Lake Wenatchee Water District
December 14, 2016
Station 91
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris
Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank
Guests Present: Barb Harris, Ryan Peterson – RH2, Karen Klocke, DOH
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am
Commissioner motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Public Comments: There were no public comments.
2017 Comprehensive Plan Update: Ryan Peterson from RH2 reported that the current plan needs to be updated by May 11, 2017. We can either develop a Small Water Management plan or update the existing Comprehensive Plan. Ryan reported that there would not be much of a difference in cost.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to proceed with having an update to the existing Comprehensive Plan as opposed to a small water system management plan.; Commissioner Harris seconded. Ryan Peterson from RH2 will work up a contract proposal for approval at the next meeting.
Loan closeout/Project overview: Karen Klocke asked a series of questions about the construction process; after the commissioners meeting, Karen Klocke will view the project sites with Charlie and take documentation pictures
2017 Budget discussion was tabled until the Jan. meeting.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign Resolution 2016-12-14 adopting a cross-connection rule; Commissioner Harris seconded.
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Lien Status: The District has not heard anything from those properties that have had liens applied.
Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for November 2016. As of 11/30/16 our funds are $43879.40 at the County. The Imprest balance is $ 500.00
Accounts Receivable shows $1390.42 over 60 days past due.
We received $4,562.46 in LID payments in November; the balance in the LID payments is now $303,449.08
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,063.59; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the November payroll warrant for $838.00; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
LWW tank antenna tower: Charlie reported that the new backup battery has been installed. He discussed the possibility of putting the solar unit on a pulley system so it can be lowered to change the solar batteries and would not require a hoist lift.
Fir Drive Leak: The leak has been fixed and the line capped. The leak was a result of a stand pipe leaking. The Commissioners felt that the line should remain capped with no new stand pipe installed.
2016 Sanitation Survey: The district has submitted a plan to the DOH for addressing the issue of the Brown Road well manhole drainage. The plan has been accepted by the DOH. The intent is to do the work when spring arrives.
The clerk reported that all customers that were delinquent have paid or partially paid their bills except two customers.
Commissioner Harris adjourned that meeting at 11:40