Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
Sept 11, 2014
at Station 9 Fire House
Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Landis Bohn
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Professional: Karen Kornher, RH2
Guests Present: Barb Harris
Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and acknowledged a quorum existed.
Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for Aug. 28, 2014 and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed and signed.
Public Comments: There were no public comments
Project Updates
Updates on the 2014 DWSRF loan application for the 2015 funding:
Commissioner Klasell distributed the draft application. The Commissioners discussed the application and the budget presented by RH2. After Karen Kornher joined the meeting, she answered the Commissioners concerns.
Commissioner Harris motioned to authorize Commissioner Klasell to sign and submit the loan application only after revisions have been reviewed by Karen Klocke and Dan Bannier, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.
Construction startup status updates:
- Charlie reported that the first section of the new water line passed the pressure test for leaks and the second section was having issues. As of today, they pressurized the second section and it has held pressure for 20 minutes before the meeting.
- The Mount Baker Silo crew building the new reservoir is progressing very quickly and things are moving along. By next week it should be completed and will have to sit for 28 days before being utilized.
RH2 contract for the design work for Phase 2:
After discussion about the contract received which covers the whole Phase 2 process including the bidding, it was determined that the Commissioners would only approve, at this time, the design phase amount.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the RH2 contract for the design portion of the contract only, for the amount of $15,208.00, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.
Other Project Issues
Two Track Issue: After some discussion, the subject was tabled until the next meeting when our attorney, Marc Marquis is present.
Brown Road Dirt Road Issue: Commissioner Harris is working with the PUD regarding their easement to use that road for power. It needs to be determined if the road is a county right of way or part of each parcel. All maps indicate that it is a road, thus a right of way. More needs to be done.
Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for August 2014; as of 9/8/14 our funds are $51,985.65 at the County; Imprest balance is $461.94.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,823.77. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, motion passed. Imprest expenses for last month were $47.16 for postage and office supplies.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for August in the amount of $1,286.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.
Commissioner Klasell discussed the DWSRF budget status as of 8/31/14 and the remaining budget for Phase 1. We have spent $1,068,525.46 and have $1,092,288.45 remaining in the loan after A19 #32 is processed.
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #32 and supporting CPF warrant for $166,326.09. This included Pay Request #3 from Belsaas & Smith in the amount of $148,666.41. Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed.
Other Issues
McCord Connection: Mr. McCord has decided to wait until spring 2015
Frank Mayer: No further correspondence has been received.
Feedback from Werth, Dickinson, and Paris parcel regarding the LID opt out: At this time we have received Diane Dickinson’s opt out, only. We have not heard from Werth or Paris.
Donaldson’s request for water availability for 8 acre plot in WP: Karen Kornher assist in contacting planning department to determine if water availability is required to subdivide land. She will also calculate our current ERUs (Equivalent Residential Usage) from our source meter data, and determine maximum water system capacity (ERUs) for the entire district. After this has been determined, Mr. Donaldson will be contacted.
Operations Update: Charlie pointed out that we need a locator device for the District. RH2 will put that as part of the final bid item.
Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 am, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned.
The next meeting will be held on September 25, 2014 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.
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