Minutes, August 13, 2015

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                             Commissioners Meeting

                                                                     August 13, 2015     

                                                              at Station 91 Fire House

Commissioners Present:  President Jim Ratley (Skype), Secretary Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and established a quorum announcing those present.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the July 9, 2015 and July 23, 2015 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Public Comments: No public comments

Project Status-Phase 1

Status on new GFC110s swapping out the NFC110’s: Charlie reported that they have been swapped out.  Currently, the unit in the combined facility is not receiving a signal from the LWWU pump station equipment.  Consequently, the final punch list is not complete.

Driveway repairs on Lakeview:  Still waiting for a change order from RH2.  No action was taken at the meeting.

Project Status-Phase 2

New Customer Notification:  A letter will be sent to the new customers around the first of September who now have meters and water and are not currently being billed.  The letter will inform them when they will start being billed the monthly charge of $39.00.

North Shore Service Line Status:  Charlie reported that all affected properties appear to be connected.  He will take another assessment.

Customers on North Shore with meters:  Charlie reported that, of the 5 customers, all current vaults can be used except for Kulinski.  His vault will need a meter re-setter as his meter is 3 feet down. It needs to be brought up to 18 inches.
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West meter:  Charlie reported that he has talked with Mr. West.  He has given him the time line for flushing, clean out, etc. and he good with it.  The flushing of the new main will probably be in about 2 weeks.

Hink Meter: Mr. Hink’s meter is in and the service line has been connected

Lester Addition meter locations:  Commissioner Harris reported that Mr. Jesse Bevans has suggested that his meter be moved from its current scheduled location to behind a large rock to save snow plow damage.  Charlie will talk to the contractor about this.

Locked meter vaults:  The subject was discussed and the Commissioners feel that the vaults should remain locked to avoid damage to the meters.  The tool to open the vault is easily available.  All customers should have a shutoff installed in their house if they don’t already have one.  The meter should not be used to shut off the water unless it is an emergency such as a leak in the service line.   In these cases, the District should be called to shut off the meter.

Shutoff  Valve on Brown Road:  Charlie suggested that the District install a 8” gate valve on the line existing the combined facility pump house  to facilitate shutoff isolation and for flushing capability.

Commissioner Harris moved to have a change order made to install a 8” gate valve by the Combined facility and to install a meter setter in the Kulinski meter vault, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Barb Harris brought up the filter issue at her house.  Charlie is going to do some turbidity testing in the near future.


Audit:  Commissioner Klasell reviewed the recent state and federal auditor’s findings to date. A final report will be provided to LWWD. The auditor engagement letter was signed by Commissioners Klasell and Commissioner Harris.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for July 2015; as of 8/1/15 our funds are $51,124.28 at the County; Imprest balance is $469.95.  We have 3 customers past due 90 days, which amounts to $214.22.  Elaine has sent emails in the past but will follow it up with a letter.  The letter will let them know that if payment is not received by Sept. 15, 20156, their water will be shut off.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,559.73.  Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  The Imprest expenditures in July were $49.00 for postage.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 2 A19 #8 for $336,009.90 and corresponding CPF warrant for Phase 2, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.  This includes POW Pay Request #4 for $298,061.20.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the July payroll warrant for $1,789.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.


Next meeting is August 27, 2015 at 10 am at Fire Station #91


Minutes, July 23, 2015

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                             Commissioners Meeting

                                                                     July 23, 2015     

                                                              Station 91 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President Jim Ratley (Skype), Secretary Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professionals: Karen Kornher-RH2, Mark Marquis-attorney

Guests Present: Barb Harris 

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:03, established a quorum, and announced those present.

Commissioner Harris tabled approval of the July 9th minutes until the Aug. 13th meeting to give the Commissioners time to read them.

Public comments:  There were no comments.

Project Status-Phase 1
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Punch List:  The meter situation has not been resolved.  RH2 will keep contacting them until it is resolved and we can close out Phase 1.

Upper System Driveway Repair:  The issue was discussed.  The Commissioners motioned last week to proceed with whatever recommendations RH2 provided.  RH2 will prepare a change order for the repairs and stay within the four thousand credit received from Belsaas & Smith for the Commissioners review and approval.

Project Status-Phase 2

Homestead well sulfur issue:  RH2 recommended to address the issue before the end of the project. Barney with RH2 recommended doing two tests now to determine the sulfur level.  Commissioner Harris moved to have Charlie perform the two tests recommended by Barney, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.

