Minutes, June 11, 2020

Lake Wenatchee Water District

June 11, 2020

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Jim Cook, Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Bookkeeper; Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Lisa Diederich, Andie Baker

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the May 14, 2020 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Cook, seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: No public comments


Customer issues: Bonnie requested that late fees be waived as a result of the stay-at-home order. Commissioner Cook motioned to waive the late fees for the July 2020 billing, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Accounts Receivable 6/1/20: $6,601.45 is over 90 days past due, which are the 2 customers with liens. There are no customers 60 days past due.

Treasurers Report: as of 5/31/20: We have $83,516.12 at the county. $1,000 is in Imprest. No Imprest charges were incurred in May
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LID #1: $ 51,856.25 LID payments were received in June, investment income hasn’t been recorded by the County yet.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $4,470.97; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the May payroll warrant for $571.50; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Discussion on replacing clerk:– Bonnie will submit recommendations for job responsibilities for Commissioners to approve at the July meeting.


Interlocal Agreement/Generator: The agreement was signed by Chelan County Commissioners; budget increased due to more funds becoming available. Charlie will be our project manager. Bruce will be responsible for tracking volunteer labor hours and assigning a value to them, and submitting them with paid invoices to Chelan County National Resources Department for reimbursement from the grant. Jim motioned to have Bruce write and submit the bid document for the generator; Fred seconded; motion passed. Jim has been communicating with the planning dept. at the county with regards to getting a permit; we need a mechanical permit for the concrete pad; agreement was reached that the combination of the existing facility plus the new pad/roof will be less than 288 sq/ft so a building permit will not be required. Fred motioned to authorize Jim to get mechanical permit up to $500; Bruce seconded, passed. Bruce motioned to authorize Charlie to spend up to $3500 for building materials for the pad/removeable walls and shed roof; Jim seconded; passed. Bonnie advised she spoke with our insurance company regarding volunteer labor; commissioners are insured as they are employees, any other non-employee will be covered by L&I.

MIU replacements – Charlie has received the replacement MIUs from Elaine, will install next week.

WUE/CCR: Commissioners reviewed; CCR be posted to our website and notice distributed to customers by June 30th.

Identify potential critical system issues: None per Charlie

Commissioner Guimond asked that we move meetings to 11:00am beginning July 9th; Bonnie will update/advise all necessary parties (fire station/public notice)

Meeting adjourned 11:48pm

Next meeting July 9, 2020 at 11:00am