Lake Wenatchee Water District
May 12, 2016
Station 91
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris
Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank
Professionals: Marc Marquis – Attorney
Guests Present: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:07 am and established a quorum.
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the 04/14/16 minutes and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.
Public Comments: No comments
LID Closure Update
LID county updates: Commissioner Klasell has access to the LID account where the monies are deposited. We have received $215,000.00 in payments so far.
Marc reported that he heard from a customer’s attorney regarding the LID. The customer is exempt from paying for water because of a prior agreement with the Lake Wenatchee water user association. He felt that it also exempted him from being part of the LID. Marc explained to his attorney that it does not. It only covers water usage.
General Service Contract with RH2: Marc and Charlie felt that it covered all our needs. Commissioner Klasell will ask Ryan to send a copy for the Commissioners signatures.
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Customer late fee issue: The subject was discussed and the Commissioners feel that we have to treat all customers equally. The customer will be informed that we will forgive one $7.80 late fee but the rest need to be paid.
Maria Mayer’s temporary connection: The issue of Mayer’s temporary above ground water line and Spoelstra’s new driveway was discussed and the Commissioners agree that the best solution is to move her meter to a new vault on the other side of that driveway. If she agrees to this recommendation and receives a wetlands permit, the meter can be moved back to the original vault. The District will get an estimate of the cost of installation of a vault which will be Mayer’s responsibility to pay.
DOH Lead Removal: The subject was discussed. We do not have any lead metal pipes in our main distribution system and all our tests for lead are within the Federal guide lines. Commissioner Klasell will look for a notice that can be sent to all customers letting them know that the water we provide is within compliance standards.
Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for April 2016; as of 4/30/16 our funds are $41,201.82 at the County. Imprest balance is $543.91. Imprest expenditures were $18.57 for office supplies. A/R shows $1,137.92 past due.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3014.56. Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 2 A19 #17 for $422.94 and supporting CPF Warrant. Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the April payroll warrant for $893.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
Brown Road well repair: Charlie has contacted the contractor. He will contact him again.
Lake View Drive sink hole in the newly paved road: Charlie will investigate and have RH2 contact POW if necessary.
Well configuration: Charlie reported that the Homestead well is now the primary source and has been for a while.
Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting 12:07 pm; motion passed.
The next meeting will be held on June 9, 2016 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91