Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes
Location: Fire Station #91
21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy
Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard (quorum established)
Staff Present: Bruce Harris, Clerk
Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Craig Carney, Aubrey Davis, Helen Deems
Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.
Commissioner Colvard moved to accept the minutes for the February 09, 2023, as written. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.
Public comments:
The commissioners discussed how public comments should be managed. Opinions expressed by the customers can be pertinent to water management or customer relations awareness so, it was decided that each comment will be managed on its own merit. Content and length of comment would be controlled as needed by the commissioners. This approach will be revisited if a more formal policy needs to be implemented.
The following comments from Jess and Susy Bevans were read into the record by Helen Deems since the Bevans’ were unable to attend personally:
“ This is concerning the water certificate request by Craig Carney for 3 water certificates for his plan to subdivide Lot 271718665005.
The Lester addition loop of 2 inch pipe is probably at maximum use right now. The addition of 3 homes would use more water that the 6 small cabins he was wanting to build last year. At the time it was determined there needed to be a study done to determine if the 2 inch line was enough. If there needs to be a new waterline put in for this subdivision to happen, we feel that the full cost from the study of feasibility to engineering to install should be Craig Carney’s responsibility.
The other question is – will there continue to be enough water to supply EXISTING customers. We were on CRITICAL shortage last year. Many more of the customers that were part time are now FULL time residents. Not just in the Lester Addition but the ENTIRE water district. There needs to be a study done about that before ANY MORE CERTIFICATES ARE ISSUED. The existing water district customers need to be guaranteed water before adding any new customers.
Thank You,
Jess and Susy Bevans”
Clerk Report
Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC)
Feb 23, 2023, the water district received a new water availability request from Craig Carney and Aubrey Davis to issue a water availability certificate for a short plat of parcel 271718665005 (2.29 acres total) which would subdivide the larger parcel into 3 new parcels and 1 existing parcel which currently has a single family residence. The three new parcels would be platted as supporting a single-family residence. The sub plat plan portrays two new meter connections at the end of Fir Road and one new connection along Lake Wenatchee Highway.
Much discussion led to Commissioner Colvard recommending that the district request a preliminary evaluation from RH2 engineering regarding the ability of the existing Fir Rd water main’s ability to adequately support the increased capacity requirements and recommended alternatives if needed to support the 3 new connections that would occur in the future as the lots are developed. The cost of the preliminary evaluation by RH2 Engineering would to be borne by the customer. The water availability certificate will not be issued until the review is complete, and any additional recommendations evaluated by the commissioners. In addition, any required water utility easement copies would need to be provided when requesting a new service installation.
Other new service connection: Status of the three currently active new service connections in Mt. Park were briefly discussed.
Water Leaks
There are currently no new leaks reported during the last month. When the snow clears and after the first April baseline read, the review of any possible leaking conditions will be evaluated and repaired.
One time meeting time change
September’s commissioner’s meeting (only) will be moved from September 14 (Thursday) to September 15 (Friday) – still at 9:30 am.
O&M and Payroll Warrants
Monthly financial reports: As of Feb 28, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $40,596.04 in the general operating fund and $113,515.82 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $1,002.17.
Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.
Customer aging status as of March 1, 2023:
60 days old- 9 customers @ ($836.00) total
90 days old- 3 customers @ ($293.06) total
Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4,043.97 Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,104.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.
Generator update: The repairs on the Kohler backup generator has not been completed. First Choice Electric was able to install the replacement 480volt line breaker but was unable to achieve operational transfer of the generator’s power output to the Homestead pump house. They plan on contacting the manufacturer, Kohler, directly to determine the problem. The Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County and FEMA has been extended to give the time need to remedy the problem.
Scada programming: Commissioner Guimond had requested operator Cruickshank to work with RH2 Engineering to determine a method of adjusting the SCADA control system at the Homestead pumphouse to resume pumping more slowly after an extended power outage to reduce the sudden drawdown of the aquifer. RH2 has stated that there may be available options in modifying the software and will provide that information to the operator and estimated cost to accomplish through using SCADA. The operator was unable to attend the March meeting to provide an update.
MIU replacements: ECD, as of March 8, was April 7, 2023. These electronic registers are critical to the meter read process and are manufactured in Israel. They are replacements for failed units installed in the Whispering Pines Water System prior to the merger in 2012. They have been back ordered since August 2022 with HD Fowler. The delay is a direct result of the Covid-19 material shortage environment.
PRV (pressure reducing valve), Scada computer replacement and meter vault order: No update currently available.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.
