Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
June 25, 2015
Station 91 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President- Jim Ratley, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner-Bruce Harris
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Consultants: Mark Marquis-attorney
Guests Present: Barb Harris, Jim Kulinski (via conference phone)
Commissioner Ratley called the meeting to order and acknowledged a quorum and announced those present.
Commissioner Ratley motioned to waive the reading of the minutes from June 11, 2015 and approve as presented, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Public comments: There were not comments
Project Status-Phase 2
Johannessen and Kulinski line extension and meter installation:
Commissioner Harris motioned to modify Mr. Kulinski’s ‘Petition to Join the LWWD LID’ to reflect a revised responsibility to pay for that portion of the line extension (approximately 108 feet) that extends beyond the Johannessen NE corner, which would be the proposed connection point if that were the most western property in the LID. All other considerations of the waiver would remain the same, Commissioner Ratley seconded, Commissioner Klasell voted no; motion passed.
Homestead well situation: Right now the well is turned off and will remain that way until we need the additional water. The Commissioners and Charlie, our operator, discussed the issue. It was agreed that when the whole system has been completed, the well situation will be visited again and addressed.
McCord and Norris easement issue: Marc Marquis reported that Mr. Norris was satisfied with his explanation that the easement he has attached to his property does not mean ownership. Commissioner Harris informed Mr. McCord the same thing.
Upper meter installation: The contractor was under the impression that easements needed to be obtained before the meters can be moved. They were informed at the construction meeting that was not the case. They will move the meters when they find time.
LWWU old meter replacements: It was discovered that the 7 customers from the former LWWUA had 1” meters, which are larger than we are installing. POW will make necessary modifications when installing our new meters, which are smaller.
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Washington State Budget Issue: POW has agreed to keep working until the issue is resolved.
There are a few properties where the service line cannot be located. Charlie will let the clerk know who they are. Commissioner Ratley agreed to compose a letter, letting them know the situation and that the meter will be installed where planned and that it will be their responsibility to connect. Bob West’s property has had a new meter put in that is smaller than the original. Because of this and multiple dwellings on his property using water through this meter, he has reduced pressure. After discussion a decision was made to return his service to the original size.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to reinstall Mr. West’s original meter and vault until the project is complete, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Project Status-Phase 1
Punch List: The final punch list is not complete. The issue of the meter interface with the SCADA software in the combined facility has not been resolved. Charlie also reported that the pump is making a noise which needs addressing.
Driveway restoration on the upper Lakeview properties: Commissioner Ratley motioned to submit a change order to POW to crack seal and seal coat the affected areas from Phase 1 per RH2’s assessment and recommendations, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.
Annual review of operative policies and directives: Commissioner Ratley motioned to accept the changes to the document as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
Commissioners position 1 and 3 opening: There has been no one signed up for the November election. Commissioner Ratley will talk with an interested member again.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the WUE and the Consumer Confidence reported to be submitted by Charlie and post to the LWWD website by June 30, 2015, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
Charlie reported that there is a leak at the western end of Fir Drive on the lateral line to the meter. He has called Mike Dickinson to repair. He felt it was an emergency repair.
There was also a leak on Lakeview with a valve. Charlie will evaluate the situation.
Commissioner Ratley motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:52 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.
The next meeting will by July 9, 2015