March 28, 2013 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

March 28, 2013

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Marc Marquis, attorney

Guests Present:  Mike Dickinson,

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:00 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 03/14/13

County wetlands/shoreline hearing update

Commissioner Klasell and Thomas Leake from RH2 attended the meeting. The County Staff Report, previously sent to the commissioners, was presented. We accepted the required conditions in the report. No one from the public  showed up to speak, but there were two letters submitted. The hearing examiner will have his decision to us within 10 days.

USFS permit update

Commissioner Klasell spoke with Amelia Anthony at USFS in Leavenworth. She said the cost recovery agreement is almost ready for our signature. She had hoped to get it to us today, but that didn’t happen. The botany study is scheduled for May, and the field work for the archeology survey might not happen until June as the person responsible for the work has other commitments before then. We are to keep them apprised of the snow levels around the tank site and temporary road access as she could come out early April if the snow is gone. We could possibly have our archeologist complete the survey if it isn’t done in April. USFS will require an USFS archeologist to be on-site and monitor any work done on USFS lands along North Shore Dr. They feel confident they will be able to issue our permit by August 1.

DOH/Aleceia Tilley update

Commissioner Klasell has been in communication with DOH management and Aleceia Tilley to find a solution to our problems with the Section 106 process to allow us to build this summer. We are not finished with the cultural/environmental review until we have the USFS permit. Commissioner Klasell had hoped the State could grant us an exception, but they don’t have the authority as we are using Federal funds. As a result, we potentially won’t be given permission to begin construction until August, which is too late for us to start construction this year.

Archeologist revised monitoring plan

Glenn Hartman submitted his revised plan to Karen Korhner on March 18th. A copy was sent to all commissioners. Karen K forwarded the report to Aleceia Tilley at DOH on March 20th, we do not know if it had been distributed to all parties involved (Colville Indians, DAHP, etc,) or if Aleceia will wait to distribute it with the USFS monitoring plan.

Budget increases due to delay

We are still waiting for an updated budget from RH2. The discussion was tabled until the 100% plans are finished and RH2 has provided their dollar estimates.

Additional funding options

We do need to get some funding as soon as possible, Commissioner Klasell was given a copy of the DWSRF handbook last week, and it states quite clearly that this loan is to reimburse us for expenses actually incurred. This means we need to have funds available for situations where we are required to give deposits, like with USFS and PUD, before work can commence. The original construction budget required that we obtain approximately $360K in loans, in addition to the DWSRF loan/grant

Mr. Marquis explained that if we have increased costs due to the project delay, there is not a cap on the total LID amount.  The language in the LID only provides limits with the statement that the cost of improvement cannot be more than the added value to the individual. He explained that there are two options for revenue: service bonds which would result in an increase in monthly water charges or obtaining a municipal loan which is repaid through the LID. Commissioner Harris volunteered to start talks with our local bank about our options in early May.

Forest Service (USFS) Easement for Maintenance Road

Commissioner Harris had a conference call with the two homeowners involved in the USFS easement that have some objections to the new easement. They do not like the looseness of the language which grants US Forest Service access to the road at any time indefinitely into the future.  Marc Marquis said that he could add language in the easement to limit the access of the USFS.

Morse/Farr well Covenant

The district has received their revised sign copy that was prepared with their attorney’s council. The commissioners agreed that it was not acceptable.

Commissioner Harris motioned to have Marc resend the original Covenant to their attorney along with a cover letter explaining why the Covenant presented to them, was worded the way it was.  It was based on DOH requirements. Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Water Right Transfer Update

Mr. Marquis reported that 8 or 9 transfers have moved through the Conservancy Board and 2 (West & LWWU) have been approved and are in the hands of the DOE. There was a change to the WP regarding the change in source application submitted in 2001.  Mr. Marquis feels that we are on the cusp of completing the transfers.

System Issues

Mr. Cruickshank reported on the Brown Road leak.

Commissioner Bohn moved to hire Mike Dickinson to fix the leak.  Then, following a discussion of establishing a financial limit for the repair, without additional board approval, he withdrew his motion.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to hire Mike Dickinson to repair the leak with the cost not to exceed $2,500.00 before the Commissioners would have to be notified, Commissioner Harris seconded, Commissioner Bohn would not vote as he felt it was a maintenance issue and did not need an official motion.


Commissioner Klasell pointed out that we need to update all our policies with emphasis on:

  • The asset plan to include threshold limits where an item changes from an expense to an asset.
  • Archival Policy
  • Record Request Policy

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Commissioner Harris suggested that the policies be divided between the Commissioners to be updated and then discussed. Commissioner Klasell volunteered to obtain other district policies, distribute to the Commissioners.  At the first May meeting they will be discussed.

Commissioner Klasell reported that she found a bulk email program.  Clerk Kinney will look at it to see if it would improve the bulk email process.

