Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
March 14, 2013
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Guests Present: Mike Dickinson
Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum existed
Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from Feb. 28, 2013
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #13 for $85,827.09, and supporting warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the Payroll voucher for February in the amount of $1,788.50 Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,136.95 Motion seconded and passed.
Commissioner presented the project budget status and O&M budget status.
Commissioner Klasell went to a training class in Olympia presented by the State Auditor’s office. She gave a brief summary of what she learned about what is required for our annual financial report that is due May 31, 2013 for next year. They want to see more details in the minutes of what monies are spent from the Imprest account each month. Going forward, Commissioner Klasell will provide that information when warrants are presented for approval. She also learned that we need to set policies on record keeping, public record requests, and threshold limits for capital assets. As far as keeping documents, the State has archival services that we may be able
to use.
There also was discussion about the posting and depositing dates of payments. Legally, we are required to make deposits within 24 hours of receiving payment from a client. We have received approval from the county to make deposits once a week. Commissioner Klasell stated we need a letter from the county giving us a variance to make deposits once a week. She has asked Teresea Pinneo from the county to issue us that letter.
USFS Meeting Recap
Commissioner Klasell provided an update about her meeting with the USFS and Karen Korhner on March 6. Some of the main points were they need to have their own Archeology report/survey which includes the WP spring, the new tank site, the temporary access road on USFS property, and along North shore. The cost recovery agreement is still not ready for signing, and until we sign that and they received the funds, work will not be started. However, they feel that they should be able to complete the permit process by end of July, with our permit being issued in August.
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They asked if a gate was being installed to prevent access to the road and the tanks. Commissioner Klasell informed them that we will have a gate, as she thought the owners requested that, and they were happy with that. However, a gate requirement was not in the MOU and we would prefer to not have a gate unless necessary. It was decided that this will be tabled for now on making the decision on location and type of gate. .
The bottom line is it looks like construction will be delayed because the cultural review process (Section 106) is not complete until we have the USFS permit. DOH will not issue the letter allowing us to begin construction until the cultural review is complete. The possible options for more financing were discussed, including increasing the LID or issuing Revenue bonds. Commissioner Klasell present some various financial scenarios, but the discussion was tabled as we can’t make any decisions until we have more information from Karen Korhner as to how much additional funding this delay is estimated to cost.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Commissioner Harris, contact Mark to have the forest service added to the driveway easement.
The contractor resumes were discussed. Commissioner Bohn felt we should wait on choosing a contractor until we know if we will be starting construction this year. If it is a go, then we go into and executive session to make the selection.
Commissioner Bohn moved to table the inspector issue, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to have Clerk Kinney email the contractor applicants to advise of delay in decision, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.
Morris/Farr well Covenant
Commissioner Klasell received an email from Mr. Morse regarding the wetland hearing. Commissioner Klasell responded that the well house was not on their land. She had emailed them after our last meeting with the decision of the Commissioners that we will pay up to six hundred dollars toward their attorney, if the signed Covenant is received by April 1st. They have not responded, and further action was tabled until the 28th meeting.
Bill Burgess
We have not heard from him. Clerk Kinney was instructed to contact Mark to make sure the letter was sent to Mr. Burgess.
Other Business
Commissioner Harris brought up the budget for clarification of the numbers presented. A discussion occurred and Commissioner Klasell explained the numbers and where they came from.
Charlie, our operator asked if he could clean up the down limbs and trees over the creek. It was felt that he should be able to do that as part as the maintenance for the site.
Charlie asked about installing the meter on the Mountain Park well. The commissioners had authorized Charlie to do that last summer, but RH2 had advised him to wait for the new pump house construction. Since we are not building a new pump house in Mountain Park, he will install the meter as soon as possible.
The next meeting is March 28, 2013 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.
Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at 11:35 am.