Minutes, January 12, 2017

Lake Wenatchee Water District

January 12, 2017

Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Commissioner motioned to waive the reading of the December 14, 2016 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed. 

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.


Commissioner Klasell moved to appoint Bruce Harris President for 2017 and sign supporting Resolution 1-12A; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 

Commissioner Harris moved to appoint Bonnie Klasell Secretary for 2017 and sign supporting Resolution 1-12B; Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign RH2’s contract to prepare the 2017 Comprehensive water system plan update for $30,046.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 

December Project Walkthrough:  Charlie reported that everything went well.  Karen Klocke was satisfied by the work that was done.
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LWWD customer account status:  The overdue accounts were discussed.  The clerk was directed to take further action for one customer.

Clerk Replacement Options:  Commissioner Klasell proposed replacing the desktop computer with a  laptop to be used by the clerk along with a portable filing cabinet to keep current documents.  The clerk would use her own printer and would be compensated.  Further investigation needs to be done on the issue including contacting Quickwater to see if it’s program will run using Windows 10.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign Resolution 2017-1-12C adopting the 2017 budget; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for December 2016.  As of 12/31/16 our funds are $45,546.44 at the County.  The Imprest balance is $ 465.22. Imprest expenditures were 4.98 Verizon late fees, $29.80 postage.  Mileage was authorized for E. Kinney in the amount of 68.04 for meter reading 2016.  Also, iPage annual renewal is in February for $238.35, the Commissioners authorized payment for this from our Imprest acct. via the debit card.

Accounts Receivable: $1,638.67 is 60 days past due; $1,204.20 is over 90 days past due.  We have filed liens on 2 parcels, no payment from either parcel.

No LID payments were received in December; the balance in the LID account remains $303,449.08

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,352.81; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the November payroll warrant for $673.00; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 


Charlie asked that both Commissioners brainstorm a way to make the solar system in Lester Addition movable up and down the pole so snow could be removed from the solar panels and the batteries can be replaced without having to hire a lift devise to do the job.

The overfill alarm for the LW well has been triggered two times over the last month.  Charlie does not believe that it is actually overfilling and will investigate further.  The possibility of ice buildup could be the issue.

Commissioner Harris adjourned that meeting at 12:00pm. Next meeting is Feb 9, 2017

Minutes, December 14, 2016

                                                    Lake Wenatchee Water District

December 14, 2016

Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present:  Barb Harris, Ryan Peterson – RH2, Karen Klocke, DOH

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am

Commissioner motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.


2017 Comprehensive Plan Update:  Ryan Peterson from RH2 reported that the current plan needs to be updated by May 11, 2017.  We can either develop a Small Water Management plan or update the existing Comprehensive Plan.  Ryan reported that there would not be much of a difference in cost.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to proceed with having an update to the existing Comprehensive Plan as opposed to a small water system management plan.;  Commissioner Harris seconded.  Ryan Peterson from RH2 will work up a contract proposal for approval at the next meeting.

Loan closeout/Project overview: Karen Klocke asked a series of questions about the construction process; after the commissioners meeting, Karen Klocke will view the project sites with Charlie and take documentation pictures

2017 Budget discussion was tabled until the Jan. meeting.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign Resolution 2016-12-14 adopting a cross-connection rule; Commissioner Harris seconded.
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Lien Status:  The District has not heard anything from those properties that have had liens applied.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for November 2016.  As of 11/30/16 our funds are $43879.40 at the County.  The Imprest balance is $ 500.00

Accounts Receivable shows $1390.42 over 60 days past due.

We received $4,562.46 in LID payments in November; the balance in the LID payments is now $303,449.08

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,063.59; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the November payroll warrant for $838.00; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.


LWW tank antenna tower:  Charlie reported that the new backup battery has been installed.  He discussed the possibility of putting the solar unit on a pulley system so it can be lowered to change the solar batteries and would not require a hoist lift.

