Minutes, November 9, 2017

 Lake Wenatchee Water District

November 9, 2017

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris(Skype)

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Barb Harris(Skype)

Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the Oct 12, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments


Charlie reported that the broken vault has been repaired but they did not install it to ground level as requested.  He had Mike Dickinson put gravel around the lip of the vault and some rocks to protect it from the plow blade.

Charlie will get an estimate for a variable frequency drive and a new pump for the LW well.  He will email the commissioners the estimate so it can be included in the 2018 budget which can be approved at the December 2017 meeting.


2018 Budget:  The Commissioners will review and adjust to LWWD needs and it will be approved at the Dec. meeting.
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Utility locate call center:  Elaine has submitted the application and maps.  She has not heard but will follow up.

Customer account status: No major issues.

Operation and Directive Document:  Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the updates as written, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Commissioner Klasell presented the reconciled Treasurers Report for Oct 2017.  As of 1031/17 our funds are $61,035.52 with the county.  We have $372.01 in Imprest, and our Imprest expenditures for Oct are $59.99 for Carbonite renewal and $68.00 for postage.

$1,534.48 in payments were received in Oct for the LID. The DWSRF loan payments were made on Oct 1, 2017 – $64,439.01 for loan DM15-982-020 and $69,097.56 for loan DM15-952-030. The 10/31/17 balance in the LID fund is $407,570.52.

Commissioner Harris moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $ 7,974.13.    Commissioner Klasell seconded, motioned passed

Commissioner Harris moved to sign the October payroll warrant for $815.50, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed. 

Also approved was mileage for Commissioner Klasell in the amount of $196.88 

 Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at 11:15 am.

Next meeting is December 14, 2017   




Minutes October 12, 2017

Lake Wenatchee Water District

October 12, 2017

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris(Skype)

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Barb Harris(Skype)

Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the September 14, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: There were no public comments


New Chlorinating Schedule:  Charlie has submitted it to the DOH.  Commissioners are OK with it.

Chlorinator Repair Status:  The parts were ordered two weeks ago.  They have not been received.  The Commissioners felt that we should keep a backup set of parts to avoid this issue

Scott Paton vault repair.  Commissioner Klasell motioned to authorize Charlie to order two single meter vaults, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Charlie recommended that the District install a variable frequency drive and a new pump for the LW well. With installation anticipated in 2018, Charlie will get a rough estimate which can be used in developing the 2018 LWWD budget.


2018 Budget:  The Commissioners will review and adjust to our needs and it will be approved at the Nov or Dec. meeting.

Utility locate call center:  Elaine is working on the process of submitting our information and a map of the District area.

Barnard Creek Dam removal:  Trout Unlimited is obtaining the necessary permits.  The work will be done in 2018.

The 2017-2020 Snow Removal Contract was awarded to Gellatly Repair and Maintenance.  He was the only response to our request to bid.

The issue of excess water usage was discussed.   The District is monitoring the usage. Some customers will be sent an email informing them of their excessive usage.

LWWD Financial Policy: Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the changes to the financial policies, including changes to disposal of surplus property, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Elaine will present the policy regarding final water bills using the procedure she has been using.  Commissioners will review next meeting.

Commissioner Klasell presented the reconciled Treasurers Report for Sept 2017.  As of 9/31/17 our funds are $62,062.49 with the county.  We have $457.83 in Imprest, and our Imprest expenditure for Sept was $8.95 for a new deposit stamp and $33.22 for mileage, postage, and office supplies.

$14,665.51 in payments were received in Sept for the LID, our balance in the LID account is now $539,572.61. The DWSRF loan payments were made on Oct 1th – $64,439.01 for loan DM15-982-020 and $69,097.56 for loan DM15-952-030.

Commissioner Harris moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3.068.40, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motioned passed

Commissioner Harris moved to sign the September payroll warrant for $818.00, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed. 

