August 23, 2012 Minutes

                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      Aug 23, 2012

                                                at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present:  Secretary-Landis Bohn, Bonnie Klasell, President Bruce Harris (via conference call)

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests:  Karen Dickinson

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum existed


No minutes from previous meeting were presented as Clerk Kinney is out of town.  They will be submitted at the next schedule meeting.

 Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the $25 late fee on bills until January 2013, motion passed.

The approved Franchise Agreement was received back from the county; it has been scanned and emailed to all commissioners for their files.

The USFS Permit was filed in 8/17/12 by RH2, but our contact person at the USFS (Amelia) is out of the office until September 10th so we don’t know if much will be started on it before then. In addition, the Federal Government year-end is 9/30/12, so there is a chance it won’t be started until after 10/1/12.

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 Mountain Park: Charlie presented his options for immediate improvements to the Mountain Park well house and source.  Insulating one main pipe should be dealt with before winter, and the pressure needs to be reduced as it’s currently exceeding the amount allowed on the pressure tanks.  Charlie and Lan will get together to put a bead of silicone/caulk around the cover to the well head to create a sanitary seal for the time being.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Charlie install a 2” meter from Whispering Pines storage at the well head, motion passed.

Discussion ensued as to how to proceed with regards to system improvements to Mountain Park. Based on the opinion of our attorney, Mark Peterson, we feel Mountain Park will remain a Class B system as there are only 13 parcels involved in the LID and we are going to do the improvements outlined in the comp plan – improve well house, well head and install mainline pipe/meters as part of Phase I, and they will be connected to the entire system in Phase II.  Commissioner Klasell will contact Karen K at RH2 about getting a scope of work for surveying and have Fitzpatrick submit an additional survey contract for approval.

Homestead Well: To try and avoid confusion, we are now calling the new well drilled on Karen Dickinson’s property the Homestead Well.  The 24 hour well test has been scheduled for Sept 11th & 12th.

Karen D. was presented the design for the 20×20 well house that Karen K. designed, and she is not willing to accept a building that large.  She will contact Karen K. directly to see what can be done to make the building smaller and meet her requirements in the MOU of a 12×12 building.


 Dwight Burke emailed that he has received our renewal packet and Karen D had also received/forwarded to commissioners for review; Commissioner Harris was concerned that he didn’t see coverage for board members on acts prior to Aug 1, 2012 included.  In addition, we would like to see what payment plans are available to avoid using our limited funds. Commissioner Klasell will contact Dwight and hopefully will have answers to these questions at the next meeting.


The easement to allow access to the upper area through lots 3 and 4 has been given to lot 3.  They still are having some difficulties getting it notarized, but Commissioner Harris has told them to sign at their convenience as we won’t need until next spring.

Other Business

One customer has contacted the district; he requires a water availability certificate for his lot.  Commissioner Klasell was authorized to prepare, sign, and send him a form.  Another customer with two lots but with only one drawing water asked if the second lot has to pay the base fee; customer will be advised that base fee is per connection and he is responsible for both connections.  It is the LID cost that will be applied based on parcel number (lot).  Also, a forest service parcel has asked when the final assessments will be determined and when they’ll need to decide to pay in full or make monthly payments; customer will be advised that will be determined at the end of construction.

Meeting adjourned at 11:05

August 16, 2012 Minutes

                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      Aug 16, 2012

                                                at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via conference call), Secretary-Landis Bohn, Commissioner Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Consultants: Mark Peterson-attorney

Guests Present: Cleve Borth, Karen Dickinson, Rod Fountain

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 08/9/12


Commissioners signed the A-19 #6 voucher for the amount of $41,640, signed the warrant to pay the voucher and signed the payroll approval.

Bonnie moved to increase the Imprest account to $750.00.  This is a temporary increase to pay for the billing process start up costs.

Commissioners signed the signature cards for the Collection account at Cashmere Bank.

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Mark Peterson explained the water right transfers and the difficulty that may occur because the exact location of the Brown Road well and the LWWU well were not put in the exact location.  He pointed out that the water right process has to be dealt with and can get expensive.  He recommended submitting the transfer document for all the water rights at the same time as one document.

Commissioner Klasell asked Mr. Peterson what he thought of the idea to abandon the well drilling in Mountain Park and pursue the upgrading of the current well house and piping until phase 2 when a pipe line will be built to join them with the other areas.  He felt that was a good plan.

Commissioner Klasell moved to have Mr. Peterson start the water right transfer process for all the water rights, Commissioner Harris seconded, pass unanimously.

Commissioner Klasell moved to abandon the well drilling in Mountain Park and move forward with the improvement of the well site until phase two, Commissioner Bohn seconded, pass unanimously.

Status of Wells

Brown Road Test Well:  Commissioner Bohn was the contact person for the drilling and at 290 feet they struck water.  It was spewing out of the hole without a pump.  The drillers estimated that is was 100+ gallons/min.

Commissioner Bohn moved to proceed doing what was necessary, including buying a pump, to test he water for usage. Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed unanimously.

Commissioner Bohn will contact Karen Korhner at RH2 to find out what pump size we will need to do the job and to have the well area surveyed.

Engineering/Survey Status

Karen at RH2 is ready to submit the Forest service permit.  Commissioner Harris pointed out that in the past we have dealt with Amelia in Leavenworth.  Commissioner Klasell will have RH2 work on that.  After that the new Brown Road well has been tested, the cultural review can be done.  After that the design can be completed.