Fir Drive Leak:  The leak has been fixed and the line capped.  The leak was a result of a stand pipe leaking.  The Commissioners felt that the line should remain capped with no new stand pipe installed.

2016 Sanitation Survey:  The district has submitted a plan to the DOH for addressing the issue of the Brown Road well manhole drainage. The plan has been accepted by the DOH. The intent is to do the work when spring arrives.

The clerk reported that all customers that were delinquent have paid or partially paid their bills except two customers.

Commissioner Harris adjourned that meeting at 11:40



Minutes, November 10, 2016

                                                    Lake Wenatchee Water District

November 10, 2016

Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris (phone)

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present:  Barb Harris (phone)

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:05 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the October 20 regular meeting minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.


LWWD Ops and Directives Resolution was motioned and seconded and approved with the final changes in Section 4, paragraph D (Insurance bonding) to be included.

Notification of lien status was sent to two customers a week ago by the clerk.

The gravel reimbursement request from Don Levitt was determined to be a Chelan county issue, not a water district responsibility.  A letter will be sent by the clerk to the customer notifying him of this determination.

The office relocation was discussed and tabled until more information can be evaluated.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for October 2016.  As of 10/31/16 our funds are $42,767.95 at the County.  There was an oversight at the County and our 10/20 checks weren’t mailed to us until 11/3. However, they have been deducted from the 10/31 balance. The Imprest balance is $ 186.22  Imprest expenditures were $73.44 for mileage, $68 postage, $148 for lien recording, $11.48 to HD Fowler.

Accounts Receivable shows $2,486.98 past due.
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DWSRF Loans – Final A19 was submitted last month. Commissioner Klasell has been in contact with Dept of Commerce.  Our Contract Admin, Cathy Brockmann is leaving her position on Nov 15th and would like to finalize the loan closing documents before she leaves.  Commissioner Klasell motioned to give her authority to sign the closing loan documents, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

We received no LID payments in October.  The first payment on the DWSRF 2011 loan was made on 10/1/16 for $81,387.57; the balance in the LID payments is now $298,888.62

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $7324.99  Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the Oct payroll warrant for $959.50; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.


Sanitary Survey issues:

Significant Deficiencies – Charlie will contact Ryan Peterson of RH2 Engineering to see if installing a gravity discharge pipe is feasible. He will also contact Karen Dickinson to advise her of the issue.

Revised Total Coliform Rule – Charlie will complete and submit the written coliform monitoring plan.

Cross-Connection Control Program – Charlie will create a CCR plan for our approval, using a template we started in 2012.  In addition, Commissioner Klasell motioned to not allow any property to have a physical connection between the district Public water source and any private water source; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.  A resolution will be prepared for approval the meeting next month.

WSP – Commissioner Klasell with contact RH2 for a pricing estimate to complete in 2017, along with asking their opinion on whether we can delay.

Elaine reported on those two customers who were sent letters for possible water shut off if payment is not received.  There are also two who are delinquent and were sent emails.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to move the December meeting from the 8th to the 14th, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting at 11:05. The next meeting will be on Dec. 14th at 10:00 am.



Minutes, October 20, 2016

                                                    Lake Wenatchee Water District

October 20, 2016

Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris (Skype)

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present:  Barb Harris (Skype)

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 9:59 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the Sept 8 regular meeting minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.


LWWD Policy Updates: The updates were discussed.  Commissioner Klasell moved to accept all changes including the ones discussed at today’s meeting, Commissioner Harris seconded.

The resolution implementing the changes will be signed at the November meeting.

Lien Status: Clerk Kinney will file the liens next week.  She will include with their Nov. billing statement, a copy of the lien and an itemized list of additional charges for filing.

Office move and clerk duties:  Commissioner Klasell has sent the bookkeeper for Alpine’s water district an email requesting information on contract billing and has not received a reply.  Commissioner Klasell will follow up.

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Accounts Receivable shows $405.60 past due 90 days, $410.36 past due 60 days and $574.60 past due 30 days.

We have received $380,276.19 in LID payments; there are 22 parcels (13%) that have made no payments towards their LID assessment since the first bill from Chelan County was mailed in May of 2016. The county will initiate foreclosure proceedings after 3 years of nonpayment.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the final A19 for the project, A19 P2#19 for the amount of $1,857.67; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $; $6,322.35; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the CPF Warrant in the amount of $144.63; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the Sept payroll warrant for $1,112.00; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.


LWW tank antenna conversion to 120 volt:  Commissioner Harris met with the Chelan PUD and they estimated that is would cost about $2000. to install an underground service to the base of the LWWD repeater station from the nearest PUD transformer.  There would be additional cost to have the trench dug for the conduit by an outside contractor. Charlie will contact POW to see if the batteries could be moved to about 10 feet above ground to allow easier access.

Water Meter replacement:  The paperwork is in the hands of POW to submit to Master Meter for replacement.  POW will replace the radio read units.

Fir Drive Leak:  Mike Dickinson has been contacted but the leak has not been fixed.  Charlie will contact Mike Dickinson again.  Mike did fix the Mountain Park leak which we have not been billed for.

Commissioner Klasell closed the meeting at 11:30.  The next meeting is November 10, 2016



Minutes, September 8, 2016

                                             Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                          Sep 8, 2016

                                                           Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; System Operator – Charlie Cruickshank; Legal Counsel – Marc Marquis

Guests Present:  Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the August 11, 2016 minutes and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Public comments:  There were no comments.


DWSRF Loan Closeout:  It will not close before the end of September so our first payment will not be due until next October (2017).

Legal Service agreement:  After discussing with Marc, it was agreed that he would attend  quarterly and on an as needed basis.

Lien application on delinquent accounts:  It was agreed that the clerk would send a notice of intent to lien to the three customers who are gravely delinquent.  If payment is not received within 30 days of the lien notice, a lien will be applied.

CIAW Insurance renewal: Commissioner Klasell motioned to submit the application for renewal, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Office relocation:  The Commissioners agreed that the clerk purchase a new desk chair for the office.  Commissioner Klasell proposed outsourcing the accounts payable and receivable duties.  The storage of records and the disposition of the physical equipment will be determined once the final decision on outsourcing has been reached by the commissioners. The clerk will continue with the clerical duties.

O&M Audit:  Bonnie will meet with the auditor on Monday for an exit interview.

LWWD Policy updates: Some discussion and more work will be done for the next meeting.
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Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for August 2016.  As of 8/31/19 our funds are $46,030.77 at the County.  The Imprest balance is $418.32.  Imprest expenditures were $54.40 for postage and $27.28 for a past due stamp.

Accounts Receivable shows $1,258.32 past due 90 days and $1,073.94 past due 30 days.

We have received $377,207.23 in LID payments; there are 23 parcels (14%) that have made no payments. The county will initiate foreclosure proceedings after 3 years of nonpayment.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $6,482.90; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the CPF Warrant in the amount of $1,713.04; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the July payroll warrant for $1,013; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.


Well pump priority settings and SCADA antenna battery replacement:  Charlie reported that he purchased batteries and will be moving the solar panel from the Lake Wenatchee water reservoir to the repeater station in Lester Addition.  He and RH2 will be attempting to convert the solar application at the LWW reservoir to PUD power.  The possibility of having PUD power brought to the tower will be investigated.

Customer meter readings:  Elaine reported that she has been working with Master Meter and will reset the two meters that were installed backwards and turn on those meters that are not getting pings from.  She will try and have this done by the end of September.  Master meter will send the local customer service employee to help if needed.

Fir Drive Leak:  It has not been repaired.  Charlie will contact Dickinson Construction again.

POW leak charge and line locator issue: Marc said to have POW provide a line locator because it was in the bid. The District will not pay for the warranty leak investigation by POW because repairs were not made by them. Dickinson Construction made the repair.


