Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
March 28, 2013
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Professional: Marc Marquis, attorney
Guests Present: Mike Dickinson,
Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:00 am and acknowledged a quorum existed
Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 03/14/13
County wetlands/shoreline hearing update
Commissioner Klasell and Thomas Leake from RH2 attended the meeting. The County Staff Report, previously sent to the commissioners, was presented. We accepted the required conditions in the report. No one from the public showed up to speak, but there were two letters submitted. The hearing examiner will have his decision to us within 10 days.
USFS permit update
Commissioner Klasell spoke with Amelia Anthony at USFS in Leavenworth. She said the cost recovery agreement is almost ready for our signature. She had hoped to get it to us today, but that didn’t happen. The botany study is scheduled for May, and the field work for the archeology survey might not happen until June as the person responsible for the work has other commitments before then. We are to keep them apprised of the snow levels around the tank site and temporary road access as she could come out early April if the snow is gone. We could possibly have our archeologist complete the survey if it isn’t done in April. USFS will require an USFS archeologist to be on-site and monitor any work done on USFS lands along North Shore Dr. They feel confident they will be able to issue our permit by August 1.
DOH/Aleceia Tilley update
Commissioner Klasell has been in communication with DOH management and Aleceia Tilley to find a solution to our problems with the Section 106 process to allow us to build this summer. We are not finished with the cultural/environmental review until we have the USFS permit. Commissioner Klasell had hoped the State could grant us an exception, but they don’t have the authority as we are using Federal funds. As a result, we potentially won’t be given permission to begin construction until August, which is too late for us to start construction this year.
Archeologist revised monitoring plan
Glenn Hartman submitted his revised plan to Karen Korhner on March 18th. A copy was sent to all commissioners. Karen K forwarded the report to Aleceia Tilley at DOH on March 20th, we do not know if it had been distributed to all parties involved (Colville Indians, DAHP, etc,) or if Aleceia will wait to distribute it with the USFS monitoring plan.
Budget increases due to delay
We are still waiting for an updated budget from RH2. The discussion was tabled until the 100% plans are finished and RH2 has provided their dollar estimates.
Additional funding options
We do need to get some funding as soon as possible, Commissioner Klasell was given a copy of the DWSRF handbook last week, and it states quite clearly that this loan is to reimburse us for expenses actually incurred. This means we need to have funds available for situations where we are required to give deposits, like with USFS and PUD, before work can commence. The original construction budget required that we obtain approximately $360K in loans, in addition to the DWSRF loan/grant
Mr. Marquis explained that if we have increased costs due to the project delay, there is not a cap on the total LID amount. The language in the LID only provides limits with the statement that the cost of improvement cannot be more than the added value to the individual. He explained that there are two options for revenue: service bonds which would result in an increase in monthly water charges or obtaining a municipal loan which is repaid through the LID. Commissioner Harris volunteered to start talks with our local bank about our options in early May.
Forest Service (USFS) Easement for Maintenance Road
Commissioner Harris had a conference call with the two homeowners involved in the USFS easement that have some objections to the new easement. They do not like the looseness of the language which grants US Forest Service access to the road at any time indefinitely into the future. Marc Marquis said that he could add language in the easement to limit the access of the USFS.
Morse/Farr well Covenant
The district has received their revised sign copy that was prepared with their attorney’s council. The commissioners agreed that it was not acceptable.
Commissioner Harris motioned to have Marc resend the original Covenant to their attorney along with a cover letter explaining why the Covenant presented to them, was worded the way it was. It was based on DOH requirements. Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Water Right Transfer Update
Mr. Marquis reported that 8 or 9 transfers have moved through the Conservancy Board and 2 (West & LWWU) have been approved and are in the hands of the DOE. There was a change to the WP regarding the change in source application submitted in 2001. Mr. Marquis feels that we are on the cusp of completing the transfers.
System Issues
Mr. Cruickshank reported on the Brown Road leak.
Commissioner Bohn moved to hire Mike Dickinson to fix the leak. Then, following a discussion of establishing a financial limit for the repair, without additional board approval, he withdrew his motion.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to hire Mike Dickinson to repair the leak with the cost not to exceed $2,500.00 before the Commissioners would have to be notified, Commissioner Harris seconded, Commissioner Bohn would not vote as he felt it was a maintenance issue and did not need an official motion.
Commissioner Klasell pointed out that we need to update all our policies with emphasis on:
- The asset plan to include threshold limits where an item changes from an expense to an asset.
- Archival Policy
- Record Request Policy
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Commissioner Harris suggested that the policies be divided between the Commissioners to be updated and then discussed. Commissioner Klasell volunteered to obtain other district policies, distribute to the Commissioners. At the first May meeting they will be discussed.
Commissioner Klasell reported that she found a bulk email program. Clerk Kinney will look at it to see if it would improve the bulk email process.
There has not been a response from Bill Burgess. The commissioners requested Commissioner Harris to send him a letter offering the continuation of his water service, contingent upon the continuation of the water payments, until next year when the LWWD construction begins.
Clerk Kinney will check to see if the letters were sent to Steve George and Edward Martinez.
The next meeting will be April 11, 2013 at 10:00 am.
Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at 12:10 pm.