Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2024
Location: Fire Station #91
21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy
Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond, John Colvard, Erin Colwell (quorum established)
Staff Present: Bruce Harris-Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank-Operator
Guests Present: Barbara Harris
Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 9:25am
Commissioner Colwell moved to accept the July 11, 2024, minutes as written, Commissioner Colvard moved to second, motion passed.
Approve: O&M and Payroll Warrants
Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $15,277.25. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.
Commissioner Colwell motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,219.00, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.
Customer Status Report
No new information
New Connection Status
Customer Barr is having vault and meter installed on his property currently. Monthly billing will begin. Clerk Harris will notify the bookkeeper when his meter MIU number is identified.
OPS and Directives
Commissioners requested that late fees be added to customer bills following the process previously used prior to the Covid-19 period. Late fees have been suspended since the beginning of 2020. Clerk Harris will send a notice to customers notifying them of the resumption of late payment fees.
Commissioners are requested to submit their recommendations for any changes to the Ops and Directives in writing at the September 12, 2024 meeting.
Public Utility Tax
Clerk Harris reported that the water district is required to pay Washington State Public Utility Tax. He will contact the bookkeeper to initiate a new Department of Revenue account and track money collected and file the needed forms. The rate is 5.029% and will be added to customer water bills beginning September 1, 2024. A customer notification will be sent regarding the Public Utility Tax being applied starting on the September 1, 2024 bill.
Operator Cruickshank reported that the U.S. Department of Health is requiring that each water system in the country report on the possibility of lead in any parts of their water systems. He will check each connection and record the composition of the connections and send info to Clerk Harris for incorporation into a spreadsheet to be sent to the DOH.
Operator Cruickshank will repair the water level gauge at Lake Wenatchee reservoir after the repair at the pump house has been completed.
After the repair on Maple Drive, the pavement needs to be repaired with asphalt to bring the road back to previous condition.
Operator Cruickshank has received permission from Mike Dickinson to build a lean-to addition at the Lake Wenatchee pump house for storage of meter vaults. Commissioner Colwell motioned for Operator Cruikshank to spend approximately $2000.00 for the construction of the storage lean-to at the Lake Wenatchee pump house. Commissioner Guimond seconded. Motion passed.
Commissioner Colvard reported that the DOE is requesting more information on the grant request for re-energizing the Lake Wenatchee well. Operator Cruikshank will contact RH2 Engineering for a letter explaining the viability of the process.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:45am
Next meeting – Thursday, September 12, 2024
9:30-11:30 am