August 2, 2012 Minutes

                                        Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      Aug 2, 2012

                                                at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris,  Secretary-Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk, Elaine Kinney

Guests Present: Cleve Borth, Barbara Harris, Charlie Cruickshank

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 07/26/12

Status of Wells

 Brown Road: Avery Richardson from the DOE will issue a temporary permit to drill the well.  Clerk Kinney will contact Steve at Tumwater to coordinate the drilling and schedule.

Commissioner Bohn determined that the drilling site is approximately 85 feet from the Hashim property line.

Mountain Park: Commissioner Bohn left two messages for Tabor about his well.  No response. He also tried to find the property line for the George property.  He will contact the Jim George who owns the property and see if he will show him where the property lines are.  If not we may need to have it surveyed.

Franchise Agreement

The Franchise Agreement has been delivered to the county.  There were no changes made by the District.

We are waiting for their approval.
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Setup Process

There was discussion about the two Burgess properties opting out of the district.  Bill Burgess wants to use the Brown Road water until he has a good well.  Jeff Burgess has stopped using the Brown Road water. There was some discussion how we can manage the shut off.  More to be determined.

Clerk Kinney offered a few options for what type of bill to be sent out.  It was decided that for the first four months to use the card system like the WPWUA is using and see the response.  This may change at a later date.


 The survey results have not been finalized.

The budget override was discussed.  Commissioner Klasell offered to have her father in law, who is an engineer go over the comprehensive plan and the Supplement 3 to evaluate it.  We will wait for his analysis which we should have by the end of the week or weekend.  Depending on what he determines, the Commissioners may invite Randy from RH2 to attend the next meeting to discuss the increased costs.


The easement to allow access to the upper area through lots 3 and 4 has been given to lot 3.  They will have it signed and then it will be given to lot 4 to be signed then recorded with the county.

The WPWUA easements.  In the future we will need to obtain easements for the existing pipeline that has served the top six properties and will continue to do so with the new system.   This will be initiated when the engineering plan and survey have been sufficiently completed to identify the locations.


Meeting adjourned at 11:30