Archeology Find:  Commissioner Klasell had a conference call with the DOH, the Colville Tribe and Fennelle. recommended three more days of digging.  RH2 pointed out that the District is done digging in the area, so therefore; the District has no more responsibilities


LID Closeout:  Marc Marquis conveyed the requirements for LID closure.  The necessary steps will be followed by the District.  Each LID participant will be notified, by mail, according to the law.  A public hearing will be held for comments after the mailings and newspaper notification.


There were not any operation issues.

Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:15, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed. 

Commissioner Harris announced that the next meeting is Aug. 13, 2015 at 10:00 am.

Minutes July 9, 2015

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                             Commissioners Meeting

                                                                     July 9, 2015     

                                                              at Station 91 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President Jim Ratley (Skype), Secretary Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Barb Harris 

Public Comments: Barb Harris brought water filters from her house to show how much discoloration there was in a 2 week period.  The matter was discussed and Charlie, our operator felt that is was because our contractor may not have flushed the line sufficiently or maybe the well had not cleared itself completely.  The matter will be investigated.

Project Status-Phase 1

Punch List:  Charlie reported that the new system is still not reflecting gals/min.  The matter was discussed.  Rh2 will be contacted to see how we can apply pressure to Belsaas & Smith to complete the problem.

PRV emergency repair on Lakeview Drive:  Charlie explained how it happened and why.  The increased pressure caused a second leak at the top of Fir Drive.  Charlie will ask POW if they will fix the leak and if they can’t or won’t, we will wait for Mike Dickinson who was already contacted.

Upper System Driveway Repair:  Waiting for RH2’s recommendations with a change order before any decisions can be made.

Project Status-Phase 2

North Shore Flushing Issue:  Charlie feels like in the next two weeks the flushing of the new water main will be done and all the meters checked for blockages.

Mr. West’s Meter Replacement:  Since the motion last week to re-install his one inch meter, more information has been obtained regarding flushing of the lines.

Commissioner Klasell rescinded her motion to reinstall Mr. West’s old meter until after the project is complete, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 

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Ballantine meter: Rh2 verified that installation of his meter is in the plans.

North Shore Service Lines Location:  Selected property owners were notified by email or phone call that their service line was not within 10 feet of the new meter and that they need to hire a contractor to find the service line and extend it to the new meter and connect.  When the District has a date when the old main will be abandoned, they will be notified again.

Frontier Communications equipment damage:  POW is aware of the issue and is working with Frontier to pay the damages to their equipment.

Lakeview Drive Paving Issue:  The matter was discussed and the Commissioners felt that POW should complete their portion of the restoration and paving which is half of the road and let the PUD complete theirs.  The matter will be investigated further.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for June 2015; as of 7/1/15 our funds are $47,751.12 at the County; Imprest balance is $423.50.  We have 2 customers past due 90 days, Clerk Kinney has contacted them.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,012.94.  Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.  The Imprest expenditures in June are $35.46 for postage and $59.99 for Carbonite software annual renewal.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign P2 A19 #7 for $322,969.02 and corresponding CPF warrant for Phase 2, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.  This includes POW Pay Request 32 for $274,227.78.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the June payroll warrant for $1,346.50, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign Resolution 2015-7-9 to accept the Updated Administrative and Directives, as presented, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed. 


On the last meter read, 5 leaks were detected.  Because of the July 4th Holiday and the amount of residences present, a second reading will be done soon to determine if there any leaks.  3 out of the 5 were felt to be excessive watering practices.

Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed. 

Next meeting is July 23, 2015 at 10 am at Fire Station #91


June 25, 2015 Minutes

                                                      Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                           Commissioners Meeting

                                                                 June 25, 2015    

                                                          Station 91 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President- Jim Ratley, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner-Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Consultants: Mark Marquis-attorney

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Jim Kulinski (via conference phone)

Commissioner Ratley called the meeting to order and acknowledged a quorum and announced those present.

Commissioner Ratley motioned to waive the reading of the minutes from June 11, 2015 and approve as presented, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Public comments: There were not comments

Project Status-Phase 2

Johannessen and Kulinski line extension and meter installation:

Commissioner Harris motioned to modify Mr. Kulinski’s ‘Petition to Join the LWWD LID’ to reflect a revised responsibility to pay for that portion of the line extension (approximately 108 feet) that extends beyond the Johannessen NE corner, which would be the proposed connection point if that were the most western property in the LID. All other considerations of the waiver would remain the same, Commissioner Ratley seconded, Commissioner Klasell voted no; motion passed.

