Minutes, June 9 2016

                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District 

                                                       June 9, 2016 

                                                         Station 91 

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris 

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Professionals: Marc Marquis – Attorney

Guests Present:  Barb Harris 

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:03 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the May 12, 2016 minutes and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed. 

Public CommentsNo comments


County payment update:  The Chelan County treasurer provided a list of payments received through the 31st of May.  There are about 30% who have not paid as of that date.  More payments were received in the first week of June.  The County will provide us with a monthly list.

Marc has not received any further communication from Mr. Paris regarding his assessment.

Elaine reported that the District has received the FS payments for 3 of the 4 FS properties.  The fourth customer was sent an email.

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The General Service Contract with RH2, approved at the May meeting, was signed by Commissioner Harris.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for May 2016; as of 5/31/16 our funds are $46,645.06 at the County. Imprest balance is $332.54.  Imprest expenditures were $77.70 for postage; $133.67 for PUD.  A/R shows $730.32 90 days past due.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,824.28.  Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 2 A19 #18 for $588.16 and supporting CPF Warrant.  Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the May payroll warrant for $863.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 


Brown Road Well Repair: The repair has not been made.  The contractor is waiting to lease a piece of equipment to help with the repair. He indicated that he hopes to get to it on Wed. of next week.

Booster pump repair:  Charlie has been in contact with Ryan at RH2 who indicated that Belsaas & Smith have not returned his calls.  Commissioner Klasell emailed Ryan during the meeting.

Customer Repairs:  Charlie reported that the two meters that were installed backwards have been fixed.

Meter Reading Issues:  Elaine reported that she is working on the reading issues and hopes to have a list for Charlie of meters that are not giving a reading.

Mtn Park Pressure switch:  Charlie reported that he has replaced the switch.  After adjusting the water pressure in the pump house the pressure issue at Alnoch’s and Babst properties is now sufficient.

Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) and Water Usage Efficiency Report (WUE) have been prepared and will be placed on the LWWD website.  Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the reports as presented by Charlie, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:00 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded, meeting adjourned. 

The next meeting will be held on July 14, 2016 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91