There has not been a response from Bill Burgess.  The commissioners requested Commissioner Harris to send him a letter offering the continuation of his water service, contingent upon the continuation of the water payments, until next year when the LWWD construction begins.

Clerk Kinney will check to see if the letters were sent to Steve George and Edward Martinez.

The next meeting will be April 11, 2013 at 10:00 am.

Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at 12:10 pm.

March 14, 2013 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

March 14, 2013                                                    

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype),  Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Mike Dickinson

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum existed


Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from Feb. 28, 2013

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #13 for $85,827.09, and supporting warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the Payroll voucher for February in the amount of $1,788.50  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,136.95 Motion seconded and passed.

Commissioner presented the project budget status and O&M budget status.

Commissioner Klasell went to a training class in Olympia presented by the State Auditor’s office.  She gave a brief summary of what she learned about what is required for our annual financial report that is due May 31, 2013 for next year.  They want to see more details in the minutes of what monies are spent from the Imprest account each month.  Going forward, Commissioner Klasell will provide that information when warrants are presented for approval.  She also learned that we need to set policies on record keeping, public record requests, and threshold limits for capital assets. As far as keeping documents, the State has archival services that we may be able

to use.

There also was discussion about the posting and depositing dates of payments. Legally, we are required to make deposits within 24 hours of receiving payment from a client. We have received approval from the county to make deposits once a week. Commissioner Klasell stated we need a letter from the county giving us a variance to make deposits once a week.  She has asked Teresea Pinneo from the county to issue us that letter.

USFS Meeting Recap

Commissioner Klasell provided an update about her meeting with the USFS and Karen Korhner on March 6. Some of the main points were they need to have their own Archeology report/survey which includes the WP spring, the new tank site, the temporary access road on USFS property,  and along North shore.  The cost recovery agreement is still not ready for signing, and until we sign that and they received the funds, work will not be started. However, they feel that they should be able to complete the permit process by end of July, with our permit being issued in August.

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They asked if a gate was being installed to prevent access to the road and the tanks.  Commissioner Klasell informed them that we will have a gate, as she thought the owners requested that, and they were happy with that. However, a gate requirement was not in the MOU and we would prefer to not have a gate unless necessary. It was decided that this will be tabled for now on making the decision on location and type of gate. .

The bottom line is it looks like construction will be delayed because the cultural review process (Section 106) is not complete until we have the USFS permit. DOH will not issue the letter allowing us to begin construction until the cultural review is complete. The possible options for more financing were discussed, including increasing the LID or issuing Revenue bonds. Commissioner Klasell present some various financial scenarios, but the discussion was tabled as we can’t make any decisions until we have more information from Karen Korhner as to how much additional funding this delay is estimated to cost.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Commissioner Harris, contact Mark to have the forest service added to the driveway easement.

The contractor resumes were discussed.  Commissioner Bohn felt we should wait on choosing a contractor until we know if we will be starting construction this year. If it is a go, then we go into and executive session to make the selection.

Commissioner Bohn moved to table the inspector issue, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to have Clerk Kinney email the contractor applicants to advise of delay in decision, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Morris/Farr well Covenant

Commissioner Klasell received an email from Mr. Morse regarding the wetland hearing.  Commissioner Klasell responded that the well house was not on their land.  She had emailed them after our last meeting with the decision of the Commissioners that we will pay up to six hundred dollars toward their attorney, if the signed Covenant is received by April 1st. They have not responded, and further action was tabled until the 28th meeting.

Bill Burgess

We have not heard from him. Clerk Kinney was instructed to contact Mark to make sure the letter was sent to Mr. Burgess.

Other Business

Commissioner Harris brought up the budget for clarification of the numbers presented.  A discussion occurred and Commissioner Klasell explained the numbers and where they came from.

Charlie, our operator asked if he could clean up the down limbs and trees over the creek.  It was felt that he should be able to do that as part as the maintenance for the site.

Charlie asked about installing the meter on the Mountain Park well. The commissioners had authorized Charlie to do that last summer, but RH2 had advised him to wait for the new pump house construction. Since we are not building a new pump house in Mountain Park, he will install the meter as soon as possible.

The next meeting is March 28, 2013 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.

Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at 11:35 am.

February 14, 2013 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

Feb 14, 2013

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris,  Secretary- Bonnie Klasell  Commissioner-Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Karen Dickinson, Barb Harris, Jim Kalinski, Dwight Burke, Mike Dickinson, Mike Babst

The meeting was called to order at 10 am.  Commissioner Harris acknowledged a quorum


The minutes for the Jan 31, 2013  were approved and signed.

Commissioner Klasell presented the estimated January Treasurer’s report (actual report not released from the county due to a new computer system), current budget status reports, A19 #12 and supporting CPF warrant, January payroll, and the O&M warrant.  We currently have $17,022.18 in our operating accounts (O&M and Imprest). The past-due accounts receivable is $1,762.00 as of 01/31/13.

