Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
September 26, 2013
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via phone), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Charlie Cruickshank
Professional: Marc Marquis
Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, acknowledged a quorum
Commissioners approved and signed the revised Sept. 12, 2013 minutes
Project Issues
USFS Permit Update: The Forest service is working on preparing the notice to be published in the paper. There will be a 30 day response period after it is published which will occur around the end of October. If there are no responses the decision notice and permit can be issued.
Budget Overages/Funding options: Commissioner Klasell presented the Rural Development Funding requirements which are extensive and have to be completed before and application can be submitted.
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She also reported that she talked with Darwin Parker of Banner Bank who indicated that he would rather issue a revenue bond instead of including the loan in the LID. The Commissioners agreed that obtaining private funding is the better way to proceed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to allow the private lenders to contact our attorney Marc Marquis, if they have any questions regarding the LID, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
99% Plan: Following a brief discussion regarding the plan Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the 99% plan so it can be presented to the DOH, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Maria Meyer: Marc reported that he had heard from her attorney with a request that the district pursue adding her service to the wetland variance. The Commissioners agreed that before any more work is done on the issue, that Maria must agreed to be responsible for any costs (Engineer and Attorney) to pursue the matter further. Marc will inform her attorney.
Bill Burgess Connection: The Commissioners agreed that another letter should be sent to Mr. Burgess regarding either joining the LID or being removed from the system.
DOE/Water Rights Transfer: Marc reported that all the other water rights transfer reports are almost ready to be submitted to the DOE. He is confident that they will be accepted this time.
System Issues
Registering with 811-Call Before You Dig: Clerk Kinney reported that she had been in contact with Call Before You Dig and they will notify us if there is a planned dig in our area, but we would have to do the locating. Marc indicated that legally we are required as a District to participate. The Commissioners felt that Charlie would be the best person to do the locating. The District will purchase any needed equipment to do this. Clerk Kinney will obtain the necessary application and get the process started.
Clerk Kinney will send an email to Paul Gray who prompted the issue to let him know that in the future we will be participating and the Charlie will mark his water service.
Snow Plowing: The three small roster contractors that we contacted for a bid last year will be approached again this year. The Commissioners agreed that we will require the use of a smaller piece of equipment for the Mountain Park well house. Commissioner Klasell agreed to prepare the letters.
Our operator Charlie passed out water usage reports for review. I pointed out that there is a significant leak in the Lester Addition. He investigated the area and located the sound of running water at one residence. Commissioner Harris agreed to contact the homeowner and report back.
Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 am, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will October 10, 2013 at 10:00 am.