New Business

Mr. Borth wanted to know what to do with the LWWU operating permit?  Commissioner Klasell told him to just send it back and tell them to contact the LWWD.  Mr. Peterson pointed out that the DOH has been notified of the consolidation.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.

August 9, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

 Commissioners Meeting

Aug 9, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Commissioner Bruce Harris,  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Charlie Cruickshank, Karen Dickinson

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum existed


Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 08/02/12

A discussion was held regarding the District email configuration.

Status of Wells

Brown Road: Waiting for the permit from the DOE.  There was some discussion about the letter that Mark Peterson, our attorney, sent to Avery Richardson at the DOE.

Mountain Park:  Commissioner Bohn did not complete his task of contacting Tabor about his well again or the Georges to see if they could identify their property line.  A discussion ensued about the possibility of improving their current well house etc. instead of drilling a test well.  When Commissioner Harris and Klasell meet with Karen Korhner at RH2, they will discuss this with her.

Commissioner Harris moved to have RH2 develop a small list to improve the Mountain Park well system, Commissioner Klasell seconded.


Franchise Agreement has been sent to the county.  Have not heard back.

Commissioner Klasell moved to accept resolutions to have the Chelan County set up a capital project fund and the resolution to have clerk Kinney set up a revenue collection account, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Commissioner Klasell moved to have clerk Kinney get a debit card for the Impress account, Commissioner Harris seconded.
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Commissioner Harris moved to accept the resolution authorizing Amendment No. 3 to contract with RH2 Engineering Inc. for system consolidation project, Commissioner Klasell seconded.

Start up Process

A discussion ensued about Bill Burgess on Brown Road.  It was decided to just start billing him monthly as he has not returned calls from clerk Kinney.

Billing system status: Clerk Kinney reported that she has worked with Jim Ratley of Whispering Pines and did their billing to learn the system.  Jim will be available to help with the district first billing and meter reading.  Supplies for the billing will be ordered.

Commissioner Harris moved to send the four Forest Service Parcels the same letter that all the other district customers received in the Lake Wenatchee Water Association, Commissioner Klasell seconded.

The final disposition of Morse and Krope opt out have been received.  Krope has provided a hand written notification which the commissioners felt was satisfactory.

Engineering Plan Status

The surveyors are still working.

There was discussion about the engineering budget overrun and it was felt the Commissioners Harris and Klasell needed to discuss it more with Karen of RH2.  Commissioner Klasell gave the result of her father-in-laws assessment of the engineering plan.  As a result of this, there are items that the district can delay or cut to save expenditures.


Chuck Ferrel would not sign the easement, so it was decided that when Commissioner Harris returns in Sept that he will approach the new owners and explain the situation.  They are aware of it.


It was decided not to spend the money to fix the foxcroft for Whispering Pines until the Commisioners had discussed with the engineers if that equipment will be used in the future.

Future Meetings

The commissioners decided that Commissioner Klasell will conduct the meetings while Commissioner Harris is gone.  He will still attend the meetings via phone and all resolutions and minutes will be mailed to him if necessary for his signature. Commissioner Klasell will prepare the agenda.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm

August 2, 2012 Minutes

                                        Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      Aug 2, 2012

                                                at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris,  Secretary-Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk, Elaine Kinney

Guests Present: Cleve Borth, Barbara Harris, Charlie Cruickshank

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 07/26/12

Status of Wells

 Brown Road: Avery Richardson from the DOE will issue a temporary permit to drill the well.  Clerk Kinney will contact Steve at Tumwater to coordinate the drilling and schedule.

Commissioner Bohn determined that the drilling site is approximately 85 feet from the Hashim property line.

Mountain Park: Commissioner Bohn left two messages for Tabor about his well.  No response. He also tried to find the property line for the George property.  He will contact the Jim George who owns the property and see if he will show him where the property lines are.  If not we may need to have it surveyed.

Franchise Agreement

The Franchise Agreement has been delivered to the county.  There were no changes made by the District.

We are waiting for their approval.
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Setup Process

There was discussion about the two Burgess properties opting out of the district.  Bill Burgess wants to use the Brown Road water until he has a good well.  Jeff Burgess has stopped using the Brown Road water. There was some discussion how we can manage the shut off.  More to be determined.

Clerk Kinney offered a few options for what type of bill to be sent out.  It was decided that for the first four months to use the card system like the WPWUA is using and see the response.  This may change at a later date.


 The survey results have not been finalized.

The budget override was discussed.  Commissioner Klasell offered to have her father in law, who is an engineer go over the comprehensive plan and the Supplement 3 to evaluate it.  We will wait for his analysis which we should have by the end of the week or weekend.  Depending on what he determines, the Commissioners may invite Randy from RH2 to attend the next meeting to discuss the increased costs.


The easement to allow access to the upper area through lots 3 and 4 has been given to lot 3.  They will have it signed and then it will be given to lot 4 to be signed then recorded with the county.

The WPWUA easements.  In the future we will need to obtain easements for the existing pipeline that has served the top six properties and will continue to do so with the new system.   This will be initiated when the engineering plan and survey have been sufficiently completed to identify the locations.


Meeting adjourned at 11:30