Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
February 27, 2014
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Elaine Kinney
Professional: Marc Marquis
Guests: Barb Harris (via Skype), John Klasell, Tim Gellatly
Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, and acknowledged a quorum
Commissioner Klasell moved to waive the reading of the minutes and sign as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Project Issues
The district received the DOH project approval letter allowing us to go to bid and begin construction. The phase one approval includes the Homestead well. The section 106 process will be complete at the end when the monitoring plan is completed at the end of project.
Easement issue on Lakeview: After discussion by the Commissioners of the placement of the pipeline in the plans which would require another easement it was decided to reroute the pipeline to make use of the 25 foot easement that the District already has. Commissioner Klasell moved to have RH2 redesign the plans to go up the 25 foot easement already in place, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the Phase One Plan after the Lakeview pipe re-route, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Commissioner Klasell reported on the Phase one bidding timeline. The advertisement will be published 03/4/14 and 03/11/14. If approval is received today, the bidding will close by April 3rd.
Discussion and approval of bid documents: There were some questions that came up regarding the bid documents. on line viagra Infertility treatment may involve the male, the female or both partners. Available as tablets, the medicine make men being able to satisfy their cheapest cialis lovers. Testosterone is a hormone that is actually a chemical substance produced by the body. purchase cialis It may generic cialis overnight show rare unwanted effects also.
Commissioner Klasell questioned the fact that there was no verbiage regarding trees that are removed from the county right of way. Charlie, the operator asked if the pipe used could be changed to C900 instead of the steel which would save some dollars both in pipe cost and installation. These questions will be asked of RH2 before the bid documents are approved.
Commissioner Klasell moved to assign Commissioner Harris to communicate the Districts approval of the bid documents, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.
In order to move the bidding process forward Commissioner Klasell proposed to continue the March 27th meeting until April 4th to award the contract. The Commissioners agreed that this would be a good idea. The idea will be voted on at the March 27th meeting.
System Issues
Commissioner Bohn parcel/pipeline issue: The District received a letter from Commissioner Bohn addressing the fact that a water pipe that crosses a portion of his property and other property owners which delivers water to his lot and others was put in by the WPWUA. In 2010 he refused to sign the easement for the water line after the installation. He is now asking for rental money for the pipe until the new system is complete. There was much discussion amongst those present. There was no agreement reached and the issue was tabled until another regular meeting.
MTN Park customer Krystal Sweetwood: It has recently come to light that her property does not have access to water from the District yet she has been paying the basic rate since August 2012. The question is should she be. The matter was tabled until more information can be obtained.
Ballantine property: Clerk Kinney reported that Dave Leonard called and reported that he checked his house on Brown Road and the water to his former shop is still turned off and has been for 4 to 5 years. Tim Gellatly reported that he did some work on the shop in question and it did have water service. He volunteered to contact the owners and investigate if indeed it does have water and where is it coming from and if they are part of the LWWD where would they like their meter. The matter was tabled until the next meeting.
Lake Wenatchee Water Pump House: Charlie reported that they have water and he has the float switch and when he can have access to the reservoir, he will fix the problem.
Charlie also asked if he could purchase a lock that matches the other locks used by the District for the Hashim gate which blocks our legal access to the BRWU tank. Charlie will contact Mr. Hashim and advise him of our intent.. This will provide access to the property without Mr. Hashim giving the District a key.
Commissioner Klasell moved to have Charlie purchase the paddle lock, contact Mr. Hashim, and install the lock, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Marc reported that he heard from the DOE and they have finalized the Admin portion of the Dickinson water right and he will get that run through the Conservancy board next Thursday so all water right transfers should be done.
Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:00, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be March 13, 2014 at 10:00 am.