Lake Wenatchee Water District
Feb 8, 2018
Station 91
Commissioners Present:, Commissioner Bruce Harris, Commissioners Cleve Borth (via conference phone), Commissioner Jim Cook
Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney, Bookkeeper – Bonnie Klasell, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank
Guests Present: Barb Harris, Leah Cook
Public Comments: No public comments
Charlie reported that the system is running smoothly with no issues other than some flooding around the combined pumping facility due to snow melt. He temporarily diverted the water but the district may need to have some drains installed on the hill side of the pump house.
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Barnard creek removal: Trout Unlimited has obtained the necessary permits. The project to remove the dam will be sent out for a bid in the summer of 2018 for removal during the driest time of the season.
LWWD website: Commissioner Harris pointed out that there are some documents that are not up to date. Bookkeeper Klasell will make sure that the website is up to date.
Accounts Receivable: $ 4925.50 over 90 days past due, $1624.06 over 30 days past due. This includes the 2 parcels on which we have placed liens.
Bookkeeper Klasell presented the un-reconciled Treasurers Report for January 2018. As of 1/31/18 our funds are $65,987.14 with the county. We have $383.15 in Imprest and our Imprest expenditures for January were $116.42 total for mileage reimbursement and stamps.
No payments were received in Jan for the LID. The balance remains at $434,072.07.
Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3492.96, Commissioner Cook seconded, motioned passed
Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the January payroll warrant for $604.50, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:00 am.
The next meeting is March 8, 2018.