Lake Wenatchee Water District
June 14, 2018
Station 91
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bruce Harris, Commissioner Jim Cook, Commissioner Cleve Borth
Staff Present: Operator – Charlie Cruickshank, Bookkeeper – Bonnie Klasell
Guests Present: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:56 am.
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the May 10, 2018 minutes and accept as written,
Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed
Public Comments: None
Parcel 271718430010 lien – we have conveyed information requested by parcel owner’s attorney to our attorney. We have not heard anything back from our attorney as of this meeting.
LWWD website and email system security – website was hacked and shut down for one day, the bookkeeper was able to find the malware and remove it and replaced website from backup. She installed a firewall and virus protection app for the website.
Review/approve LWWD policy changes for 2018: Commissioner Borth moves to accept Commissioner Harris’ updates to the op and admin policy regarding excessive water usage, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed; Commissioner Borth moved to publish all updates since Nov 2017; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
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Approve Barnard Creek dam removal request for bid: Commissioner Harris’ motioned to send to all qualified companies on our small works roster a request to bid on Barnard Dam removal between August 1, 2018 and September 30, 2018; Commissioner Cook seconded; motion passed.
Approve 2017 CCR and WUE reports for distribution: Charlie needs a bit more data to complete and submit the Water Use Efficiency (WUE) to DOH due July 1 – Bookkeeper Klasell will get him that data. Commissioner Harris moved to approve and send the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) to all customers by July 1; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed. Bookkeeper Klasell will post CCR to our website and notify all customers of the link to the report.
System operation updates: No issues at this time. Commissioners discussed the options of installing a variable speed pump on the Lk. Wenatchee well or perhaps digging well deeper or change pipe casing to increase water flow in the summer. Charlie will contact Tumwater and will report back at next meeting. Security surrounding access to the SCADA system was discussed and Charlie agreed to contact Clayton at RH2 to determine if there should be any concern and whether some sort of software firewall should be installed to protect from unauthorized intrusion.
Customer Account Status: One parcel is past due and did not respond to our demand letter – water was shut off/locked and $50 fee charged will be reflected on the next billing statement for the disconnect. All other customers are up to date, besides the 2 parcels with liens on them.
Accounts Receivable: $942.26 over 60 days past due; $5,557.68 over 90 days past due. This includes the 2 parcels on which LWWD has placed liens.
Treasurers Report, as of 5/31/18 is $75,552.61 at the county. $500.00 is in Imprest; there were no expenditures in May.
$82,216.97 was received for the LID. The LID balance is $532,312.54 of which $436,402.82 is invested in LGIP (Local Government Investment Pool). In April LWWD earned $583.09 interest on that investment. May interest hasn’t been posted yet.
Commission Harris motioned to transfer $82,216.97 received LID payments to LGIP. Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $5,739.19. Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed
Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the March payroll warrant for $542.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:40am
The next meeting is July 12, 2018 at 10:00 am