Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
April 9, 2015
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner-Bruce Harris (via Skype)
Commissioner Absent: Jim Ratley
Staff Present: Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Consultants: Karen Kornher, RH2
Guests Present: Barb Harris (via Skype), Cleve Borth
Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:02 am, announced those present and established a quorum.
Commissioner Klasell moved to waive the reading of the 3/26/15 minutes and to accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
Public Comments: No comments
Project Status – Phase 1
Reservoir water loss final resolution Auto-dialer failure & Scada login – Karen K. and Charlie are not sure if the issue is software related or something with the auto-dialer. Karen K. advised Clayton is trying to resolve, and she will have him install a backup auto-dialer on his next visit to see if that rectifies the problem.
Tice easement – no easement returned by Mr. Tice. Commissioner Klasell sent him an email on Tue, 4/7 reminding him, no response to email.
Hashim’s final agreement – signed agreement by Mr. Hashim was returned to our attorney last week, Marc Marquis has the original but a copy is on the district PC.
Change order #6 – Commissioner Klasell motioned to approve CO6 for $1048.00 to have Belsaas & Smith sleeve the septic line on Mr. Tice’s parcel, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. This is assuming Charlie gets approval from Mr. Tice, since we do not have an easement in place yet.
Punch-list April 13th – Commissioner Harris had questions regarding the review of the checklist items (some of which were on the punch-list) resulting from Phase 1 work that affected the Whispering Pines residents in the vicinity of the mainline pipe construction. It was decided that the best time for the evaluation of the unfinished items would be in May.
Decision on number of ‘as built’ drawings – 3 half-set were requested.
Project Status – Phase 2
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Phase 2 ROE’s – only one customer returned their ROE. Commissioner Klasell will contact owners via email and remind them that if we don’t have ROEs returned we can’t connect to their homes.
Karen Kornher’s attendance at commissioner meetings – Karen K will attend one meeting a month at no charge to the district. In addition, Adam will possibly attend the alternate meeting weeks if needed.
Change orders 2-4 – no actual change orders were given to commissioners for signature, but commissioners have reviewed the estimated costs and maps for each change order and are in agreement we need to proceed with them. Pipeline relocation along North Shore Drive is affected by CO2 & CO3. Meter relocations are on CO4 and each location was discussed; Charlie will follow up on the few that we still have questions about.
Status of Brown Road Easement – Karen K will discuss with our surveyor whether or not the west end of the road (between the Donaldson and Burgess parcel) resides on Donaldson’s parcel or Burgess’. Once we receive determination of that, the commissioners will decide at the next meeting whether or not to send prepared easements out for signature. In addition, we are waiting to hear back from Marc Marquis about some questions on the Donaldson easement language.
Tree removal – the county has now determined that they want the trees removed from public ROW and delivered to a location of their choosing. This is not what we agreed to 2 years ago and was not put into our bid. Karen K has asked the contractor for a price on this change, and we’ll decide how to proceed once we receive these figures.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #3 for $48,221.75 and corresponding CPF warrant for Phase 2; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. There was no pay request from Belsaas & Smith, therefore there was no A19 for Phase 1 to approve.
Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for March 2015; as of 4/1/15 our funds are $61,085.92 at the County; Imprest balance is $386.66. We have 2 customer past due 90 days, we will have to wait until Clerk Kinney returns from her medical leave to follow up on them.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $5,540.59. Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. Imprest expenditures in March were $52.73 for mileage and $79.56 for Cascade Analytical water testing (bills received after O&M warrant for March was approved).
No payroll to approve at this meeting since Clerk Kinney didn’t get her timesheet in prior to her surgery on April 6th. We’ll approve at the next meeting, since payroll isn’t entered into the County system until month end.
LWWD phone and being responsive to customers – 24/7 – Commissioners will have clerk put on district voice mail message if there is an emergency to contact Charlie directly (with his phone number included).
Power outages and “the need or no need” for a back-up generator – Karen K. recommends we enter into a rental agreement with a local company, rather than purchase a generator.
Operations of main 100,000 gal tank during winter months – Charlie will review need to increase water levels during winter months.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to adjourn meeting at 12:30pm, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
Next meeting – Apr 23, 2015