Lake Wenatchee Water District Commissioners continued meeting from November 13, 2014
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell (via Skype), Jim Ratley
(via Skype)
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney
Professional: Marc Marquis, attorney
Guests: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:15 am and acknowledged a quorum and pointed out that the
meeting was to discuss any project issues that need discussing and to determine the project status.
Public comments: There were no public comments
Project issues
Because Charlie, the operator and inspector, was not present, he could not provide any updates.
Commissioner Harris reported that he spoke to the foreman, John who indicated that because of the wetness of the
weather and the temperature, the asphalting and sealing will not be done at this time. He was not sure of the status
of the hydro-seeding. He will get back to Bruce.
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of Waletzky and McCarthy property and the Shilling property, just have the location flags. Commissioner Harris
asked Commissioner Ratley to compose a letter to the three property owners, after more information is obtained
from Charlie, to communicate what can be completed this year and what will have to be done next spring after the
snow melts. Commissioner Ratley asked for both of the other two Commissioners input before composing the letter.
Other Project Issues
Tice easement letter response: Following some discussion about the Brown Road blanket easement:
Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Marc revise the letter he composed, distribute to the Commissioners for
approval, then send to Mr. Tice, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Hashim email response:
Commissioner Harris motioned to have Mark prepare a response letter to Mr. Hashim informing him that the
agreement for two meters and a pipe line cannot be completed until next summer during Phase 2 construction,
Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting early due to communication problems with the internet and phones.
The next meeting will be held on Dec. 11, 2014 at 10:00 am.