Accounts Receivable: $2,705.86 over 60 days past due; $4,170.03 over 90 days past due.  This includes the 2 parcels on which we have placed liens. Reminder letters or emails were sent to 8 customers on October 3rd. 

Next meeting is November 9, 2017

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Minutes, September 14, 2017

                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                     Sep 14, 2017

                                                       Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present: none

Guests Present: Barb Harris (taking minutes)

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the Aug 07, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.


Barnard Creek Dam removal: Commissioner Harris spoke to Cody at Trout Unlimited who is continuing to coordinate the permitting process. The removal of the dam will be no sooner than 2018 due to permits and possible cultural review.

Commissioner Klasell will send bid requests for the renewal of the three year snow removal contract to those on the small works roster that provide that service.

Commissioner Klasell will send the values as agreed upon to CIAW for the 2018 insurance policy.

Commissioner Klasell will write a proposal for a policy change to allow LWWD to donate unneeded equipment, when appropriate, rather than discard.

Commissioner Klasell presented the reconciled Treasurers Report for August 2017. As of 8/31/17 our funds are $56,602.21 with the county.  We have $432.00 in Imprest, and our Imprest expenditure for August was $68 for postage.

$12,765.58 in payments were received in August for the LID, our balance in the LID account is now $524,907.00.

Commissioner Harris moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3806.93, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motioned passed

Commissioner Harris moved to sign the August payroll warrant for $779.25, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.


The operator could not attend the meeting, but informed the commissioners of maintenance problems with the chlorinators and the action to be taken to repair.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:00 am.

Next meeting is Oct 12, 2017

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Minutes, August 7, 2017

Lake Wenatchee Water District

 Aug 07, 2017

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Bookkeeper – Stanley Ornellas

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Cleve Borth

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am. Bruce stated that the meeting was moved from Thursday to Monday to make the necessary decisions about the Clerk’s replacement and equipment location.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the July 13, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.


Clerk Replacement and office equipment location: Bookkeeper Ornellas is resigning his position because he sold his property and is moving out of the area. Commissioner Klasell proposed that she take over the billing duties after her tenure as Commissioner has expired.  It was discussed.  The clerk will do the billing until that can happen and train Commissioner Klasell on the billing.  The clerk will use her personal printer and the district laptop to perform duties and Commissioner Klasell will take the district computer  to her office.

Commissioner Klasell moved to pay the clerk 20 cents per sheet to print District items, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Cleve Borth attended the meeting to give a history of the easements for the Lake Wenatchee well and storage tank on the Dickinson property.

Barnard Creek Dam removal: Trout Unlimited will oversee the removal of the dam. Mike Dickinson estimated a charge of $500.00. Permit fees are additional. It has not been decided who will remove the dam until the deconstruction has been bided out.

Bookkeeper Ornellas presented the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for July 2017. As of 7/31/17 our funds are $58,792.65 at the County.

$35,564.41 in payments were received in June for the LID, our balance in the LID account is now $512,541.12

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3224.40, Commissioner Harris seconded, motioned passed

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Commissioner Harris moved to sign the July payroll warrant for $678.00, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris proposed that we add the hookup fee voted on by the Commissioners to our Procedure and Operation document. Commissioner Klasell agreed.


The operator could not attend the meeting, so there were no operation updates.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:15 am.

Next meeting is Sep 14, 2017

Minutes, July 13, 2017

                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                     July 13, 2017

                                                       Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Bookkeeper – Stanley Ornellas

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the June 8, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: The District received a request for water service in the Mountain Park area. Because the Mountain Park system is at the maximum number of 14 connections for a Group B system, we are unable to add any more connections to this system.


The customer account status was discussed.

Clerk Transition: The office move has been completed.

Small works Roster: No new applications were received.

Bookkeeper Ornellas presented the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for May 2017. As of 6/30/17 our funds are $55,025.96 at the County. The Imprest balance is $372.96. Imprest Expenditures for June were $90 USPS Box Rental, $69.40 Postage, and $8.70 return address rubberstamp.

