Minutes, October 8, 2018

Lake Wenatchee Water District

October 11, 2018

Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bruce Harris, Commissioner Jim Cook, Commissioner Cleve Borth

Staff Present: Clerk-Elaine Kinney, Operator- Charlie Cruickshank, Bookkeeper – Bonnie Klasell

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the September 13, 2018 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Borth seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: There were no comments


Barnard Dam Demo: Commissioner Harris reported that the project is completed.  However, the Cascadia Conservation Organization may plant some foliage to help with possible erosion.

LWW insurer situation: It was decided to wait until we receive a quote from our current insurer to make a decision at the Nov 8, 2018 meeting.

Parcel 271718340575 (Brown Road) connection cost: A figure of $2500.00 was decided as a down payment for a vault, meter and installation.  The request for connection application form will be revised by Commissioner Borth to reflect changes.

System Operation Updates:

  • Meter failures: There are 6 meters that are no longer sending out a signal. Charlie, will send the clerk pictures of each meter for verification of the radio read number and current reads. Elaine will contact Master Meter to determine what can be done to alleviate the issue.
  • Fir Drive leak: Commissioner Cook reported that the leak under the customer’s residence has been found and will be repaired on Wed, Oct 17th.
  • Inspection of reservoirs for cleaning: Charlie reported that he has inspected both reservoirs and they can go at least another year before cleaning is necessary.
  • System vs. individual meter comparison: The issue was discussed. It will be addressed after the non-functioning radio reads are resolved.
  • Charlie reported that he has asked Tumwater Drilling for an estimate for a variable frequency drive pump for the Lake Wenatchee well. Nothing has been received from them as of Oct 11, 2018.

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Accounts Receivable: $0.00 is 60 days past due; $5266.83 is over 90 days past due.  This includes the 2 parcels on which LWWD has placed liens. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report, as of 9/30 is $82,420.55 at the county. $385.36 is in Imprest; September expenditures included $41.81 for a replacement meter reader cable and $71.89 for Carbonite annual renewal.

No LID assessments were received in September. The LID balance is $571,093.59, of which 570,296.61 is invested in the LGIP (Local Government Investment Pool). In August LWWD earned $924.01 interest on that investment and in September it earned $916.27.   $121,506.60 will be moved from the LGIP funds by end of October to make the November 1, 2018 DWSRF loan payments (DM11-952-0202: $63,897.54; DM15-952-030: $57,609.07).  Payment for 2018 was delayed one month due to internal data issues at Dept. of Health (DOH), future payment date will remain October 1.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $ 4,211.63; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the September payroll warrant for $ 617.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

 Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:45 am

Next meeting is November 8, 2018