition period and whether LWWD would use the asset long term. Each Association was reviewed in turn. Dan Bannier and President Harris agreed to go look at assets immediately following the meeting in order to give them a “condition rating”.

President Harris and Cleve Borth clarified some pipe line drawings on a map provided by RH2. They are looking for pipe that might not need to be replaced in the hopes of saving construction costs.


VP Klasell asked if people are in the LID but not yet hooked up, or are currently disconnected, then do those people pay a user fee in addition to the LID assessment? Dan Bannier answered that, generally, only active service hook-ups are charged a monthly water user fee. President Harris points out that Whispering Pines has charged a monthly fee whether the lot is hooked up or not. Clerk Dickinson pointed out the Whispering Pine lots all had the option of using the water, where-as many of LID inclusions don’t physically have water to their property. Dan Bannier says if there is a service connection to a property, then the Commissioners may decide whether or not to charge a user fee. If there is not a physical connection available, then LWWD really can’t charge a user fee until there is.

So, how do the Commissioners determine rates if they aren’t even sure of how many paying users there are? Dan Bannier encourages caution and suggest a year or so of gathering income and expense data before publishing final rates. In the meanwhile, he suggests LWWD just charge a flat rate.

In any case, LWWD must hold public hearings regarding rates. LWWD needs to snail mail the entire LID regarding rate setting. Dan will come to the next meeting to discuss this further and he and Clerk Dickinson will coordinate to move this hearing requirement along.


VP Klasell moved to focus on finalizing negotiations with Charlie Cruickshank and not interview any other operator applicants until/unless negotiations with Cruickshank fail. President Harris seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.


RH2 has collected and reviewed the Surveyor applications. They felt Fitzpatrick out of Cashmere best met the LWWD needs. RH2 also thought Erlandson would be a good choice. VP Klasell moved to authorize RH2 to send Fitzpatrick the scope of work so Fitzpatrick can send a contract back to LWWD. She also moved to authorize President Harris to conclude negotiations and to sign appropriate contracts. Sec/Treas Bohn seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.

Next Work Session will be at the LWWD office, 9:00a.m., 5/24/12

Meeting adjourned at 1:20p.m.


May 3, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

May 3rd, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :     , President ~ Bruce Harris, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell, Secretary ~ Landis Bohn

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present:  legal counsel ~ Mark Peterson,

Guests Present:  Byron Dickinson, Cleve Borth, Jim Cook, Barbara Harris


Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00and acknowledged a quarum existed.

Commissioners approved the minutes from 4/19/2012

Assessment Roll

            Clerk Dickinson presented a report on the “opt-out” list. As the LID started with 184 parcels, and 18 will not be joining, that leaves 166 parcels being assessed.

Discussion ensued on how ERUs are counted towards talleying water demand.

VP Klasell moved, Commissioner Harris seconded, and it was passed unanimously, that Morse and Kropi, two property owners who have indicated they wanted to use their own wells, but have not yet returned their notorized letters to that effect, be sent new certified letters giving them 2 days to return their paperwork or else be included in the District.

Jim Cook asked what happens to folks who want to hook up later? Do they pay past use fees in addition to connection charges. There was discussion of how that might work. Legal Counsel Mark Peterson pointed out that it wouldn’t be in the District’s best interest to create a dis-incentive to hook ups. The cost of a new connection must always be a competitive market option, or else no one will do it. President Harris suggested deferring further discussion for another time so the meeting could continue on it’s agenda items.

Transfer Process

            President Harris asked Counsel Peterson what was next in the transfer document process.

Peterson answered 1.)  Water Rights/Deeds and 2.) Easements.

President Harris asked about asset transfer valuations. Dan Bannier (from RCAC) will go over asset transfer valuations at the May 17th meeting.

VP Klasell asked if the LID assessment could be higher if needed. Counsel Peterson said yes, but it would require sending out a notice to everyone in the LID.

President Harris asked what to do about easements that are missing, for example, around Mountain Park. There was discussion of various easement issues. Cleve Borth suggests the District ask the FS for a copy of the FS lease along North Shore. Lake Wenatchee Water Users has been paying a lease, so we know one exists.

President Harris asked how vague or new easements affect the transfer process. Counsel Peterson said he will push ahead with what is in hand, but that more documentation is better.

VP Klasell presented an Amendment to the MOU between Brown Road Water Users and LWWD. (see attached) Everyone agreed it looked good, but that the President of BRWU, Irene Miller, would need to review and sign.

Cleve Borth asked about trying to transfer water rights. (There is some work being done on some of the water rights.) Cousel Peterson said LWWD can proceed with the transfer even  though some water rights are being amended.

VP Klasell asked how do we deal with FS parcels in LWWU. Cleve Borth answered that Randy from RH2 told Cleve these would need to be charged a fee outside the LID. Counsel Peterson suggested the cost of the LID just be imbedded in their user fees.

VP Klasell asked how many meters were installed in LWWU. Cleve Borth answered that there are 7.

Clerk Dickinson asked for a clarification of LWWU commitments to property owners who provided the water rights and the infrastructure LWWU is using and will be transferring to the District. Cleve Borth and Byron Dickinsons outlined the following (in layman’s terms so we didn’t have to review the inch think contracts on the table)
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LWWU has 44 hook-ups. Of these, Bob West has two hookups and Byron Dickinson has two hookups which will not be charged LID assessment or water usage, in perpetuity.

Well Testing

Clerk Dickinson reports that the owners of both the Werth/Janes well and the Burgess well have agreed to have their wells tested. As at least one of the wells will need a pump, and Steve Nelson from RH2 doesn’t have that equipment, Tumwater drilling is going to perform the test. Lance, from Tumwater, has given LWWD a tentative date of Tuesday, May 15th to perform the tests.

Much discussion ensured as to how to value a well, and therefore what to offer well owners. Counsel Peterson suggests up front compensation, i.e. just pay them for their wells and be done. President Harris asked if we even need another well right now. Discussion turned back to ERUs. VP Klasell said we need to come up with some starting point for well negotiations. Byron Dickinsons reminded the group that he has permission from D.O.E. to drill another well in an area likely to hit good water… just something to keep in mind should negotiations to buy an exisiting well become too expensive.

Mt Park Well Testing

            President Harris says he has gotten no response from anyone in the Mountain Park area regarding the letter he sent out seeking wells or land. VP Klasell asked about the FS well. Byron Dickinson gave short history of the FS well. Counsel Peterson suggested the District might work out something with the FS to operate their well in return for water… perhaps some sort of lease agreement.

There was much frustrated discussion concerneing what to do about the seeming impossibility of coming up with a usable well in the Mountain Park area. Can we drop Mountain Park? Can we condemn a well? Can we get the FS to grant a drilling spot, whether license or easement? Can we case the Mt Park well such that it’s higher above the water line? Maybe drill it deeper? President Harris said he would talk to Karen K at RH2 about options.

Forest Service Permit and Access

            VP Klasell reported she spoke to John Hashim who owns the property best suited to provide access to the upper tanks. Hashim says he might grant the access in return for water. President Harris and VP Klasell with work together to draft a proposal, and will include Counsel Peterson in the process.


Clerk Dickinson will check with our insurance company about our cancellation policy. In another words, is LWWD free to shop our insurance needs around? Counsel Peterson said several local water districts are getting good service from Gellatly Agency in Wenatchee.

(President Harris recessed the meeting for lunch at 12:30, with instructions that the meeting would reconvene at his residence and all were welcome to meet there after lunch. At his residence, President Harris reconvened the meeting at 1:30pm… only President Harris, VP Klasell, Clerk Dickinson and Barbara Harris attending.)

            Clerk Dickinson will shop LWWD insurance needs with CIUW, Gellatly Agency and Mitchell & Reid, all of whom are currently providing some portion to the insurance being purchased by the District or its member Associations.

Forest Service Permit and Access (again)

President Harris reported the FS wants LWWD to get one new permit for everything. This permit will have to wait while LWWD resolves the access issues and creates subsequent engineering plans. Harris and Klasell will work with Counsel Peterson on this.

Alternative Projects Final Update

            President Harris moved to postpone Maple Drive until Phase II. VP Klasell additionally moved that no more work on possible additional projects be considered at this time. Motion passed unanimously.

Services Needed

Clerk Dickinson shared the responses to the Water Operator position and the Surveyor needed ads.  President Harris and VP Klasell will meet with Karen K of RH2 to look over Surveyor information. There was much discussion of the Water Operator position. After reviewing responses, the Commissioners decided to interview Charlie Cruikshank. Clerk Dickinson will inform Commissioners if any new applications arrive.

Operational Policies

            President Harris says LWWD needs to get operational policies spelled out. He hopes to persuade Jim Ratley to head a committee. VP Klasell said she will email Jim with that request.

Task List

            President Harris presented a “LWWD Commissioner/Staff Task List, (see attached) a working document to help LWWD keep on task. It was unanimously agreed the sheet would be useful in tracking progress and staying focused on priorities.

Work Sessions

            After reviewing the task list, the Commissioners agreed to meet at 10:00am, Thursday morning when there isn’t a Commissioners meeting, for work sessions. All decisions will be made at official Commissioner meetings, but as the supporting work takes too much time to accomplish the Commissioners need  more hours. The next  work session is May 10th. 10:00am at the District office.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30