$31,660.11 in payments were received in June for the LID, our balance in the LID account is now $478.576.91

Commissioner Harris moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $5,631.77, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motioned passed

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Commissioner Harris moved to sign the June payroll warrant for $728.00, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.


Sanitary survey project: The work has been completed and the DOH has been sent photos of the completed work.

The operator suggested adding a floor and shelving in the data storage building on Lakeview Drive. Commissioner Klasell moved to allow our operator to purchase the necessary supplies and perform the work to complete the project, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

The operator reported that one of the brass PRV’s fittings (Pressure Regulating Valve) on Lakeview Drive was leaking. It has been fixed.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:30 am.

Next meeting is Aug 10, 2017


Minutes, June 8 2017

Lake Wenatchee Water District

June 8, 2017

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris 

Staff PresentClerk – Elaine Kinney; Bookkeeper – Stanley Ornellas

Guests PresentBarb Harris, Barb Dickinson, Mike Dickinson

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the May 11, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments:  Barb and Mike Dickinson came to the meeting to protest the assessment on the property owned by several Dickinson family members where the Two Rivers Sand and Gravel office is located.  The whole LID process was explained to both of them and the Commissioners pointed out that there is nothing that can be done since the opportunity to request opt-out status for the LWWD LID #1 had closed on March 23, 2012.


Barnard Creek dam:  Trout Unlimited has taken over the project of removing the dam.

Commissioner replacements:  No one has  placed their name on the election candidate form for any of the three open LWWD positions.  The sign up for the November election will open again June 13-15 because there are still several posts vacant.

Clerk Transition status:  The transition is going well.  The move to Leo’s office was planned today but postponed until the rain has stopped.

Small works Roster:  The clerk will place the ad in the Leavenworth Echo.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign Resolution 2017-6-8 to update the LWWD Administrative and Operation Directives and the Financial Policy, Commissioner Harris seconded. 
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Bookkeeper Ornellas presented the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for May 2017.  As of 5/31/17 our funds are $58,034.60 at the County. The Imprest balance is $487.02. Imprest expenditures for April totaled $12.98 for windowed envelopes.

$66,411.54 in payments were received in May for the LID, our balance in the LID account is now $446,916.80.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,980.02 Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the May payroll warrant for $840.50; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 



The operator was not able to attend the commissioners meeting this month so there were no operation updates.  The operator submitted the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) and the Water Usage Efficiency (WUE) report for approval.

Commissioner Harris moved to approve the reports for submittal to DOH (WUE & CCR) and our customers (CCR), Commissioner Klasell seconded.

The clerk and bookkeeper will email the reports to those customers with emails and by mail to those who we do not have email addresses for.

Brown Road Ditch:  Nothing further has been done by the county.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:58 pm

Next meeting is July 13, 2017


Minutes, May 11, 2017

Lake Wenatchee Water District

May 11, 2017

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Bookkeeper – Stanley Ornellas

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the April 13, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.


Comprehensive Plan Acceptance:  LWWD is currently waiting for a response from RH2 regarding the required coliform monitoring plan.  Charlie will be coordinating with Ryan Peterson to see if the current plan is sufficient.

Barnard Creek dam:  The customer near the Lester Addition dam would like it removed.  After meeting with Cody Gillin of Trout Unlimited, they will obtain the necessary permits for the job, plan construction tasks and attempt to obtain grants or funding to complete the task of removing both the Whispering Pines dam and the Lester Addition dam.  Gillin indicated that there is money available to obtain funding for the project.  The work may not be done this year if funding and permits cannot be obtained in time.  Otherwise, it will be delayed until next year.

Commissioner replacements:  No one has volunteered.  The sign up for the November election is Monday through Friday of the week of May15th.

