March 26, 2015 Minutes

                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      March 26, 2015

                                               at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President – Jim Ratley, (via Skype), Secretary – Bonnie Klasell Commissioner, Bruce Harris (via Skype)

Staff Present: No staff Present

Guests Present: Barb Harris (via Skype)

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:00 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Klasell read the minutes from the meeting on 3/1/515. One correction was noted. Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the minutes, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

Public comments: No Public Comments

Project status – Phase 1

Jon Blackmore of Belsaas and Smith reported to Karen Kornher last week that nothing new has been done on the project. As of today, there is still a list of a few items to finish, including electrical work at Mtn. Park. No ETA of when this work will be done.

Tice Easement – we mailed him the revised easement on March 13, 2015 and as of today have not received a response. Commissioner Ratley will contact Mr. Tice via email to remind him we need a signed copy back so we can record it.

Project Status – Phase 2

Brown Dirt Road – our attorney, Marc Marquis prepared easement documents for the Dickinson et al parcel and the Donaldson parcel. Commissioner Harris had a question on easement length on the Donaldson easement; he will contact Marc for further explanation. There was much discussion about who legally owns the dirt road, the commissioners decided to wait to send the easement requests until ownership can be determined. Commissioner Klasell will contact Karen Dickinson to see if we can get a copy of their property survey, and Commissioner Harris will contact Karen Kornher to see if we have engineering options regarding water main placement if we can’t determine ownership of the property and acquire easements.

Bohn ROE (Right of Entry Agreement)– Mr. Bohn returned his ROE with conditions on meter/vault placement. The commissioners discussed the options and feel there is a third option that is better for the district. Commissioner Harris will prepare a new ROE and map showing a revised meter/vault placement and will send it off to Mr. Bohn for signature. He will check with Karen Kornher first to see if our new location won’t cause any water pressure issues.

Hashim Amendment: Commissioner Klasell motioned that we sign the amendment forwarded to us by Mr. Hashim’s attorney, Commissioner Ratley seconded – motion passed. Commissioner Harris will mail the original with signatures to our attorney to be returned to Mr. Hashim for his signature.
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Schedule Delay/Impact – the contractor is delaying the start of construction from April 13th to April 20th, the commissioners only concern is that Mr. Hashim’s pipe and 4 meters are installed by July 1st, NO EXEPTIONS!

Website Updates – we will update the website with construction schedule/updates bi-monthly or as needed.

Additional ROEs : It has been determined that current mainlines reside on private property and we will need signed ROEs from a few more parcels so we can connect their service lines to the new mainline which will be placed in the county right of way (ROW). Commissioner Harris has prepared the cover letter and ROE, Commissioner Klasell will mail them out to the parcels involved. Commissioner Harris will mail a response letter to Baker advising that an easement is no longer required from her, but we will need a ROE agreement.

Change Orders – the commissioners defer to RH2’s expertise on whatever is most cost effective – individual change orders or keep track and doing an overall change order at the end of the project.

Meter placement issues:

Schulze meter – Commissioner Harris has attempted to contact Mr. Schulze regarding his meter placement, but the email address and phone number we have are not correct. Commissioner Harris will contact Karen Kornher and advise to keep meter in location across the street on the edge of his parcel.

Kulinski/Johanneson – Commissioner Klasell will email Mr. Kulinski to verify that he and Johannessen are in agreement on meter placement/running a new service line to her parcel.

Martinez has expressed that he does not want to connect to the system, as he has a permit to  draw water from the lake. This parcel is in the LID. The commissioners decided to have a  double vault placed for possible future connection with new owners.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Commissioner Harris be the point of contact for meter related questions and make decisions on any meter location changes, Commissioner Ratley seconded; motion passed.


Clerk/customer mailings – going forward, we will assign one commissioner for point of contact to advise Elaine as questions arise.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to no longer sign meeting minutes, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

Clerk will be gone from March 24 – April 1, and April 6 – 10, 2015 – Commissioner Klasell will keep the district phone to handle customer calls during this time.

Operations: Charlie not at meeting – no updates

Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 12pm, Commissioner Ratley seconded. Meeting closed.

The next meeting will be April 9, 2015.

March 12, 2015 Minutes

                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      March 12, 2015  

                                                at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Jim Ratley, (via Skype) Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner-Bruce Harris (via Skype)

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Consultants: Marc Marquis-attorney

Guests Present: Barb Harris (via Skype), Landis Bohn

Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:02 am, announced those present and established a quorum.

Commissioner Klasell waived the reading of the 2/26/15minutes and to accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: No comments

Project Status-Phase 1

Mr. Tice Easement: The revised easement was read. Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the revised easement, as written, to be sent to Mr. Tice, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.

The Commissioners went into an executive session IAW RCW 42.30.110 (i) at 10:15 am announcing that it would end in 30 minutes.

The regular meeting reconvened at 10:45 followed by a 5 minute break.

Mr. Hashim:

Commissioner Ratley moved to have the District’s attorney draft a response offering Mr. Hashim one additional meter, for a total of three, and specify that the meter location must be clarified, motion failed.

Commissioner Harris moved to have the District’s attorney draft a response offering Mr. Hashim two additional meters, for a total of four, and the location must be in the public right-of-way on the western boundary of the Hashim property, Commissioner Klasell seconded, Commissioner Ratley voted no, motion passed.

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Dickinson, et al, Easement: Commissioner Klasell moved to have the District’s attorney prepare an easement for Dickinson, et al, and Donaldson to run a water pipe connecting the Brown Road system, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

Meter staking on North Shore:  The Commissioners discussed the staking and felt that Charlie should be the point person and most involved. Commissioner Ratley will prepare a letter to be sent to all customers on North Shore Drive about the meter staking.

ROEs:  All signed ROEs for Lakeview Drive properties have been received.  Mr. Bohn’s had an addendum that the commissioners will need to review.

Our operator reported on the tree removal.  POW, the Phase 2 contractor, recommended moving the water line, along Northshore Drive from approx. Sta 25+00 to 32+50 from the shoulder, to inside the pavement area.  This would save project money and would not require as many trees being removed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to accept POW’s recommendation to move the pipe line, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for February 2015; as of 3/1/15 our funds are $56,327.09 at the County; Imprest balance is $441.20.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,783.95.  Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed. Imprest expenditures in February were $117.00 for postage and mileage was $28.75.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for February in the amount of $1,364.00; Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #3 for $48,221.75 and corresponding CPF warrant for Phase 2; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. There was no pay request from Belsaas and Smith, therefore there was no A19 for Phase 1 to approve.


The leak on North Shore has not been repaired.

Homestead well:  The well is turned off until Clayton and Charlie can adjust the chlorine output to compensate for the increased sulfur in the well which will be accomplished by summer when there is more water usage.

Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:05.

The next meeting will be held March 26, 2015 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.