Minutes, June 8 2017

Lake Wenatchee Water District

June 8, 2017

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris 

Staff PresentClerk – Elaine Kinney; Bookkeeper – Stanley Ornellas

Guests PresentBarb Harris, Barb Dickinson, Mike Dickinson

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the May 11, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments:  Barb and Mike Dickinson came to the meeting to protest the assessment on the property owned by several Dickinson family members where the Two Rivers Sand and Gravel office is located.  The whole LID process was explained to both of them and the Commissioners pointed out that there is nothing that can be done since the opportunity to request opt-out status for the LWWD LID #1 had closed on March 23, 2012.


Barnard Creek dam:  Trout Unlimited has taken over the project of removing the dam.

Commissioner replacements:  No one has  placed their name on the election candidate form for any of the three open LWWD positions.  The sign up for the November election will open again June 13-15 because there are still several posts vacant.

Clerk Transition status:  The transition is going well.  The move to Leo’s office was planned today but postponed until the rain has stopped.

Small works Roster:  The clerk will place the ad in the Leavenworth Echo.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign Resolution 2017-6-8 to update the LWWD Administrative and Operation Directives and the Financial Policy, Commissioner Harris seconded. 
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Bookkeeper Ornellas presented the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for May 2017.  As of 5/31/17 our funds are $58,034.60 at the County. The Imprest balance is $487.02. Imprest expenditures for April totaled $12.98 for windowed envelopes.

$66,411.54 in payments were received in May for the LID, our balance in the LID account is now $446,916.80.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,980.02 Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the May payroll warrant for $840.50; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 



The operator was not able to attend the commissioners meeting this month so there were no operation updates.  The operator submitted the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) and the Water Usage Efficiency (WUE) report for approval.

Commissioner Harris moved to approve the reports for submittal to DOH (WUE & CCR) and our customers (CCR), Commissioner Klasell seconded.

The clerk and bookkeeper will email the reports to those customers with emails and by mail to those who we do not have email addresses for.

Brown Road Ditch:  Nothing further has been done by the county.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:58 pm

Next meeting is July 13, 2017