Lake Wenatchee Water District
April 12, 2018
Station 91
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bruce Harris (via Skype), Commissioner Jim Cook, Commissioner Cleve Borth
Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank, Bookkeeper – Bonnie Klasell
Guests Present: Barb Harris, Leah Cook
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am and established a quorum.
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the March. 8, 2018 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed
Public Comments: None
LWWD Comprehensive Plan was discussed. Charlie will provide more information needed to add to the plan.
Parcel 271718430010 lien request: The District received a letter requesting forgiveness of all late fees and removal of meter if the past due fees were paid. The Commissioners discussed the issue. They felt that we should follow the Districts policies and offer a one-time late fee forgiveness for the last billing and the monthly fee will continue per District policy. Commissioner Harris will respond to the letter from the customer’s attorney informing him of the Commissioners decision.
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Parcel 271614700565; The District received a request for water service for property near the Mountain Park area. The Commissioners agreed that we cannot connect the property at this time due to having reached the DOH limit of 14 connections for a class B system.
Forest Service Consolidation Issue: The Commissioners agreed to open up the discussion about consolidation with the Forest Service water system at their Lake Wenatchee compound.
System Operation: Charlie reported that there is a vault on North Shore that needs replacing due to snowplow damage. The issue of possibly identifying those vaults that should be marked was discussed. No decision was made about how to protect the vaults from future plowing damage. The county public works department will be contacted for their input.
Customer Account Status: All past due customers have been notified via email, no issues besides the 2 parcels with liens on them.
Accounts Receivable: $0.00 over 60 days past due; $5,655.06 over 90 days past due. This includes the 2 parcels on which LWWD has placed liens.
Treasurers Report, as of 3/31/18 is $68,503.48 at the county. $490.25 is in Imprest and expenditures for March were $9.75 for DMR cable.
One payment was received in March of $892.91 for the LID. The LID balance is $436,158.52 of which $435,265.61 is invested in LGIP (Local Government Investment Pool). In February LWWD earned $466.63 interest on that investment. March interest hasn’t been posted yet.
Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,674.05. Commissioner Borth seconded, motioned passed
Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the March payroll warrant for $528.00, Commissioner Borth seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:45pm. The next meeting is May 10, 2018 at 10:00 am