August 9, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

 Commissioners Meeting

Aug 9, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Commissioner Bruce Harris,  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Charlie Cruickshank, Karen Dickinson

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum existed


Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 08/02/12

A discussion was held regarding the District email configuration.

Status of Wells

Brown Road: Waiting for the permit from the DOE.  There was some discussion about the letter that Mark Peterson, our attorney, sent to Avery Richardson at the DOE.

Mountain Park:  Commissioner Bohn did not complete his task of contacting Tabor about his well again or the Georges to see if they could identify their property line.  A discussion ensued about the possibility of improving their current well house etc. instead of drilling a test well.  When Commissioner Harris and Klasell meet with Karen Korhner at RH2, they will discuss this with her.

Commissioner Harris moved to have RH2 develop a small list to improve the Mountain Park well system, Commissioner Klasell seconded.


Franchise Agreement has been sent to the county.  Have not heard back.

Commissioner Klasell moved to accept resolutions to have the Chelan County set up a capital project fund and the resolution to have clerk Kinney set up a revenue collection account, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Commissioner Klasell moved to have clerk Kinney get a debit card for the Impress account, Commissioner Harris seconded.
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Commissioner Harris moved to accept the resolution authorizing Amendment No. 3 to contract with RH2 Engineering Inc. for system consolidation project, Commissioner Klasell seconded.

Start up Process

A discussion ensued about Bill Burgess on Brown Road.  It was decided to just start billing him monthly as he has not returned calls from clerk Kinney.

Billing system status: Clerk Kinney reported that she has worked with Jim Ratley of Whispering Pines and did their billing to learn the system.  Jim will be available to help with the district first billing and meter reading.  Supplies for the billing will be ordered.

Commissioner Harris moved to send the four Forest Service Parcels the same letter that all the other district customers received in the Lake Wenatchee Water Association, Commissioner Klasell seconded.

The final disposition of Morse and Krope opt out have been received.  Krope has provided a hand written notification which the commissioners felt was satisfactory.

Engineering Plan Status

The surveyors are still working.

There was discussion about the engineering budget overrun and it was felt the Commissioners Harris and Klasell needed to discuss it more with Karen of RH2.  Commissioner Klasell gave the result of her father-in-laws assessment of the engineering plan.  As a result of this, there are items that the district can delay or cut to save expenditures.


Chuck Ferrel would not sign the easement, so it was decided that when Commissioner Harris returns in Sept that he will approach the new owners and explain the situation.  They are aware of it.


It was decided not to spend the money to fix the foxcroft for Whispering Pines until the Commisioners had discussed with the engineers if that equipment will be used in the future.

Future Meetings

The commissioners decided that Commissioner Klasell will conduct the meetings while Commissioner Harris is gone.  He will still attend the meetings via phone and all resolutions and minutes will be mailed to him if necessary for his signature. Commissioner Klasell will prepare the agenda.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm