Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
Jan 22, 2015
Held at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Jim Ratley (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Bruce Harris
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Guests Present: Barb Harris, David Tice, Landis Bohn
Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and acknowledged a quorum existed.
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for Jan. 8, 2015; Commissioner Klasell seconded, approved and signed.
Public Comments: Landis Bohn inquired about the status of spending for Phase 2. Commissioner Klasell informed him that we were about 5-6% under our contract amount.
David Tice had some questions about the easement for the pipe installed on his property. The Commissioners felt that they were not the best person to answer. They will inquire and report back to him. Mr. Tice is concerned about the easement wording regarding the septic field impact. He will revise and return to the District attorney.
Project Status-Phase 1
Charlie Cruickshank reported that most of the work has been completed but the electrical work is not complete.
Project Issues
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Right of Entry: Commissioner Harris motioned to send out the ROE agreement with meter location maps and cover letters to the 5 Lakeview Drive customers impacted, along with the project update letter and tree removal maps, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.
Commissioner Harris motioned to send the Project update letter along with the tree removal maps, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Hashim response: After discussion, Commissioner Klasell motioned to compose a letter to Mr. Hashim informing him of the commissioners’ decision regarding his agreement extension Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Commissioner Harris will compose the letter for approval at the next meeting.
Baker Easement: Marc Marquis received the acknowledgement that Ms. Baker received the Easement letter. Commissioner Ratley will compose a note to be sent to her via email as a reminder. Clerk Kinney will email.
Liquidated Damages: The amount of damage resulting from the delay in completion was discussed.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to pursue liquidated damages from Belsaas and Smith for the actual costs incurred after the project has been completed, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.
The Commissioners agreed that Commissioner Ratley will prepare the meeting agendas.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:00 pm and announced that the next meeting is Feb. 12, 2015 at 10 am.