Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
May 28, 2015
at Station 91 Fire House
Commissioners Present: Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner-Bruce Harris
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Guests Present: Barb Harris, Dave Tice
Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and established a quorum with 2 Commissioners present.
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the 5/14/15 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Public Comments: Mr. Tice was in attendance to talk about the sulfur smell that he is experiencing at his home.
Charlie Cruickshank explained the steps he has taken to reduce the sulfur smell by limiting the amount of water pumped from the new well along with increasing the chlorination. He also explained why Mr. Tice and a few other property owners may be experiencing the sulfur smell. Their close proximity to the water source allows less contact time for the chlorine in the system to work on the sulfur content. The Commissioners offered some solutions that Mr. Tice could take to reduce the problem in the near term. The Commissioners will continue to monitor the situation but agreed to wait until the system is complete and all the water sources are mixed, to see if the problem decreases.
Project Status-Phase 1
Punch List: There are still items on the punch list that are not complete including the meters which do not seem to be functioning properly.
Commissioner Klasell reported that Cathy Brockmann indicated that the 5% retainer level for phase 2 funding has been verified and approved.
Project Status-Phase 2
Brown Road Easements: The easement documents have been sent to the Dickinson’s et all and Davis. They have not been received back.
The Hashim vaults have been installed with the actual meters to follow shortly. He will be notified that the conditions of the 2015 revised MOU will have been met by the district when the installation is complete.
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Meters for upper residences: Charlie did not have a firm schedule when they would be installed.
Chelan County Performance Bond: The District cannot get one and there is indication that it is not required.
Commissioner Harris moved to email Andrew Brunner, through Bonnie, informing him that the District is unable to provide a performance bond, Commissioner Klasell seconded.
Lakeview Drive Pavement: With all the information received to date, it appears the District will be paying for half of the road paving and the PUD the other half.
Charlie will prepare and emergency shutoff procedure and make it available in the combined facility along with lock out tags.
Mtn. Park Leak: The Commissioners agreed to do nothing now. The line will be replaced during construction on North Shore. If it gets worse before then, it will be repaired.
Charlie reported that the leak on North Shore near Mr. Dickinson’s parcel has not been repaired. He will contact the contractor again.
Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:15 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded.
The next meeting is June 11th at 10:00 am