January 23. 2014 Minutes

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                           Commissioners Meeting

                                                               January 23, 2014

                                                            at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell (via Skype), Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Elaine Kinney

Professionals: Marc Marquis-attorney, Dan Bannier-RCAC

Guests:  Barb Harris, Jim Cook, Jim Coley, Cleve Borth, Norman & Mike Simon, Byron Dickinson, Dede Shilling, Bill & Dana Isherwood, Karen Dickinson, Tim Gellatly.

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, acknowledged a quorum and asked those present to introduce themselves.

WUE Hearing

Commissioner Harris started the hearing by presenting the Districts 6 year goals which are:

  • Reduce total well production 3% by 2019
  • Install consumption meters to all customers by Dec. 2017
  • Reduce leakage to 10% by 2018 

    In addition the District will:

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  • Implement a lawn and garden water education program to include smart watering tips for the summer months.
  • Implement a rate structure once all parcels are metered which would favor water conservation by Jan. 2018 

    After the goals were presented to those attending, there was a Q & A period that followed.


    Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the Resolution 2014-1-23 to accept the WUE goals, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.


    Commissioner Harris closed the hearing and opened the regular Commissioners meeting.


    Project Updates


    Commissioner Harris went over the project overview for the customers present.  This same information was previously presented to all customers in the form of a letter that was mailed after the Jan. 9th Commissioners meeting.  He pointed out that the Forest Service permit has caused the biggest delay in construction as well as the un-anticipated costs related to the permit which included easements to cross private property for the Forest Service access road, additional surveying/engineering and the section 106 cultural reviews for Indian artifacts. The immediate need to start a section 106 process review  was required when the District dug a test well on Karen Dickinson’s property.  The well was proven out, tested and sealed, but any future construction was halted by the Department of Health until the cultural review and associated permits were all completed. The DOH also required the district to hire an archeologist during construction at a cost of $600.00 per hour.


    Commissioner Harris presented the Districts plan for completing the construction which includes splitting the construction between 2014 and 2015 and obtaining additional funding, which will hopefully come from the WA State Drinking Water Revolving Fund at a rate of 1% interest with a 50% grant over 20 years.  The State felt fairly confident that the money will be available for 2015 to meet the District’s needs.  The 50% grant is not guaranteed but DOH is going to every attempt to make funding available.  If for some reason the drinking water fund is not there, the District has worked with Banner Bank for backup funding.


    Commissioner Harris announced that the Forest Service permit has been approved and is ready to be signed by the district and Forest Service Supervisor on Friday of this week or Monday of next week.


    Commissioner Klasell moved to authorize Commissioner Harris to sign both the Forest Service permit and RH2’s amendment 5, Commissioner Bohn seconded.




    The approval of the 2014 O & M Budget was tabled until another meeting.


    Commissioner Harris motioned to waived the reading of the minutes from the Jan. 9th 2014 meeting, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed. The Commissioners signed the minutes.


    Commissioner Harris brought up the fact that he has served as President for 2 years.  He felt that to avoid any implication that he is trying to mold the District’s policies, the position should be taken over by one of the other Commissioners. He asked Commissioner Bohn to take over.  Commissioner Bohn declined, stating that Commissioner Harris is doing a great job.  Because Commissioner Bohn did not run for re-election and has expressed a desire to resign, Clerk Kinney offered to step into Commissioner Bohn’s position and remain as the acting accounts receivable clerk.  Marc will have to look into the RCW rules to see if that is possible to maintain the current compensation polices now in place for staff and commissioners.  The matter was tabled until more information can be obtained.


    Other Issues


    Discussion of the short plat for parcel 271718430050, previously owned by Karen Dickinson, was discussed.  The completion of the short plat (from one to three parcels) was completed in June, 2013.  Therefore, it is assumed the three lots would automatically be included in the LID.  Two of the three lots share a well.  They did not opt out of the LID before the March 23, 2012 deadline set by the district, therefore it is argued that they should be part of the LID.  The issue was tabled for Karen Dickinson who will bring any supporting documents on the second meeting in Feb. when Marc will be present to present her case.  The District wants to do the right thing but needs to be careful not to set a precedent for future property splits.


    Mountain Park bladder tank replacement:  Charlie stated that the bladder tank that the LWWU has is a good tank and it could be used to replace one or both of the tanks that are failing.


    Commissioner Harris motioned to authorize Charlie to install the new tank in the Mountain Park pump house, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.


