Minutes, January 14, 2016

                                                    Lake Wenatchee Water District

January 14, 2016

                                                                      Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Bonnie Klasell,  Bruce Harris

Staff Present Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Professionals: Marc Marquis Attorney

Guests Present:  Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am and established a quorum.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments

Customer re Parcel 271718330650 – Customer did not attend meeting.

Note: Commissioner Ratley’s term ended 12/31/15 as he sold his home and no longer resides within the district boundaries.  The Commissioners would like to advise anyone interested in this position needs to contact our clerk.  We thank Mr. Ratley for his contribution to the water district during his appointed term.  

LID Hearing 

Notices were mailed to all customers in the LID on 1/13/16.  Marc discussed the feedback from Chelan County Treasurer regarding payment procedure and the LID Resolution if assessment roll is accepted at the 1/28/16 LID hearing.  Hearing agenda was discussed, and how best to handle continuation of hearing if needed.  Marc will research procedures.  Decision was made to have a meeting run-through at the next scheduled public meeting on January 28, 2016.


Commissioner Kklasell moved to sign RH2 amendment #11 in the amount of $106,195 due to overages incurred during the project that were outside the scope of the original contract; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for December 2015; as of 12/31/15 our funds are $107,193.73 at the County. This includes retainage for POW as we did not receive their bond until yesterday. Imprest balance is $520.22.
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Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,747.57.  Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  There were no Imprest expenditures

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 2 A19 #13 for $11,521.31.  Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the CPF warrant in the amount of $11,521.31.  Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the December payroll warrant for $966.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Resolution 2016-01-14 approving the 2016 Budget; Commission Harris seconded, motion passed. 

Commissioner Klasell advised that earthquake and flood coverage were added to our policy, effective 1/1/16 but we have not received an invoice for it yet.


Charlie reported that he noticed an anomaly with the Lake Wenatchee Well meter and believed that water from Homestead Well is being pushed up and filling the reservoir.  He will contact Ryan at RH2 as the he believes this could be a design issue or perhaps a SCADA issue that they will need to assist us with.

There is an old fire hydrant on North Shore Dr. that is no longer connected to the system and was not removed during construction.  We will need to address this in the spring. It should be removed.

On December 10th the Brown Road Well was turned off and the Homestead Well turned on and chlorinated with the levels recommended by RH2 to remove the sulphur odor.  After a week or so, the Brown Road Well was turned back on and water was coming up from underground.  As of that date, Brown Road Well was turned off and will remain off until we can repair in the spring or it is necessary for immediate use.

Customer Kulinski reported low water pressure; Charlie determined it is caused by sand in his system from the repair to his vault by POW in November.  POW has agreed to pay for half of the cost (not to exceed $250) for Mr. Kulinski’s plumber to do the work to remove the sand from his water system. Mr. Kulinski was notified by email that he was responsible for costs beyond the $250 to be reimbursed by POW to remove the sand or for any additional work.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:45 pm

The next meeting will be held on Jan. 28, 2016 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91