Lake Wenatchee Water District Commissioners continued meeting from October 23, 2014
October 30, 2014
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Guests: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum and pointed out that the meeting was to discuss any project issues that need discussing and to determine the project status.
Project Status
Charlie and the Commissioners discussed the recent communication from RH2 regarding the pump in the new facility. A pump that requires a 240 volt output was purchased for the new combined facility. The facility was wired for 480 volt. Therefore, the pump needs replacing. The contractor wants to leak test the new reservoir and lines so plans are in the works to use water from the old Brown Road well to fill the reservoir for testing until the new pump is purchased and installed.
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Charlie reported that the electrician is working on the electrical at the new reservoir. He has not done work on the Mountain Park or Lake Wenatchee site. The PUD has installed power. The new pump should be here by Tuesday or Wednesday next week.
Commissioner Harris pointed out that since we do not have a switch over date, the residence’s that are affected by increased pressure, cannot be contacted to see if they would like their water turned off. When we have the date, calls will be made notifying the affected residents. The operator, Commissioners, and clerk will turn off the meters if needed and place a notice on the front door letting the property owner know the water is off at the meter.
Lakeview residence concerns: Charlie reported that the contractor and he had spoke with the one customer on numerous occasions. He will continue to communicate. Their issues are being addressed as they can.
Other Issues
Two track easement feedback: There has been no response back from the three parties that received the letter about the easement.
Commissioner replacement: There has been one response to this notice. An appointment will be made at the next regular meeting on Nov. 13, 2014.
Commissioner Harris continued the meeting until November 6, 2014 at 10 am at the Chelan County Fire Station.