The next meeting will be held on October 20 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91 and Elaine will post the notice of the date change.


Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 1:15 pm.


Minutes, August 11, 2016

                                             Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                          Aug 11, 2016

                                                            Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney

Guests Present:  Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:05 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the July 7, 2016 minutes and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Public comments:  There were no comments.


The meter issues were discussed.  Charlie inspected all meters that we are not getting readings on. Elaine tried contacting Master Meter to see if the ping signal could have gotten turned off or was never turned on.  Elaine will do further work on the problem

Meter connection charges.  The matter was discussed as to what should be charged the customers who want a connection after the construction is complete. Commissioner Harris motioned to have Commissioner Klasell contact Charlie, the operator, about getting estimates for meters, vaults and installation that would be used for 2016, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.
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There are several property owners that have not paid their water charges since the first billing in January. The Commissioners will work on preparing a lien notice.  When final draft is complete, it will be emailed to Marc Marquis, attorney for his review.

The auditor’s questions were discussed.  All answers were accepted.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for July 2016.  As of 7/31/16 our funds are $50.584.27 at the County.  The Imprest balance is $266.34.  Imprest expenditures were $28.20 for postage and $205.46 to reimburse Commissioner Harris for PC/Plumbing parts.  Accounts Receivable shows $1,258.32 past due 90 days and $2,332.74 past due 30 days.

We have received $326,724.73 in LID payments, there are 28 parcels (16%) that have made no payments. The county will initiate foreclosure proceedings after 3 years of nonpayment.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 P2 #18 in the amount of $3,098.45 to cover project costs for the last 3 months; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $6,651.64; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the CPF Warrant in the amount of $2,365.67; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the July payroll warrant for $988.00; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.The next meeting will be held on September 8, 2016 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:05 pm.

Next meeting is Sept. 8, 2016 at Fire Station #91 at 10:00 am

Minutes, July 7, 2016

Lake Wenatchee Water District

July 7, 2016

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Professionals: Marc Marquis – Attorney

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the June 9, 2016 minutes and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Public comments: There were no comments.


LW well low water issues: Ryan from RH2 has recommended installing a variable frequency drive (VFD) which would alter the amount pumped by the well pump. Charlie recommends measuring the water levels once a week to get an idea of what is occurring when air is being pumped. Charlie will borrow a probe to measure the water levels in the well.

Brown Road Well Leak: The leak has not been fixed. The contractor is waiting to obtain a piece of equipment.Charlie will contact him to expedite the repair. If he can't fix it within the next week, then the district will contact someone who can.

If you use the cheap 100mg cialis in the usa pills then you can enjoy its effects for the next month’s test. There are instances when medications coming from pharmacies may not ask for the prescription. Order Page cialis free samples But as this is generic version of frankkrauseautomotive.com cheap cialis, Kamagra oral jelly 100mg online than getting the brand name item despite the fact that the dynamic add-in will be in Sildenafil citrate. viagra discount online It remains effective 24 to 36 hours after taking the tablet – it’s advisable to get into a suitable mood by indulging in sex play. Water usage and meter issues: There are some customers using excess water. The issue was discussed.

The clerk also presented meter reading issues. Charlie will work on the list to determine what is occurring. More analysis needs to be done to determine whether there is actual overages or meter reading issues with the hardware/software.

Charlie reported on a leak on North Shore: It was first thought that it was a warranty issue. POW was called. When the pipe was dug up, it was determined by POW that it was not a warranty issue. They filled the hole and did not fix the leak. Charlie called a contractor and the leak was fixed.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for June 2016. As of 06/30/16 our funds are $46,896.95 at the County. The Imprest balance is $466.29. Imprest expenditures were $34.00 for postage. Accounts Receivable shows $569.90 past due.

