Lake Wenatchee Water District
April 8, 2021
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Commissioners Present: Jim Cook, Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond (arrived at 11:30am)
Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper, Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator
Guests Present: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 11:01am
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for March 11, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.
Public Comments: None received this month
Generator: Commissioner Harris is still trying to get confirmation of a delivery date, he did contact Kohler directly and learned the current flow time until shipping is 16-17 weeks for the 38KW RCLB-QS9 model. In March, Power Systems West said delivery could possibly May or June, but wasn’t certain. Charlie contacted Mike Dickinson, and he said he would have no issues moving the generator in place. Charlie will look into metal roofing that matches what is on the combined facility and will get some swatches as we were unable to determine what brand of roofing that was installed in 2014. Charlie will work with Commissioner Cook on the design of the shed roof to determine what building materials will be needed.
SCADA upgrade: Clayton and Charlie are installing the software upgrade today.
Other System issues: Dept. of Health has notified us that we are due for another Sanitary Survey, Charlie will schedule that appointment. No other system issues at this time.
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Water Availability Forms Issued: Two issued: one for customer #1035 who needed it for county septic approval, the other for new construction on parcel 271718665100 which was approved at the 3/11/21 meeting.
Customer A/R issues: Customer #1150 seriously past due, non-responsive to phone call letters, emails and texts. Bookkeeper will keep trying to collect. Also, customer # 1159 is selling their property; the payoff amount for their lien ($2,989.85) has been given to the escrow company to be disbursed to us at closing on 4/30/21.
Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the March 2021 financial data as listed below.
Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the March 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Cook seconded; motion passed.
Accounts Receivable 4/1/21: $7,544.00 is over 90 days past due, $252.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.
Treasurers Report: as of 4/1/21: We have $98,044.04 at the county; $1000.00 in Imprest.
LID #1: 4/1/21 balance is $ 554,364.11. One payment was received in February totaling $8,065.93; LGIF interest has not been recorded yet. Bills for 2021 payments will be mailed from County on May 1, 2121
Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2642.80; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the March payroll warrant for $384.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.
2021 Annual Financial Report: Bookkeeper is working on assembling all required data to submit. Bookkeeper will email to all commissioners for review and approval at the May meeting. Report must be submitted by 5/30/21
Commissioner Guimond adjourned the meeting at 11:55pm
Next meeting is Thursday, May 13, 2021.