Lake Wenatchee Water District
September 13, 2018
Station 91
Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, Jim Cook, Cleve Borth
Staff Present: Elaine Kinney-Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank
Guests Present: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the August 9, 2018 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.
Public Comments:
Elaine was informed by Mike Stanford, of Lake Wenatchee Fire District , that the Lake Wenatchee Fire and Rescue are applying for a grant to purchase backup generators for LWWD, Alpine Tracts and Chiwawa Pines water systems for use during emergency situations. The application will be submitted on Friday, September 14th. If approved, a formal application will be submitted on behalf of the three water systems.
WSRMP insurance bid: The District has received a quote for 2019-2010 coverage but a decision to change carriers cannot be made until we receive the quote from our current insurance carrier (CIAW).
Water service line to personal hydrant (parcel 271719220250) status: Commissioner Borth and Charlie spoke with the home owner. The property owner does not use the stand pipe and will have a contractor disconnect the line.
System operation updates:
- LW well: Charlie spoke to Tumwater Drilling. They were not sure if lowering the pump would solve the issue of summer time cavitation. They suggested turning down the amount of water allowed to flow to the reservoir. So far it is doing the job. Charlie will obtain a price quote for VPD for the pump.
- SCADA software firewall info: Clayton, from RH2 updated the SCADA software for the newest firewall protection.
- Inspections of reservoir cleaning: Charlie has not completed the inspection. If appropriate, the district will schedule a commercial company to do the job.Excessive water usage issue: The Commissioners agreed that until there is a need to conserve water, we will observe patterns and continue to notify customers when a leak is noticed.
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Mike Dickinson was contacted on the status of the Barnard Creek dam demolition and he said that the work would be done near the end of September 2018. There was a delay due to the high fire danger in the forest this summer.
Accounts Receivable: $423.56 is 60 days past due; $5258.58 is over 90 days past due. This includes the 2 parcels on which LWWD has placed liens. All past due customers have been contacted.
Treasurers Report, as of 8/31 is $76,125.82 at the county. $460.35 is in Imprest; August expenditures included $38.81 for new meter reader cable.
$796.98 was received in August for LID assessments. . The LID balance is $569,253.31, of which 568,456.33 is invested in the LGIP (Local Government Investment Pool). In July LWWD earned $817.06 interest on that investment. August interest hasn’t been posted yet $121,506.60 will be moved from the LGIP funds by end of September to make the October 1, 2018 DWSRF loan payments.
Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $ 3,415.93; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed
Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the August payroll warrant for $ 592.00, Commissioner Borth seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the August O&M warrant in the amount of $3,154.87 from August’s meeting Commissioner Borth seconded, motion passed
Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the July payroll warrant for $ 592.00 from August’s meeting, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:35 am
Next meeting is October 11, 2018