We have received $323,983.11 in LID payments, there are 32 parcels (19%) that have made no payments.The county will initiate foreclosure proceedings after 3 years of nonpayment.

Commissioner Klasell wrote a check to reimburse Commissioner Harris $16.49 for laptop power supply and $188.97 for plumbing parts.

Commissioner Klasell advised that A19 P2 #18 was voided as Dept. of Commerce wants us to submit all final bills for the project at one time.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,190.32. Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the CPF Warrant in the amount of $144.62. Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the June payroll warrant for $988.00, Commissioner Harris seconded,motion passed.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:35 pm.

The next meeting will be held on August 11, 2016 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91

Minutes, June 9 2016

                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District 

                                                       June 9, 2016 

                                                         Station 91 

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris 

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Professionals: Marc Marquis – Attorney

Guests Present:  Barb Harris 

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:03 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the May 12, 2016 minutes and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed. 

Public CommentsNo comments


County payment update:  The Chelan County treasurer provided a list of payments received through the 31st of May.  There are about 30% who have not paid as of that date.  More payments were received in the first week of June.  The County will provide us with a monthly list.

Marc has not received any further communication from Mr. Paris regarding his assessment.

Elaine reported that the District has received the FS payments for 3 of the 4 FS properties.  The fourth customer was sent an email.

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The General Service Contract with RH2, approved at the May meeting, was signed by Commissioner Harris.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for May 2016; as of 5/31/16 our funds are $46,645.06 at the County. Imprest balance is $332.54.  Imprest expenditures were $77.70 for postage; $133.67 for PUD.  A/R shows $730.32 90 days past due.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,824.28.  Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 2 A19 #18 for $588.16 and supporting CPF Warrant.  Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the May payroll warrant for $863.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 


Brown Road Well Repair: The repair has not been made.  The contractor is waiting to lease a piece of equipment to help with the repair. He indicated that he hopes to get to it on Wed. of next week.

Booster pump repair:  Charlie has been in contact with Ryan at RH2 who indicated that Belsaas & Smith have not returned his calls.  Commissioner Klasell emailed Ryan during the meeting.

Customer Repairs:  Charlie reported that the two meters that were installed backwards have been fixed.

Meter Reading Issues:  Elaine reported that she is working on the reading issues and hopes to have a list for Charlie of meters that are not giving a reading.

Mtn Park Pressure switch:  Charlie reported that he has replaced the switch.  After adjusting the water pressure in the pump house the pressure issue at Alnoch’s and Babst properties is now sufficient.

Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) and Water Usage Efficiency Report (WUE) have been prepared and will be placed on the LWWD website.  Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the reports as presented by Charlie, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:00 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded, meeting adjourned. 

The next meeting will be held on July 14, 2016 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91

Minutes, May 12, 2016

                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                       May 12, 2016

                                                         Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris 

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Professionals: Marc Marquis – Attorney

Guests Present:  Barb Harris 

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:07 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the 04/14/16 minutes and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed. 

Public CommentsNo comments

LID Closure Update

LID county updates:  Commissioner Klasell has access to the LID account where the monies are deposited.  We have received $215,000.00 in payments so far.

Marc reported that he heard from a customer’s attorney regarding the LID.  The customer is exempt from paying for water because of a prior agreement with the Lake Wenatchee water user association.  He felt that it also exempted him from being part of the LID. Marc explained to his attorney that it does not.  It only covers water usage.


General Service Contract with RH2: Marc and Charlie felt that it covered all our needs.  Commissioner Klasell will ask Ryan to send a copy for the Commissioners signatures.

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Customer late fee issue:  The subject was discussed and the Commissioners feel that we have to treat all customers equally.  The customer will be informed that we will forgive one $7.80 late fee but the rest need to be paid.

Maria Mayer’s temporary connection:  The issue of Mayer’s temporary above ground water line and Spoelstra’s new driveway was discussed and the Commissioners agree that the best solution is to move her meter to a new vault on the other side of that driveway. If she agrees to this recommendation and receives a wetlands permit, the meter can be moved back to the original vault.  The District will get an estimate of the cost of installation of a vault which will be Mayer’s responsibility to pay.

