Lake Wenatchee Water District
Sep 8, 2016
Station 91
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris
Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney; System Operator – Charlie Cruickshank; Legal Counsel – Marc Marquis
Guests Present: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and established a quorum.
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the August 11, 2016 minutes and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.
Public comments: There were no comments.
DWSRF Loan Closeout: It will not close before the end of September so our first payment will not be due until next October (2017).
Legal Service agreement: After discussing with Marc, it was agreed that he would attend quarterly and on an as needed basis.
Lien application on delinquent accounts: It was agreed that the clerk would send a notice of intent to lien to the three customers who are gravely delinquent. If payment is not received within 30 days of the lien notice, a lien will be applied.
CIAW Insurance renewal: Commissioner Klasell motioned to submit the application for renewal, Commissioner Harris seconded.
Office relocation: The Commissioners agreed that the clerk purchase a new desk chair for the office. Commissioner Klasell proposed outsourcing the accounts payable and receivable duties. The storage of records and the disposition of the physical equipment will be determined once the final decision on outsourcing has been reached by the commissioners. The clerk will continue with the clerical duties.
O&M Audit: Bonnie will meet with the auditor on Monday for an exit interview.
LWWD Policy updates: Some discussion and more work will be done for the next meeting.
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Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for August 2016. As of 8/31/19 our funds are $46,030.77 at the County. The Imprest balance is $418.32. Imprest expenditures were $54.40 for postage and $27.28 for a past due stamp.
Accounts Receivable shows $1,258.32 past due 90 days and $1,073.94 past due 30 days.
We have received $377,207.23 in LID payments; there are 23 parcels (14%) that have made no payments. The county will initiate foreclosure proceedings after 3 years of nonpayment.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $6,482.90; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the CPF Warrant in the amount of $1,713.04; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the July payroll warrant for $1,013; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
Well pump priority settings and SCADA antenna battery replacement: Charlie reported that he purchased batteries and will be moving the solar panel from the Lake Wenatchee water reservoir to the repeater station in Lester Addition. He and RH2 will be attempting to convert the solar application at the LWW reservoir to PUD power. The possibility of having PUD power brought to the tower will be investigated.
Customer meter readings: Elaine reported that she has been working with Master Meter and will reset the two meters that were installed backwards and turn on those meters that are not getting pings from. She will try and have this done by the end of September. Master meter will send the local customer service employee to help if needed.
Fir Drive Leak: It has not been repaired. Charlie will contact Dickinson Construction again.
POW leak charge and line locator issue: Marc said to have POW provide a line locator because it was in the bid. The District will not pay for the warranty leak investigation by POW because repairs were not made by them. Dickinson Construction made the repair.
The next meeting will be held on October 20 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91 and Elaine will post the notice of the date change.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 1:15 pm.