Meeting Minutes May 12, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting

Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, Helen Deems (Quorum present); Fred Guimond arrived 12:35pm

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Jess & Susy Bevans, Jim Paris, Jeff Burgess, Curtis Deems, Kathleen Colvard, Chris King; Craig Carney

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 12:30pm

Commissioner Deems motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for April 14, 2022 and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: Owner of parcel # 271718430010 gave history of his property that was purchased during the LID formation and requested to have his meter removed and any past due balances since 2016 forgiven. Commissioners agreed to review his information and provide a response.


Development of Parcel 271718665005: Architect Craig Carney presented his proposal for development of this parcel which includes building 7 ADUs in addition to the existing structure currently on the property. His plan as seen on the site review was to use the parcel as a small-scale tourist site with a conditional use permit. Lester Addition resident Susy Bevans presented concerns over the development, and she shared documents recorded at Chelan County showing Lester addition still has RESTRICTIONS excluding the plots from commercial use. Commissioner Harris explained the district’s infrastructure would need to be re-engineered to allow this type of development and that the property owner would need to commit to pay for the pre-engineering analysis as noted on attachment A to the water availability request. This request was not completed in the meeting. Commissioners fielded questions from guests about ADU limits and a commercial rate structure as well as water pressure issues. Craig Carney said he had been working with the senior planner at the county and said there is nothing in the building code there that could prevent this. Operations Manager responded to questions about possible tie-ins to highway and Fir Road water mains and water pressure concerns from Brown Road and Fir Road residents. Commissioner Harris moved to approve Craig Carney ‘s Water Availability Request (not water service connection) provided he agreed to sign Attachment A as part of the request where Mr. Carney would be responsible for pre-engineering review costs regardless of project outcome (including if project is cancelled) as well as meet the requirements called out in the LWWD Administrative and Operating Directives – Section 5 paragraph F defining responsibility for line extension and upgrade costs and Section 6 paragraph B and C for number of allowed ADUs per LID parcel meter; commissioner Guimond seconded, Commissioner Deems abstained; motion passed. Mr. Carney opted to take the attachment A and review it along with other information presented at the meeting before signing it. No Water Availability Request was granted.

Water Usage: One customer had a huge leak on their property over the winter that was discovered when meters were read the end of April. It has since been fixed and all other leak customers have been notified by email. Discussion on this tabled until next meeting.

***5-18-22 Commissioner Harris contributed more details on the leaks and cavitation issues with wells. Commissioner Guimond asked that we keep an eye on usage levels going forward to make sure there are no other issues. Commissioner Deems inquired about the Operating Directives standard 4,000 gallons per month allowance (and its premise based on 4 residents in a single family dwelling) and charges for overages with no overage charges over winter when many breaks/leaks occur. She raised the point that the district may need to review how over-usage is monitored and charged so that the water district continues to have sufficient water supplies, quality, and can be compliant with Government Efficiency Requirements. For time being, Commissioners agreed to monitor water supplies, discuss issues with Operations Manager and see if further discussion is needed.

Well/Reservoir security: Tabled until continued meeting.

Generator Updates: Tabled until continued meeting.

Other System updates from Charlie: Tabled until next meeting.


Resolution 2022-05-12 for updating SOP/Admin & OP policies – tabled until continued meeting

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the April 2022 financial data as listed below:

Accounts Receivable 5/1/22: $7,584.45 over 90 days past due, $2023.83 days past due.

Treasurers Report: We have $34,052.09 in the general fund (account 682.701), and $87,624.66 in the reserve fund (total $121,676.75 at the County). Imprest balance is $905.58; $5.50 was paid to NUNC for 811.

Commissioner Deems motioned to approve the March 2022 Financial Reports, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motioned passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the O&M 682.701 warrant in the amount of $ 4,544.69 Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the April payroll warrant for $640.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Meeting continued to Wednesday, May 18 12:30pm to address agenda items tabled today.

May 18, 2022 (Continuance of May 12 meeting)

12:30pm Fire Station 91

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, Helen Deems, Fred Guimond (Quorum present)

Staff Present: Helen Deems, Clerk,

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Guimond called meeting to order at 12:31pm; Clerk Helen reminded everyone of where the meeting left off on 5-12-22.


Well/Reservoir security: Tabled for discussion with Operations Manager who was not present

Generator Updates: Commissioner Harris shared that after the email/letter he sent, he received a phone call from Duane Kelley, Power Systems West sales agent, who said our issue was being considered high priority and that the needed parts (ECM) for testing and repair were being moved up in the factory design and build process. Commissioner Guimond suggested contacting Power Systems West again after a reasonable time (10 days) to learn what actions he would be taking to get our organization a working generator as soon as possible. Commissioner Deems said she felt strongly that we should state we may have to explore legal options to fulfill our grant interlocal agreement with Chelan County Natural Resources Department.

Other System updates: Tabled for discussion with Operations Manager next meeting.


Resolution for updating SOP/Admin & OP Policies: Commissioners decided to postpone any resolutions concerning the Operating Policies until further review. Commissioners also agreed to review the Operating Policies for proposed changes and to bring changes to the June meeting for discussion, approval, and official Resolution.

New Business:

Water Availability Certificates: Clerk Helen reported on 2 water availability applications and 1 water availability certificate issued to existing customer to pursue new construction septic according to the application.

Clerk position transfer and Bookkeeper vacation: Clerk Helen said she is in contact with previous Clerk and will meet next week for more task and computer review and training. Commissioners asked to have Bookkeeper at Evergreen Accounting (Jillana) to forward our mail to us rather that drive to town to pick it up. Clerk Helen reminded everyone that the Bookkeeper will be on vacation in Jun and Aug. While the June timing should not affect normal County business, the August vacation may require moving the Aug commissioners meeting to the 1st Thursday, Aug 4 to accommodate County filing. Clerk Helen confirmed the room at the Fire Station #91 is available at 12:30 Thursday, Aug 4 and will let Jillana know and post accordingly.

Meeting Adjourned at 2:40pm

Next meeting: June 9, 2022 -12:30pm