Meeting minutes, October 14, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting


October 14, 2022

12:30 pm

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, Bruce Harris (Quorum Present)

Staff Present: Bruce Harris, clerk

Guests Present:

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm.

Commissioner Guimond moved to accept the minutes for the September 08, 2022 Commissioners’ meeting as submitted, seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion carried.

No public comments


Commissioner Search: No interested people have come forward for the open commissioner position even though several individuals have been approached. Any interested candidates are encouraged to consider helping the community and being a part of the decision team that supports our water system. The district requires a three-member commissioner board configuration to provide for tie breaking votes as well a more diverse input to the management process.

2023 LWWD Insurance: LWWD was informed that the premiums for the 2022-2023 insurance with the Water & Sewer Risk Management Pool (WSRMP) were going to be raised approximately 7% for the next annual cycle.

Monthly financial reports: As of September 30, 2022, Treasurer’s Report shows $38,800.52 in the general fund and $103,437.07 in the reserve fund for a total of $142,237.59. Imprest balance is $925.98.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the September financial reports as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to approve O&M warrant $5,604.08, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve payroll warrant $1,531.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Clerk Report

The water availability certificate (WAC) for parcel 271614700055 was issued to the new owner in the Mt. Park division. He was made aware that the number of connections for this class B system was limited to 14 total per DOH regulations and that a deposit was required to guarantee his meter installation. His connection would be number 13.

A new WAC was re-issued for parcel 271614700045 in Mt. Park to move the previously agreed to water connection point (LWWD water main) from Lake Wenatchee Highway to North Shore Drive. The July 15, 2022, original certificate was re-issued September 21, 2022, to improve the pressure available to the lot.

No change in the status of the Brown Rd parcel 271718340575 new water service request where a deposit of $2500 was made in a previous year. LWWD is awaiting his decision to go ahead with the installation of a single vault/meter per customer feedback on vault location in the county road easement.


Generator: Startup for the generator and written procedures will need to be completed. When that has been accomplished the Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County and FEMA Training will need to be closed on the supporting grant.

Power Issue: Chelan PUD was unable to install the power pole due to encountering solid rock before the proper pole installation depth was attained. Leavenworth Electric agreed to provide trenching through the existing miscellaneous utilities in the road to provide underground AC power to the telemetry pole. The project is about 75% complete.

Leaks: It appears the meter/vault located near the intersection of Brown Rd and Lake Wenatchee Highway (parcel 2771718330300) has a slow leak at the service line/vault connection point. It will be investigated and repaired as soon as possible.

MIU Replacements: Five MIU’s are scheduled to be replaced before the end of October when the meters will be read again. Operator Cruikshank will prioritize replacing the non-working but active water user MIU’s first. MIU’s are installed on each meter to transmit the usage data to the meter reader equipment.

Snow removal: There has been no bids submitted for the 2022-2023 winter season. Snow removal is still required so the district is keeping the bid ending date open until someone has been found.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Next meeting on Thursday, November 10, 2022, at 12:30 pm.