Lake Wenatchee Water District
June 13, 2019
Station 91
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bruce Harris, Commissioner Jim Cook, Commissioner Cleve Borth
Staff Present: Clerk-Elaine Kinney, Operator- Charlie Cruickshank, Bookkeeper – Bonnie Klasell
Guests Present: Barb Harris, Leah Cook
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:05 am
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the May 9, 2019 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Cook, seconded, motion passed.
ADU (additional dwelling unit) Request for parcel 271718330075: The commissioners agreed to respond to adding the ADU after the customer submits a written request. They agreed to revisit the district’s policy regarding the future direction of water conservation at the July meeting.
LWWD backup generator: The Commissioners will need to form a committee to determine the districts generator needs and infrastructure to support a future generator backup system. The funds from the grant (if available) may not be available for another year. The Commissioners want to be ready to proceed with the purchase in a way that best serves the residents of District.
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Charlie will contact an appropriate maintenance support service to address routine checkups of the mainline PRV valves in our system. The issue of a failed PRV failure causing excessive pressure to some homes will be investigated with our insurance carrier.
Customer Status: Only 14 customers are past due, including the 2 customers with outstanding liens.
Accounts Receivable: $5640.45 is 90 days past due, which are the 2 customers with liens. $156.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.
Treasurers Report: as of 5/31 we have $76,151.64 at the County, $3,249.96 in Revenue that was transferred to the County Treasurer on 6/10/19, $400 in Imprest. Imprest expenditure in May was a $100 recording fee
LID Balance: The LID balance is 548,217.72. April interest for the LGIP was $900.16. All USFS parcels (4) have paid their annual capital project assessments in full.
Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $4,292.85; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the April payroll warrant for $ 771.50, Commissioner Borth seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:10 am
Next meeting July 11, 2019