Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioner’s Meeting
August 12, 2021
Location: Lake Wenatchee Fire Station #91
Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris, Helen Deems
Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper; Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator
Guests Present: None
Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:05am
Commissioner Deems motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for July 8 , 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.
Public Comments: None
Generator: All construction is complete, roofing is finished. Propane tank has been installed; propane fuel will be delivered next week. Charlie is researching possibility of locking the propane tank to avoid being turned off/on inadvertently. Charlie will also verify with owner her expectation of fencing around the propane tank. He will also determine what would be the best time for monthly maintenance machine operation, as to not affect her business. Bruce has spoken with electrician; he’s applied for the permit and should be able to begin work soon.
MIU: 5 MIUs were purchased, picked up and activated by Bruce for Charlie’s installation prior to 8/25/21 when meters are read next.
811 calls: We received an invoice for one (1) call – paid with debit card as it was only $1.10
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Water Availability Certificates Issued – None issued
Audit: Audit for 2019/2020 was completed last month by WA State Auditor’s Office. Findings are now published on their website, there were no issues.
Customer A/R issues: Customer #1150 did make a partial payment, but is still past due. All other past due accounts from last meeting are now paid in full.
Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the July 2021 financial data as listed below.
Accounts Receivable 8/1/21: $7,490.80 is over 90 days past due, $504.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.
Treasurers Report: as of 8/1/21: We have $40,199.94 in the general fund, and $66,619.48 in the reserve fund ($106,819.42 total). Bonnie will move $15,000 from the general fund to the reserve fund as we are only required to keep a $25,000 balance. Imprest balance is $1000, no usage in July.
LID #1: We received $12,381.96 in payments, LID balance is now $683,588.22. LGIF interest income for June was $30.05.
Commissioner Deems motioned to approve the July 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Guimon seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Deems motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,999.91 and the CPF warrant for $1,028.82 (total $4,028.73); Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the July payroll warrant for $256.00; Commissioner Deems seconded, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30pm
Next meeting: September 9, 2021