Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
July 24, 2014
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, President (via Skype) Bonnie Klasell, Secretary; Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Elaine Kinney, Charlie Cruickshank
Professional: Thomas Leake, RH2
Guests: Barb Harris (via Skype)
Commissioner Harris moved to rescind the motion made on July 10th for the continuance of the July 10th meeting to July 17th. This motion is made due to the fires which prevented Karen Klocke and Dan Bannier from attending the meeting because of road closures and increased activity at the Fire Station , Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the July 10, 2014 meeting, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed..
Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:00 am, established a quorum.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for the July 10, 2014 meeting and accept and sign as presented, Commissioner Bohn seconded.
Project Issues
Construction Update: Charlie reported that progress is slow due to the amount of rock encountered. He reported that they encountered a large boulder that had to be broken up to be removed which takes a great deal of time.
Thomas Leake had very little to report. He questioned a water line on a property on North Shore. Charlie volunteered to contact the customer to find out about the line and meter placement.
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Property owner issues: Charlie reported that the gate at the end of Lake View Drive was damaged. It will be repaired when the concrete is available for the pump house pour on Brown Road. The gate was damaged by someone other than the construction crew or the District.
The issue of the two-track easement was tabled until the August 14 meeting because Marc Marquis could not attend the meeting.
Other Project Issues
The meeting with Dan Bannier and Karen Klocke (DWSRF) has tentatively been schedule for the August 14th meeting. Commissioner Harris will verify their ability to be in attendance.
Franz Mayer connection issue: Bryce MacKay, his attorney, indicated that Mr. Mayer does not want the water line installed on the Lake Wenatchee Hwy. He will obtain, and provide a recorded easement to the District, to install a line across private land or a permission letter to add an additional line next to Marie Mayer’s water line, to connect to the Brown Road line on Brown Road.
Other Issues
Charlie did not have any operation issues
Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 am, Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed .
The next meeting will be held on August 14, 2014 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station on the Lake Wenatchee Hwy.