July 26, 2012 Minutes

July 26, 2012 Minutes

   Lake Wenatchee Water District

   Commissioners Meeting

   July 26, 2012

   at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, VP-Bonnie Klasell, Secretary-Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Professional: Mark Peterson (LWWD Attorney)

Guests Present: Cleve Borth, Barbara Harris, Jim Ratley, Sharen George, Kelly Craig (Notary), Rod Fountain

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 07/19/12

Transfer Documents

The four water associations signed the final transfer documents (WPWUA, BRWUA, LWWUA, Mountain Park Association) Kelly Craig offered her services and notarized all the signatures.  The documents will be recorded at the county. Lester Addition will be part of the District but they were not an association so they had nothing to transfer including a valid water right.  We now have water a district.  As of August 1st the District will be responsible for operation of all the associations.

Status of Wells

Mountain Park: Commissioner Bohn will contact Steve Tabor about using his well and will work with Sharen George to determine where her property is in relationship with the witched spot.

Brown Road: Brown Road Association will give Tumwater their water right so the test well can be drilled on the Dickinson property.


Other Resolutions


Commissioner Klasell proposed that the Forest Service properties receive the same letter regarding the upcoming assessments that all the other District customers got.  Commissioner Harris reviewed the letter and gave the OK to send it.


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Other Start up Concerns


Charlie Cruickshank, our operator is ready to go with operating all the areas.


Engineering Plan Status


Survey Status: Have not heard from Karen yet.

Brown Road Dirt section: Trying to find out who owns it.  It was decided to wait for the survey results.

Forest Service Permits: When 30% of the engineering is done, we can apply.

Engineering budget overrun: It was discussed and decided to meet with Randy at RH2


Resolutions, continued.


Barb Harris and Jim Ratley presented a revised LWWD Operation and Administrative Directive which lowers the late fee based on RCW regulations.  There was some discussion but it was tabled for now.


Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm