Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
June 27, 2013
At the Station #9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Consultants: Marc Marquis, attorney
Guests: Barbara Harris, John Klasell
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:02 am, acknowledged a quorum
Commissioners approved and signed the revised 06/13/13 minutes
The lap top computer that is used to read the meters has battery issues. It was decided to limp along with plugging it into a power supply. Other options will be looked at, including a hand held device.
The TAK software update decision was tabled until the next meeting.
Commissioner Klasell opened the discussion regarding the resolution for establishing our small works roster.
Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the Resolution 2013-06-27A to establish a Small Works Roster Process to Award Public Funds, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Commissioner Klasell presented the Public Records Disclosure policy for the Commissioners review.
Commissioner Klasell moved to accept Resolution 2013-06-27B to create a Public Records Disclosure Policy, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
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Project Issues
USFS permit update: The forest service inspected the site on the 7th of June but the district has not heard anything from them to date. We are waiting for their approval. We need the forest service archeological monitoring plan before Aleceia Tilley at DOH can distribute our revised monitoring plan prepared by our archeologist, Glenn Hartman to the appropriate parties for approval. This is essential in completing the Section 106 process and getting approval to begin construction.
Maintenance Road Easement: The easement, with the updated map, has been signed by Landis Bohn. The Waletsky’s have indicated that they are agreement with the location change.
Commissioner Klasell proposed that Bruce send a copy of the updated easement along with the updated map to Mr. Waletsky; once we receive an email with his approval is the easement will be recorded.
Marie Meyer Property: Marc Marquis, the district’s attorney, was brought up to date on the history of the Meyer property. A discussion ensued. Marc will update his letter to her attorney and submit it to the Commissioners for their approval.
Mtn. Park: Our attorney has not had the opportunity to respond to the Farr/Morse attorney, per the motion made on 6/13/13. He will handle this asap.
Water right transfer update: Marc indicated that DOE has complicated the process by requiring us to resolve issues that have previously been approved by DOE. As a result, we will not have the water rights transferred in June as initially projected. The questions submitted by the DOE are being addressed. Because of the DOE delay, more will have to be spent on attorney fees to get this accomplished. At request of Commissioner Harris, Marc gave a rough estimate that the completion of the water right transfer process could run as high as $10,000 more in legal cost due to the additional responses for data requested by the DOE.
Other Issues
The district will purchase a conference communication device for those Commissioners who cannot physically attend a meeting. Clerk Kinney was instructed to purchase the device.
The district operator, Charlie indicated that he inspected all sights for damage from the recent earthquake. There was no damage that he could detect.
Charlie reported neither Mt. Park nor the LWWUA had formerly submitted any WUE reports, and if there was no disagreement from the Commissioners, he would not submit one this particular year since we had no values to report. He will use the same verbage used last year for both the BR and WP systems, but he still needs water usage from the Whispering Pines water system. The Commissioners agreed with this, and Commissioner Harris and Commissioner Klasell will make sure that he gets the data he needs.
The next meeting will be held on 07/11/2013 at 10:00 am
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:45 am.