    There are two 6,000 gallon tanks on the upper Whispering Pines water system that need to be removed at the end of this year – either sold or cut up and destroyed.  Commissioner Harris asked Commissioner Bohn to look into selling the tanks. There will be two more 11,000 gallon tanks to dispose of in the near future.


    Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:45 am and announced that the next meeting Feb. 13, 2014 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.



January 9, 2014 minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                           Commissioners Meeting

                                                               January 09, 2014

                                                            at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell

Commissioner Landis Bohn Absent

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Elaine Kinney

Guests:  Barb Harris, Jim Ratley (via Skype)

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:02 am, acknowledged a quorum and announced those present.

Commissioner Harris and Commissioner Klasell were sworn into office by the Clerk, Elaine Kinney

Commissioner Klasell motioned to appoint Commissioner Harris as President, Commissioner Harris accepted, passed

Commissioner Harris motioned to appoint Commissioner Klasell as Secretary, Commissioner Klasell accepted,  passed.

Commissioners Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and accept and sign as written the December 12, 2013 minutes, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Project Issues

USFS permit update: The forest service has indicated that in two weeks we should have the permit.


Construction Schedule Split 2014/2015

  • Construction split: Karen has not given us the final budget numbers but they are expected soon.
  • Impact on Hashim MOU:  Commissioner Harris pointed out that if we are not finished with the Hashim property we will have to obtain an extension from Hashim or if Commissioner Bohn has been authorized to make the decision, he will need a power of attorney for this one decision.
  • RH2 change approval: After discussion the Commissioners decided that we should propose to RH2 to keep their current rate.

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Project Status Update letter

  • The Commissioners reviewed and approved the letter to be sent to all customers along with the WUE hearing announcement.
  • The Commissioners reviewed the Water Use Efficiency (WUE) goals and decided on the district’s measurable goals for WUE.   These goals will be discussed at the January 23rd Commissioners meeting with the public.  The announcement for the meeting will be published in the Wenatchee World on Sunday the 12th of January, mailed to each customer, and posted on the District mailbox.



Commissioner Klasell motioned that from this day forward, any document attachments should be printed out by each Commissioner and the clerk, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.  


Commissioner Klasell distributed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for December 2013; as of 1/7/14 our funds are $27,025.40 at the County; Imprest balance is $499.50.  Past due accounts amount to $679.39


Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,860.69.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris. Warrant includes $296.27 for the Imprest account to pay USFS permit and iPage fees that are due ASAP.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for December in the amount of $872.00  Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated DWSRF budget status as of 12/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #23 for $6,941.71 and supporting CPF warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the recommended O&M budget for 2014; commissioners and well operator are to review and submit changes prior to next meeting.  Budget will be approved then.

Other Issues

Karen Dickinson split a piece of property into 3 lots.  The Commissioners discussed sending a letter inviting the owners of the three properties to join the LID and get water.  The Commissioners will prepare a letter to be sent. The issue will be decided at the next meeting when our attorney is present.

Servicing Mt. Park in ditch under Lake Wenatchee Hwy:  Charlie reported that he feels with the spring drainage, the insulation that he installed will allow runoff flow.

Landis Bohn request for variance of meter change on lot #5 and a credit and relief of charges for same lot:

Commissioner Harris informed the board that after conferring with our attorney, Marc Marquis, LWWD is required to honor all prior debts, errors, omissions and obligations of the associations that transferred into the district on August 1, 2012.  Whispering Pines Water System Association’s (WPWUA) meter configuration was defined that all parcels within WPWUA, both vacant and occupied, will receive water vaults and meters.  Because the upper system meters are being relocated to easements by LWWD, a new vault and meter will be installed for parcel 271718925030 on Lakeview Drive at no additional installation or material cost to the owner.

Commissioner Harris moved that the request from Mr. Bohn for a refund of $390 in past payments on parcel # 271718925030 and relief from future water meter charges be denied, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

The Clerk will mail him his two bills for 1005 & 1006, along with a collection letter, a letter stating the Commissioners response to his request and a list of District policies.  The collection letter will give him until Feb. 15, 2014 to pay his balance without any further late fees.

The clerk reported that there is another customer requesting that the late fee be credited because they did not receive a bill on November first for Sept. and Oct.  The Commissioners decided that we can grant this one-time credit for the customer who called and allow all customers the same privilege.

Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 1:00 pm and announced that the next meeting is January 23, 2014, Commissioner Klasell seconded.