Next meeting – April 13, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am DST
Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes
Mar 09, 2023
Location: Fire Station #91
21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy
Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard (quorum established)
Staff Present: Bruce Harris, Clerk
Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Craig Carney, Aubrey Davis, Helen Deems
Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.
Commissioner Colvard moved to accept the minutes for the February 09, 2023, as written. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.
Public comments:
The commissioners discussed how public comments should be managed. Opinions expressed by the customers can be pertinent to water management or customer relations awareness so, it was decided that each comment will be managed on its own merit. Content and length of comment would be controlled as needed by the commissioners. This approach will be revisited if a more formal policy needs to be implemented.
The following comments from Jess and Susy Bevans were read into the record by Helen Deems since the Bevans’ were unable to attend personally:
“ This is concerning the water certificate request by Craig Carney for 3 water certificates for his plan to subdivide Lot 271718665005.
The Lester addition loop of 2 inch pipe is probably at maximum use right now. The addition of 3 homes would use more water that the 6 small cabins he was wanting to build last year. At the time it was determined there needed to be a study done to determine if the 2 inch line was enough. If there needs to be a new waterline put in for this subdivision to happen, we feel that the full cost from the study of feasibility to engineering to install should be Craig Carney’s responsibility.
The other question is – will there continue to be enough water to supply EXISTING customers. We were on CRITICAL shortage last year. Many more of the customers that were part time are now FULL time residents. Not just in the Lester Addition but the ENTIRE water district. There needs to be a study done about that before ANY MORE CERTIFICATES ARE ISSUED. The existing water district customers need to be guaranteed water before adding any new customers.
Thank You,
Jess and Susy Bevans”
Clerk Report
Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC)
Feb 23, 2023, the water district received a new water availability request from Craig Carney and Aubrey Davis to issue a water availability certificate for a short plat of parcel 271718665005 (2.29 acres total) which would subdivide the larger parcel into 3 new parcels and 1 existing parcel which currently has a single family residence. The three new parcels would be platted as supporting a single-family residence. The sub plat plan portrays two new meter connections at the end of Fir Road and one new connection along Lake Wenatchee Highway.
Much discussion led to Commissioner Colvard recommending that the district request a preliminary evaluation from RH2 engineering regarding the ability of the existing Fir Rd water main’s ability to adequately support the increased capacity requirements and recommended alternatives if needed to support the 3 new connections that would occur in the future as the lots are developed. The cost of the preliminary evaluation by RH2 Engineering would to be borne by the customer. The water availability certificate will not be issued until the review is complete, and any additional recommendations evaluated by the commissioners. In addition, any required water utility easement copies would need to be provided when requesting a new service installation.
Other new service connection: Status of the three currently active new service connections in Mt. Park were briefly discussed.
Water Leaks
There are currently no new leaks reported during the last month. When the snow clears and after the first April baseline read, the review of any possible leaking conditions will be evaluated and repaired.
One time meeting time change
September’s commissioner’s meeting (only) will be moved from September 14 (Thursday) to September 15 (Friday) – still at 9:30 am.
O&M and Payroll Warrants
Monthly financial reports: As of Feb 28, 2023, Treasurer’s balance sheet shows $40,596.04 in the general operating fund and $113,515.82 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $1,002.17.
Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Colvard seconded; motion passed.
Customer aging status as of March 1, 2023:
60 days old- 9 customers @ ($836.00) total
90 days old- 3 customers @ ($293.06) total
Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $4,043.97 Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,104.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.
Generator update: The repairs on the Kohler backup generator has not been completed. First Choice Electric was able to install the replacement 480volt line breaker but was unable to achieve operational transfer of the generator’s power output to the Homestead pump house. They plan on contacting the manufacturer, Kohler, directly to determine the problem. The Interlocal Agreement with Chelan County and FEMA has been extended to give the time need to remedy the problem.
Scada programming: Commissioner Guimond had requested operator Cruickshank to work with RH2 Engineering to determine a method of adjusting the SCADA control system at the Homestead pumphouse to resume pumping more slowly after an extended power outage to reduce the sudden drawdown of the aquifer. RH2 has stated that there may be available options in modifying the software and will provide that information to the operator and estimated cost to accomplish through using SCADA. The operator was unable to attend the March meeting to provide an update.
MIU replacements: ECD, as of March 8, was April 7, 2023. These electronic registers are critical to the meter read process and are manufactured in Israel. They are replacements for failed units installed in the Whispering Pines Water System prior to the merger in 2012. They have been back ordered since August 2022 with HD Fowler. The delay is a direct result of the Covid-19 material shortage environment.
PRV (pressure reducing valve), Scada computer replacement and meter vault order: No update currently available.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.
Next meeting – April 13, 2023 9:30 – 11:30 am DST