Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
December 12, 2013
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President Bruce Harris, Secretary Bonnie Klasell, Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Consultants Present: Karen Korhner, RH2; Mark Peterson, LWWD Attorney
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum.
30% Plan Review
Hard copy of 30% plan was presented to those commissioners who were unable to review it online; discussion ensued as to service locations and responsibility of District for connections that currently are on customers’ property due to existing mainline pipe location. Property owners are responsible for running service line to home, yet LWWD does have a duty to insure they are connected. We will try and work out an equitable solution, perhaps allowing them to hire our contractor to do the work on their property. Bonnie will prepare maps to send to each property owner showing where new service location will be and ask them to contact the District if they have issues with those locations.
Bonnie moved to submit the 30% plan as presented today to PUD and Chelan County to move forward with the permit process. Motion seconded and approved.
Telemetry/Power Feeds
Solar will not work at tank so a power line will have to run up to tank to run telemetry system. All other points of telemetry will be able to be powered by solar. Estimated cost of this electrical installation is $20,000, but may be less if a transformer doesn’t have to be installed by using an existing one in Whispering Pines.
Vacant Lot Meters
Much discussion on whether or not the 18 parcels in the LID who are not currently part of any association that transferred into the district, and are not currently connected/have ability to draw water should be required to install a connection/meter during construction. There are also two parcels transferred from BRWU who are not physically connected as well. Once a connection/meter is installed, the monthly base fee will be assessed (currently $39/month). Commissioner Klasell feels that those parcel owners should be given the option to connect now or later; if they chose to connect later then they will incur all costs of that connection/meter at that time. They are still responsible for the LID assessment. Commissioners agreed to send this letter, and if property owner chooses to install meter/vault at a later date, the District will just install a stub to their property during construction.
USFS Access Road
Commissioner Harris has negotiated with property owners in Whispering Pines for a permanent easement across their parcel to USFS land for access maintenance of our holding tank.
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Commissioner Klasell motioned that LWWD that Commissioner Harris finalize these negotiations and present an MOU for signature at our January 2013 meeting. Motion seconded and approved.
Commissioner Bohn advised John Hashim will not sign the MOU as presented to him, for temporary access across his parcel for construction of our tank. The MOU states that a service line will be brought to his property from approx. 180ft off the mainline to his 2 service connection. He wants the mainline to be extended all the way to his property. Karen Korhner (RH2 engineer) states this is not possible, it is hazardous to the system to have that large of a section of mainline dead-ended and not in use. He also wants the agreement to be in the name of his business/children’s names. Much discussion on what our other options are. It was decided that Commissioner Bohn would approach Mr. Hashim and try to convince him to accept the service line instead of the main line, and that we have no issues in putting the agreement in whatever name he desires.
Lot 3 & 4 Easement
Waletzky has signed his part of the easement. Commissioner Harris has approached the other property owners and we expect a signed easement any day. Once signed, Clerk Kinney will record at county.
Mountain Park Well Covenants
Commissioner Klasell reported that neither parcel owner has signed the covenant prepared by our attorney, Mark Peterson which was emailed to them for signature. She will attempt to contact them once again, after the holidays, to see if we can reach a friendly agreement. If there is still no response, then we will have Mr. Peterson send a letter with a more forceful request.
Snow Removal
We received bids from 3 contractors on our small works roster. Two bids are for plowing only, not blowing as originally requested. One contractor submitted a bid for snow-blowing only. Commissioner Klasell is to contact him and get a revised bid with the new parameters; if he can reduce his bid then we will award him the contract.
The minutes from the November 8, 2012 meeting were approved and signed.
Commissioner Klasell presented the November Treasurer’s report, current budget status reports, A19 #10 and supporting warrant, November payroll, and the O&M warrant. We currently have $12,870.59 in our operating accounts (O&M and Imprest). The past-due accounts receivable is $896.00, as of 11/30/12.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #10 for $28,888.89, and supporting warrant. Motion seconded and passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the Payroll voucher for November in the amount of $814.50. Motion seconded and passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,492.61. Motion seconded and passed.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 1:30 pm