Commissioner Klasellmotioned to sign the A19 voucher #12 for $57,595.73, and supporting Capital Porject Fund warrant. Commissioner Harris seconded and passed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for January in the amount of $2097.50.Commissioner Harris seconded and passed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,127.38. Commissioner Harris  seconded and passed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned  to accept Resolution 2013-214 to raise the clerk’s pay to $20.00/hr, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Project Status

There was much discussion regarding Mr. Kalinski’s request to be added to the LWWD, added to the LID and receive water to his property.  There were many options discussed.


Commissioner Harris motioned to add Mr. Kalinski to the LID by use of a waiver to service his property by running a two inch line that he will pay for. Once the cost estimate is received he can back out of the agreement within 72 hours of it being presented, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Tim Gellatly discussed the work change orders to the pump house plans.

Commissioner Harris motioned to stay with the original MOU dollar amount and accept the changes to the work statement proviced as long as he will work with the prime and put in the slab, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

The meter maps were discussed, and there were no last minute changes.

Mike Babst attended the meeting to make sure that we will notify the home owner when the work is being to install his meter so that he can make sure it is put in the correct place.  The Commissioners assured him that they would.

The final review maps will be picked up by Charlie Cruickshank. The Commissioners will review the maps and will resume this meeting at the district office on Feb. 25th to discuss any last minute revisions.

The ad for the inspector position was discussed and a shorter version directing the interest parties to the LWWD website for specifics of the qualifications needed will be placed in the Wenatchee World.

The upper system connection and easements were discussed for lots 1-6.  WPWUA put in the two inch water line on those lots but did not have an easement.

Commissioner Harris motioned to have Mark Peterson work up an Easements for all 5 property owners to sign to cover the line that is already installed, Commissioner Bohn seconded.

 The meter location change was discussed for Marie Mayer’s property.  She would like it on the Lake Wentachee Hwy but because of the wet land issue it cannot be done according to RH2.  More investigation needs to be done and Mark Peterson needs to weigh in on the issue.

The issue of too much pressure for certain properties and the need for PRV valves to reduce the pressure, was discussed as to who is responsible for installing, the district or the property owner.  It was agreed that the property owner would be made aware of the issue and would be responsible for installing and maintaining since it is past the meter.

Commissioner Harris motioned to make the propety owners responsible to install the PRV valve after being notified of the pressure issue, Commissioner Bohn seconded, Commissioner Klasell voted no.

Commissioner Klasell will attend the CUP and SSDP/WV hearing for Feb. 20 and March 6th (if needed)

The district is waiting for the archeologist’s revised plan.  It has not been received as yet. He is working with the FS archeologist who has to review the material from the DOH.  He is hoping that they will not require additional field work to be done, but if they do, it would have to wait until the snow is gone.  As soon as he hears something he can finalize the plan.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the water right transfer that our attorneys are working on. This is what Marc Marquis sent in an email:

 As you are aware, we are in the process of completing several water changes for the District. The purpose of these changes is to conform the 8 individual water rights to the service area of the water district. One final item for these changes involves integrating the conclusions from a hydrogeological report which concerns the hydraulic connectivity of the separate water supplies. We’ve been waiting on this report for a few months now. I received this report during the first part of January and spent a few hours updating all our water change documents. These changes are now complete and I will present them to the Chelan County Water Conservancy next Thursday for review and hopefully approval. Once approved, the Board will forward the documents on to DOE for further review. With any luck, we should have our final answer around June. Please let me know if you have additional questions.


Agreements/MOUs for USFS access

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Mtn. Park

 Commissioner Klasell reported that Mr. Farr did not like the herbicide requirement.

Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn to meet again on Monday, Feb 25th at 10am at the District offices to discuss the final map changes, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

  Lake Wenatchee Water District

  Continued  Commissioners Meeting

 Feb 25,2013

 at  LWWD Office


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via telephone),  Secretary- Bonnie Klasell  Commissioner-Landis Bohn


Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney                                  


Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:10 am acknowledged a quorum.


The meeting was extended to discuss any last minute meter location changes from the maps provided by RH2 before the project goes out for bid.


There was extensive discussion about the changes that the commissioners agreed on.  Commissioner Klasell will make the changes on the maps and send them to RH2.


There is one customer on the Brown Road system who is currently getting water and is paying the monthly fee.


Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Commissioner Bohn contact the affected customer and give him until April 1st to connect and be part of the LID and destroy the opt-out paperwork or his water will be shut off when the new system is installed and if he does not respond by April 1st and decides to be added later, he will pay for any additional change order costs. Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.


 There was a discussion about the Harris Wiseman line and it was decided to table the discussion until the general meeting and Mark Peterson will be contacted for legal advice in the meantime.


There are multiple properties from non-association parcels that we have not heard from regarding a meter.


Commissioner Klasell motioned to not put vaults or meters on those properties, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.


 Commissioner Klasell announced that the next meeting will be held on Feb. 28th at 10 am at the fire station on the Lake Wenatchee Hwy.


Meeting adjourned at 12 noon.