Clerk Transition status:  Commissioner Klasell will set up am email account for the new billing employee of billing@lakewenatcheewaterdistrict.org.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to authorize the clerk and bookkeeper to open a PO Box, Commissioner Harris seconded.

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Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign Resolution 2017-5-11B to increase the hourly rate of pay for the Administrative clerk, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign Resolution 2017-5-11C to engage a bookkeeper to assist with the administrative and clerical duties of the district, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to update our record retention policy to match the Washington State archived record retention policy, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Bookkeeper Ornellas presented the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for April 2017.  As of 4/30/17 our funds are $48,853.99 at the County. The Imprest balance is $368.70. Imprest expenditures for April totaled $104.55; $77.80 for postage and mileage of $26.75.

Accounts Receivable: $1,018.43 60 days past due; $2,556.03 over 90 days past due.  This includes the 2 parcels on which we have placed liens. All other customers are current.

Receipts for the LID occurred in April; the balance in the LID account is $380,505.59.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,697.92 Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.



The operator was not present due to an emergency so there were no operation updates.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:00 pm

Next meeting is June 8, 2017


Minutes, April 13, 2017

          Lake Wenatchee Water District

April 13, 2017

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris (via Skype)

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Barb Harris(via Skype)

Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:03 am

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the March 9, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.


Comp. plan update:  Because of the meter situation, Ryan felt that we should wait a year to update the Comprehensive Plan and the Dept. of Health (DOH) agreed.  Commissioner Harris requested that Charlie update our coliform testing program documentation so we could update our policy and send a copy to the DOH.

Barnard Creek Dam:  Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Commissioner Harris contact the current owner of the property to see if they would like to keep the dam for their personal use or have LWWD remove it.  If they don’t want to keep it, Commissioner Harris will work with a qualified agency to remove the dam with a spending limit of $1500.00.  Commissioner Harris seconded.

Customer account status:  All accounts are current except for the two properties with liens.

Contract review for clerk replacement: Commissioner Klasell motioned to submit the contract to Stanley Ornellas for his acceptance, Commissioner Harris seconded.

North Shore abandoned fire hydrant: Commissioner Klasell motioned to have the fire hydrant removed, Commissioner Harris seconded.

New connection application:  Commissioner Klasell motioned to adopt a $13,000.00 connection fee with the meter, vault and installation additional, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for March 2017.  As of 3/31/17 our funds are $50,612.59 at the County. The Imprest balance is $ 500.00. There were no Imprest expenditures for March.

Clerk Kinney and Commissioner Klasell both submitted mileage reimbursement requests for $26.75 each

Accounts Receivable: $503.56 60 days past due; $2,052.45 over 90 days past due.  These are from the 2 parcels we have placed liens. All other customers are current.

No additional payments for the LID were received in March; the balance in the LID account remains $327,971.75.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,431.85 Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the CPF warrant in the amount of $263.94. Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

 Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the March payroll warrant for $857.00; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to raise clerk Kinney’s salary to $25.00/hr effective May 1st, Commissioner Harris seconded



Brown Road Flooding:  Our operator feels it is the County’s responsibility to repair the drainage ditch on the east side of Brown Road.  Since the District’s water pipe is in danger of exposure each spring, the possibility of putting a CDF layer over the pipe before the county fills in the ditch will be explored.  Commissioner Harris will meet with the County and our operator in a few weeks to discuss the issue when all melt has completed.

DMMR testing:  There are 5 meters that are not communicating with the reading software.  Master Meter will try and meet with the clerk to solve the issue.

Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at 12:05 pm

Next meeting is May 11, 2017


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Minutes, March 9, 2017

Lake Wenatchee Water District

March 9, 2017

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris (via Skype)

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Stanley Ornellas, Barb Harris(via Skype)

Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the February 9, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.


Lester Addition dam on Barnard Creek:  Charlie felt that leaving the dam as is will be no threat to the surrounding properties.  He felt we could leave it as is.  Before the clerk informs Wimmers of our decision, Commissioner Harris will contact Marc Marquis for the legal implications of doing so.  The Wimmers originally contacted the district in February 2017 about the disposition of the dam.

