Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
July 23, 2015
Station 91 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President – Jim Ratley (Skype), Secretary – Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris
Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank
Professionals: Karen Kornher-RH2, Mark Marquis-attorney
Guests Present: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:03, established a quorum, and announced those present.
Commissioner Harris tabled approval of the July 9th minutes until the Aug. 13th meeting to give the Commissioners time to read them.
Public comments: There were no comments.
Project Status-Phase 1
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Punch List: The meter situation has not been resolved. RH2 will keep contacting them until it is resolved and we can close out Phase 1.
Upper System Driveway Repair: The issue was discussed. The Commissioners motioned last week to proceed with whatever recommendations RH2 provided. RH2 will prepare a change order for the repairs and stay within the four thousand credit received from Belsaas & Smith for the Commissioners review and approval.
Project Status-Phase 2
Homestead well sulfur issue: RH2 recommended to address the issue before the end of the project. Barney with RH2 recommended doing two tests now to determine the sulfur level. Commissioner Harris moved to have Charlie perform the two tests recommended by Barney, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.
Archeology Find: Commissioner Klasell had a conference call with the DOH, the Colville Tribe and Fennelle. recommended three more days of digging. RH2 pointed out that the District is done digging in the area, so therefore; the District has no more responsibilities
LID Closeout: Marc Marquis conveyed the requirements for LID closure. The necessary steps will be followed by the District. Each LID participant will be notified, by mail, according to the law. A public hearing will be held for comments after the mailings and newspaper notification.
There were not any operation issues.
Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:15, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Commissioner Harris announced that the next meeting is Aug. 13, 2015 at 10:00 am.