Lake Wenatchee Water District
Aug 9, 2018
Station 91
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bruce Harris, Commissioner Jim Cook, Commissioner Cleve Borth
Staff Present: Clerk-Elaine Kinney, Operator-Charlie Cruickshank, Bookkeeper – Bonnie Klasell
Guests Present: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am
Commissioner Borth motioned to waive the reading of the July 12, 2018 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed
Public Comments: None
Parcel 271718430010 lien – Customer was notified of late fee credit since lien was place, and also charges for our attorney fees. No payment has been received.
The commissioners were given letters from an insurance company that wants to insure the district. The bookkeeper pointed out that we have to give a year notice of our intent to cancel. Our current policy renews November 30th, 2018.
Commissioner Borth motioned to send the insurance company a copy of our current coverage and request a quote for consideration, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
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Commissioner Borth brought up an incident with parcel 271719220250 who owns the property across the street from his property. The standpipe developed a substantial leak causing the water to run down the street. A local contractor was called to come dig it up and repair. Because of the amount of water, the broken pipe could not be located. The contractor turned off the water to the main in two places to repair. This caused a reduced amount of pressure to the system. It was determined that the standpipe had a water pipe directly connected to the main and not being metered. Commissioner Borth will contact the customer and inform her that she had a choice to have a new line installed from the meter to the stand pipe or pay for a meter and the fees associated. The operator was not notified of the shut off on the main and either he or the clerk should have been notified. The operator will inform the contractor about this.
The Lake Wenatchee well cavitation was discussed. The operator will contact Tumwater Drilling to find out the cost of lowering the well pump verses the cost of a variable speed pump to handle low water tables in the summer.
The cleaning of the storage tanks was discussed for the future. Our operator will do some investigating and report back at the next meeting.
Customer 1147 called the Clerk on the 30th, the day his payment of $172.68 was due. She made arrangements with a friend at the bank to help him make a electronic transfer to the district bank account and help him set up an automatic payment every other month. The bank clerk made an error in the electronic transfer. The clerk asked the commissioners to waive the late fee because of a bank error. Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the late fee of $17.68 because it was a bank error, Commissioner Borth seconded, passed.
Accounts Receivable: $1766.13 is 60 days past due; $5,500.24 is over 90 days past due. This includes the 2 parcels on which LWWD has placed liens. All past due customers have been contacted.
Treasurers Report, as of 7/31 is $77,319.01 at the county. $499.16 is in Imprest; July expenditures included $16.62 to reimburse Commissioner Harris for parts and $15.78 for meter reader cables refund.
No LID payments were received in July. The LID balance is $567,639.27, all of which is invested in LGIP (Local Government Investment Pool). In June LWWD earned $643.55 interest on that investment. July interest hasn’t been posted yet
Commissioner Harris signed the O&M Warrant for $3,154.87 and the payroll Warrant for $592.00 with the other Commissioners approval.
Because of an unexpected commotion, there was no motion to sign. It will be done at the next meeting on Sept. 13, 2018.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:15 am
The next meeting is August 9 at 10:00 am