Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
March 27, 2014
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Elaine Kinney
Professional: Marc Marquis
Guests: Barb Harris (via Skype), Tim Gellatly
Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, and acknowledged a quorum
Commissioner Klasell moved to waive the reading of the minutes and sign 03/13/14 as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Project Issue
Commissioner Klasell moved to approve the Addendum #1 changing the bid opening date to April 7, 2014, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Commissioner Bohn gave his recap of the pre-bid walkthrough. The items presented by Thomas Leake at RH2 were reviewed and discussed.
Hashim property during construction: The agreement states that, gravelling is required to keep the dust factor down and the district will honor that agreement. It was noted that this does not apply to forest service land.
Commissioner Klasell met with the contract administrator who reviewed the MOU agreement with Karen Dickinson. She pointed out that under no uncertain terms could Karen Dickinson have the pump house built and paid for by federal funds. The project had to be put out for bid. Commissioner Klasell regrets their decision but there is no way around it. A meeting will be set up with Karen to renegotiate the terms and come to a mutually agreed decision. She will be invited to the next meeting on April 10, 2014.
Programmer Advertising: There was much discussion on how to proceed after much correspondence from RH2.
Commissioner Bohn motioned to revoke the motion from the March 27, 2014 meeting to advertise for a programmer, Commissioner Harris seconded, Commissioner Klasell voted no.
RH2 Construction Support/Supplement 6: Supplement 6 estimate came in nine thousand more than the original estimate presented on January 15th. After some discussion it was decided to ask RH2 to relook at it to try and get closer to the original estimate. If that cannot be done, the District would like the reasons why. It will not be signed off until this is done.
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Final Water Right Transfer: Marc reported that the original report for the Dickinson water right, retaining their irrigation source, came in with an error that had to be corrected. It has been corrected and the new report received. It will be presented to the Conservancy Board on April 14, 2014. Once approved, it will complete the transfers.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign voucher 26 for $16967.16 which will pay for the Homestead well drilling, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the warrant for $585.00 which will refund the monies received for water by Krystal Sweetwood, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Amendment A which changes the scope, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.
System Issues
Charlie reported that the repairs have been made to the LWWU reservoir. He also reported that there are no other issues.
Other Issues
Commissioner Klasell informed the Commissioners and the Clerk that the upcoming seminars by the State Auditor regarding open government and transparency should be attended by all. Clerk Kinney and Commissioner Harris have already signed up.
Clerk Kinney informed the Commissioners that she will not be in attendance for the April 10, 2014 and the May 8, 2014 meeting.
Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 am and reported that the next meeting will be held on April 10, 2014 at 10 am at the District Nine Fire Station, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned.