September 27, 2012 Minutes


                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      Sept 27, 2012

                                                at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell


Staff Present:  Clerk-Elaine Kinney


Guests Present:  Barb Harris, Karen Dickinson


Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10 am, acknowledged a forum




  • Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 09/13/2012
  • Commissioners signed the CUP paperwork from RH2
  • Commissioners signed the SEPA paperwork from RH2

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Clerk Kinney was instructed to place SEPA ad in Leavenworth Echo

  • Clerk, Kinney reported on the billing process.  To date there are 43

customers who have not paid.



  • Commissioners signed Resolution 2012-927A to transfer Capital Improvement funds to the Maintenance Fund
  • Commissioners signed Resolution 2012-927B for Commissioner Bohn to resign as secretary and appoint Commissioner Klasell as Secretary
  • Commissioners signed Resolution 2012-927C to authorize payment to secretary for clerical duties
  • Commissioners signed Resolution 2012-927D to update the LWWD

Administrative and Operative Directive


Status of Homestead Well

  • The results of the 24 hour test have not been received

 There was a lengthy discussion about the contents of the proposed MOU.  Karen Dickinson expressed her desired and objections to some of the proposal.


11:15am – Elaine left meeting, Commissioner Klasell took over taking minutes.


Discussion/negotiations with Karen Dickinson continued regarding changes to MOU; agreement reached and Commissioner Klasell will prepare the document for signatures.


USFS Permit

Commissioner Harris updated us on his meeting with USFS personnel, with Thomas Leake of RH2 on 9/24 at the proposed tank site.  The Forest Service has taken a dim view of constructing a road through the forested area up to the tank location; they feel there might be a better option across private lands.  They did not appear to be understanding when Commissioner Harris expressed that property owner(s) would not grant us an easement. They agreed that we would flag the area of the desired road and tank location so they could evaluate the terrain and wildlife before the snows hit.  Shawn Fitzpatrick was flagging the area during our meeting.  Once the Forest Service reviews the flagged area, they will then determine if there is enough time for botanist to do field work before winter – if not, we might have to postpone construction for another year.  We are hoping that won’t happen, and will remain in close contact with USFS,


1:00pm, meeting continued to 5:30pm at the District office.

5:30pm, meeting reopened – Commissioner Harris, Commissioner Klasell, Barbara Harris, and Karen Dickinson in attendance.

A few minor revisions to for Homestead Well/Pump House MOU and easement documents; MOU signed by Commissioners and Karen Dickinson.  Easement documents emailed to attorney Mark Peterson for review.  Once the well tests come back acceptable, then the easement will be signed by Karen Dickinson and recorded.


Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm.


September 13, 2012 Minutes


                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      Sept 13, 2012

                                                at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris,  Secretary-Landis Bohn, Commissioner Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present:  Karen Dickinson, Barb Harris, Jim Ratley

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am-acknowledged a quorum.


Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from Aug 30, 2012

There was discussion on how to pay for the $3000.00 insurance premium.  Commissioner Klasell pointed out that we will have more cash flow now that we are billing and bringing in an income.  She presented a Treasurer and a cash flow report which backed this up.  The commissioners decided to pay the full amount by October 1st rather than spread the payments out and pay interest.

Commissioners signed the warrants, vouchers, payroll and A19 documents which were prepared and presented by Commissioner Klasell.

Commissioner Bohn was asked if he would transfer the secretary duties to Commissioner Klasell so she can be compensated for her extensive work for the district on the accounts payable. Commissioner Bohn gave approval.

Commissioner Harris moved to transfer to Commissioner Klasell the secretarial duties affective as of September 1, 2012, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

 Commissioner Klasell moved to have Commissioner Harris sign voucher # 7 for $106.902.62, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

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 There was much discussion on updating the LWWD Admin and Operative directive.  Jim Ratley presented his suggestions based on his experience with WPWUA billing process.  The commissioners agreed to work more on the resolution and have it ready for the next meeting in two weeks.  After it has been adopted, a letter will be sent out to all customers in the district either by email or regular mail.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Resolution 2012-9-13, to approve entering into a contract with Fitzpatrick surveying for &5900.00 for surveying services,  Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Status of Homestead Well

 There was discussion on how the testing is going.  At this point the testing looks good both in volume and quality.  There is a slight smell of sulfur but at this point it is not a big issue.  There will be a report to follow.

There was much discussion on the Homestead well pump house.  Karen Dickinson presented her issues and concern.  She also indicated that she thinks the options are workable and possible to achieve without too much frustration.  Karen agreed to a 12 by 16 building, with no attic, no windows.  Karen will find out the requirement (fireproof, etc)   She will prepare a plan and estimate soon to be sent to the Commissioners to review before the next meeting to have built a shell building without a floor but a footing.  It was agreed that her detail plan for the commissioners would be reviewed by Karen Kornher, RH2, for compliance to state and county building codes as well as engineering requirements for electrical and plumbing clearances that will be performed by the prime contractor at a later date.


Engineering plan status


The written survey plan has not been received as yet.  When it has the Commissioners will discuss the Hashim easement for the placement of the meters that will serve his property.  Commissioner Bohn will meet with Mr. Hashim in the near future.



 Commissioner Harris reported that we are waiting for the signed easement for driveway use for WP lots 3 & 4.  The survey results are still needed to address Mountain Park needed easements.

It was decided that Commissioner Klasell will attend the workshop on possible grants for updating water sources in Everett this month.

Meeting adjourned at 12 pm.