Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
October 11, 2012
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, (via telephone conference) Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner-Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Consultants: Mark Peterson-attorney
Guests Present: Karen Dickinson
Meeting called to order at 10:02 am, acknowledged a quorum present.
The minutes for 2012-9-27 were approved and signed.
Commissioner Klasell distributed the treasurer’s report.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #8 for $63.165.29, and supporting warrants and payroll. Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Commissioner Klasell presented the budget status to-date for Operations/Maintenance and the Capital Improvement Project.
Commissioner Klasell moved to get together with Clerk Kinney to set up email list, and compose letter to customers with updated policies/fees , Commissioner Harris seconded.
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The phone issue was discussed and the commissioners agreed to have clerk Kinney contact Verizon and look into opening an account for the district.
Water Right Transfer
Mark Peterson reported that they have been submitted and are pending. They are in the Chelan County Water Conservancy Board’s hands and will go to the DOE next. Mr. Peterson pointed out that the DOE denies 80% of water right transfers, but history shows that on appeal, there is a 100% success.
Mountain Park Site
Commissioner Klasell moved to have our attorney prepare well head protection to present to the homeowners in Mountain Park affected by the 100 foot radius, seconded, passed.
Homestead Well
We have not received the well test results as of today. Waiting for results.
Engineering Permit Status
The recent letter from the USFS stating that they do not want to grant the easement for a road when there is already one available. It was discussed that the home owner does not want to grant the easement. No more work can be done until the forest service can free up a biologist to look at the area which cannot be done while the fires are still active. The Commissioners discussed hiring our own biologist to speed up the process. It will have to be approved by the forest service.
The cultural review forms for the project have been submitted to DOH. The District will hire an archeologist to examine the area, per requirements from DOH. Operator Cruickshank will send some names of local ones in our area.
Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at 11:15 am