LWWD customer account status:  All of the delinquent accounts have been paid except the two properties that the district has liens on.

Clerk replacement:  Stanley Ornellas, a candidate for billing contractor, was present.  The Commissioners explained their expectations of the position, duties, equipment placement, and physical files.   The Commissioners will prepare a contract and present it to him for consideration.

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Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for February 2017.  As of 1/31/17 our funds are $48,243.66 at the County. The Imprest balance is $ 89.13. Imprest Expenditures for February were $111.51 to reimburse Commissioner Klasell, $68.00 postage and 255.34 for our annual iPage website renewal.

Accounts Receivable: $1012.05 is 60 days past due; $1040.40 is over 90 days past due.  These are from the 2 parcels we have placed liens. All other customers are current.

$24,522.67 in payments were received in February for the LID; the balance in the LID accountis $327,971.75.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $6,940.49 Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the February payroll warrant for$720.50; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.


The clerk reported that the new battery in the DMMR seems to be functioning better.  She will try and activate the meters that are not sending a signal.

Frozen line on Maple Drive:  As far as Charlie knows the line is still frozen.  The clerk will contact the customer affected to see if it has thawed.

Charlie reported that there was a customer in the Mountain Park water system who had very low water pressure.  Mike Dickinson reported that there was a leak at the Sonker property.  He turned the meter off and the clerk contacted the Sonker’s who plan on contacting Mike to fix the problem when the snow has melted.

Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at12:15 pm

Next meeting is April 13, 2017

Minutes, February 9 2017

Lake Wenatchee Water District

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February 9, 2017
Station 91
Commissioners Present:Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris
Staff Present  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank
Guests Present:  Barb Harris, John Klasell
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 11:00am
Commissioner motioned to waive the reading of the January 12, 2017 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
Public Comments: There were no public comments.
Frozen main line: Charlie discussed the frozen line on Maple Drive. The Commissioners
discussed compensation for customers affected by our frozen main line.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to add a change to the Districts policy to authorize a credit for the base rate for any months affected by the frozen main line, provided that it has been verified by our system operator, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed
Charlie also reported that there is a frozen service line beyond our meter on North Shore Drive.
LWWD Customer delinquent situation: The clerk will contact the one customer that is very delinquent by phone before the property has a lien placed against it.
Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for January 2017. As of 1/31/17 our funds are $51,571.80 at the County. The Imprest balance is $ 385.19.
$214.37 is due for iPage annual renewal plus Commissioner Klasell will be reimbursed $99.66 for the 2016 FUTA tax, and $11.95 for the 2016 1099s.
Accounts Receivable: $1,236.13is 60 days past due; $1,204.20 is over 90 days past due. We have filed liens on 2 parcels, no payment from either parcel. Our attorney, Marc Marquis, advised we should continue letting the balances grow until the property owner comes forward to discuss repayment. At that time, the District at their discretion could opt to waive all or portions of the late fees as a show of good will. If the property owner never comes forward just keep tacking on the late fee charges with an updated annual lien. The District would recover all amounts when the property sells or is foreclosed.
No LID payments were received in January; the balance in the LID account remains
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,123.98 ;
Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the CPF warrant in the amount of $633.45; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed
Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the January payroll warrant for $813.00; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.
Elaine reported about the DMMR. The meters were read on Feb. 1. There are still 9 meters with a zero read. That is 5 less than before the radio read units were replaced.
Charlie reported the SCADA did not activate the boost er pumps in the combined facility which turn on to fill the WP storage tank. Charlie had to activate them manually. Since this is a random pattern, it is hard to pin down why SCADA is acting this way. Charlie will continue to observe SCADAs responses for patterns that might identify the problem. He will also contact RH2 for support when necessary.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:40pm
Next meeting is March 9, 2017