Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioner’s Meeting
October 14, 2021
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris, Helen Deems
Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper; Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator
Guests Present: Barb Harris,
Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:05am
Commissioner Guimond motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for September 9, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Deems seconded, motion passed.
Public Comments: None
Mtn Park Wellhead Leak – there is a significant leak at the wellhead. Charlie thought that Tumwater Drilling would be able to fix on 10/14/21, but it was discovered that a galvanized joint, inside the well, is leaking. That has to be repaired before Tumwater Drilling can proceed. He has contacted Mike Dickinson to do emergency repairs on the joint, and then will have Tumwater back to finish the repairs. This hopefully will all be resolved in the next 1-2 weeks.
Wellhead Protection Mtn Park – no additional information has been gathered since the last meeting, so the decision was made that updating our emergency plan is the course of action at this time.
Hydrants – North Shore Drive – Commissioner Guimond spoke with Bob Plumb and his assistant about the requirement for sprinkler system on construction over 3,500sq feet or a hydrant within 500 feet, this is non-negotiable. A customer contacted us about installing a sprinkler system as a result of their addition/remodel triggering this requirement. Charlie will contact RH2 to determine if we are capable of providing enough water and pressure for a sprinkler system with the current meter installation. Charlie will report back at the next meeting and the Commissioners will discuss policy at this time, based upon this information.
Generator Install updates – A new front control panel circuit board was purchased and replaced by First Choice Electric prior to the Power Systems West technician conducting the initial startup and training on September 20th. Unfortunately, the generator was unable to be started prompting a Kohler diagnostic analysis being recommended. That was conducted on October 13th Power Systems West is now attempting to locate other replacement parts that might have been damaged when the original front panel control board was damaged. We do not have a date yet as to when the Power Systems West technician will return to install these parts and get the generator operational. All other work on the generator site and installation has been completed.
New Connections – we received an application from parcel # 271718665000 along with the connection fee and deposit for the meter/vault installation.
Commissioner Harris moved to accept this application, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.
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Commissioner Harris moved to order six (6) meters, two (2) single vaults and one (1) double vault to have in reserve for potential future connections; Commissioner Deems seconded; motion passed.
Snowplow Contract 2022-2023 – Commissioner Harris motioned to send bid requests out to operators on our small works roster for 2021-2024 seasons; Commissioner Deems seconded; motion passed. Bonnie will send out today.
Other System updates from Charlie – nothing new to report.
Policy Updates – annual discussion of possible needs for policy updates; the decision was that our emergency plan needs updating. Commissioner Deems will work with Charlie and submit proposed changes at the next meeting.
Water Availability Certificates Issued – None issued
Customer A/R issues: All past due customers have been contacted. Our one seriously past due customer mailed her payment on 10/12/21, but wasn’t at PO Box when bookkeeper went on 10/13/21. I
Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the Sept 2021 financial data as listed below.
Accounts Receivable 9/1/21: $8400.50 over 90 days past due, nothing over 60 days past due.
Treasurers Report: We have $31,527.09 in the general fund (account 682.701), and 81,414.45 in the reserve fund 112,941.54). Imprest balance is $993.40; $5.50 was paid for 811 referrals.
Commissioner Deems motioned to approve the Sept 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Deems motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $5,479.36 and the CPF warrant for $4,257.99 ($9,737.35 total) Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.
Commissioner Deems motioned to sign the Sept payroll warrant for $512.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.
Other comments: Bonnie mentioned she’s in the process of closing her business and will be retiring in the spring. She will send out her job responsibilities to the commissioners so they can determine how to fill the clerk/bookkeeper position.
Commissioner Deems and Guimond would like a tour of the facilities and will contact Charlie to arrange a time.
Meeting adjourned at 1pm
Next meeting: November 11, 2021