DOH Lead Removal:  The subject was discussed.  We do not have any lead metal pipes in our main distribution system and all our tests for lead are within the Federal guide lines.  Commissioner Klasell will look for a notice that can be sent to all customers letting them know that the water we provide is within compliance standards.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for April 2016; as of 4/30/16 our funds are $41,201.82 at the County. Imprest balance is $543.91.  Imprest expenditures were $18.57 for office supplies.  A/R shows $1,137.92 past due.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3014.56.  Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.   

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 2 A19 #17 for $422.94 and supporting CPF Warrant.  Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the April payroll warrant for $893.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 


Brown Road well repair:  Charlie has contacted the contractor.  He will contact him again.

Lake View Drive sink hole in the newly paved road: Charlie will investigate and have RH2 contact POW if necessary.

Well configuration:  Charlie reported that the Homestead well is now the primary source and has been for a while.

 Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting 12:07 pm; motion passed.

The next meeting will be held on June 9, 2016 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91

Minutes, April 14, 2016

Lake Wenatchee Water District

April 14, 2016

Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris (Skype)

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Professionals: Marc Marquis Attorney

Guests Present:  Barb Harris (Skype), Stevan Fredrickson

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:02 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and accept as written: A discussion occurred because Commissioner Harris felt there was a line in the minutes that needed changing.  Clerk Kinney will make the suggested changes.

Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the suggested changes to the minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed 

Public Comments:  One of the newest customers receiving a meter was present explaining his story.  He is in the process of buying the property.  This process has been going on for two years and he was not aware of the new meter.  He felt he should be exempt from the monthly base rate.  After discussion, the Commissioners agreed to waive the late fees and the customer agreed to pay what he owes on the meter charges now and going forward.

LID Closure Update 

The county mailed out the assessment invoices this week.  All assessments are due by May 31, 2016.

RH2 General Service Contract:  RH2 has proposed having a service contract in place.  After discussion the Commissioners felt this is something we should have.  Commissioner Klasell will contact RH2 and obtain particulars. Commissioner Klasell motioned to enter into a service contract with RH2 for the SCADA, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 


Customer meter shutoff issue:  A customer requested that his meter be turned off.  He also felt that if it was shut off, he would not have to pay the monthly base rate. He was informed that he would and the meter was still turned off at the customer’s request.  The Commissioners agreed he should pay the $25.00 shutoff fee outlined in the LWWD operation procedures.
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Public Record Act:  The District responded to the requester within the required 5 days informing them that the District requires that their form  which is available on the District website be filled out and returned.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for March 2016; as of 3/34/16 our funds are $36,306.83 at the County. Imprest balance is $128.75.  A/R shows $2,006.14 past due.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,263.41.  Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  Imprest expenditures were $289.35 for iPage annual renewal and postage/printing for final LID mailing, as well as $27 for mileage.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 2 A19 #16 for $1,349.24 and supporting CPF Warrant for $1,349.44.  Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the March payroll warrant for $810.50, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 

LWWD Annual report was presented with no additional changes required.  It will be mailed to the State Auditor this week.


Brown Road Washout Repair:  Charlie, the operator, reported that the county did a great job on the repairs.

Auto Dialer Upgrade:  The RH2 engineer feels this does not need to be paid until Jan, 2017.

Revised Coliform Rules:  Charlie feels this only applies if we have a positive result.

Charlie reported that the leak on the Brown Road well should be repaired within the next month.

Maintenance Contract: Commissioner Klasell reported that she could not find any utilities that have a contract in place for routine maintenance needs.  We will continue to use our small works roster for emergencies as per our administrative directives.

Commissioner Klasell moved to close the meeting at 11:50am; motion passed

The next meeting will be held on May 12, 2016 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91