Homestead well situation: Right now the well is turned off and will remain that way until we need the additional water. The Commissioners and Charlie, our operator, discussed the issue. It was agreed that when the whole system has been completed, the well situation will be visited again and addressed.

McCord and Norris easement issue: Marc Marquis reported that Mr. Norris was satisfied with his explanation that the easement he has attached to his property does not mean ownership. Commissioner Harris informed Mr. McCord the same thing.

Upper meter installation: The contractor was under the impression that easements needed to be obtained before the meters can be moved. They were informed at the construction meeting that was not the case. They will move the meters when they find time.

LWWU old meter replacements: It was discovered that the 7 customers from the former LWWUA had 1” meters, which are larger than we are installing. POW will make necessary modifications when installing our new meters, which are smaller.
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Washington State Budget Issue: POW has agreed to keep working until the issue is resolved.

There are a few properties where the service line cannot be located. Charlie will let the clerk know who they are. Commissioner Ratley agreed to compose a letter, letting them know the situation and that the meter will be installed where planned and that it will be their responsibility to connect. Bob West’s property has had a new meter put in that is smaller than the original. Because of this and multiple dwellings on his property using water through this meter, he has reduced pressure. After discussion a decision was made to return his service to the original size.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to reinstall Mr. West’s original meter and vault until the project is complete, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.


Project Status-Phase 1

 Punch List: The final punch list is not complete. The issue of the meter interface with the SCADA software in the combined facility has not been resolved. Charlie also reported that the pump is making a noise which needs addressing.

Driveway restoration on the upper Lakeview properties: Commissioner Ratley motioned to submit a change order to POW to crack seal and seal coat the affected areas from Phase 1 per RH2’s assessment and recommendations, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

 Annual review of operative policies and directives: Commissioner Ratley motioned to accept the changes to the document as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioners position 1 and 3 opening: There has been no one signed up for the November election. Commissioner Ratley will talk with an interested member again.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the WUE and the Consumer Confidence reported to be submitted by Charlie and post to the LWWD website by June 30, 2015, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.



 Charlie reported that there is a leak at the western end of Fir Drive on the lateral line to the meter. He has called Mike Dickinson to repair. He felt it was an emergency repair.

There was also a leak on Lakeview with a valve. Charlie will evaluate the situation.

Commissioner Ratley motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:52 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.


The next meeting will by July 9, 2015

June 11, 2015 Minutes

                                                    Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                            Commissioners Meeting

                                                                  June 11, 2015    

                                                            at Station 91 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President – Jim Ratley, Secretary – Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Consultants: Karen Kornher – RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Eric Pierson – Chelan County Public Works, Karen Dickinson

Commissioner Ratley called the meeting to order at 10:05 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Ratley moved to waive the reading of the minutes from the 05/28/15 Commissioner’s meeting and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, and Commissioner Klasell abstained, passed.

Public Comments: None

Project Status-Phase 2

Eric Pierson discussed the County requirement for bonding required for the District project. Several options were discussed. He indicated that a Right of Way bond would suffice which Karen Kornher will explore.

Commissioner Ratley read the email from Jim Davis regarding the pipeline installation in the dirt Brown Road area that has been determined to be orphan property by the various surveys done. Commissioner Klasell read the email from our attorney, Marc Marquis, listing options. Karen Dickinson stated that she is pursuing a quiet title on the affected property and will provide an affidavit letter presenting her intent to provide an easement for the pipeline once that title is obtained.

Commissioner Ratley motioned to install the water line in the Brown Road dirt area, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Hashim connection: The 8 inch pipeline and connection and 4 meters have been installed per the MOU. Commissioner Harris will ask Marc Marquis to notify Hashim’s attorney of the completion.

The Lakeview Drive pipeline has been pressure tested. Charlie did not have a date for the installation of the new meters for the 5 upper system properties on Lakeview Drive.

North Shore Pipeline: Charlie felt that POW was on schedule.

Karen Kornher explained the requirement for paving on Lakeview Drive. The District is responsible for paving the southern half of the road to the center line.
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Tree removal: Since the cost of salvaging the affected trees is more than their value, Chelan County Public Works has agreed that the trees can be disposed of by the contractor.

Paul Henne’s leak: Charlie reported that it is very small and will be addressed when the new line is installed.

Kulinski’s Meter Re-Location Request: The subject was discussed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to inform Mr. Kulinski that if he wants the meter moved from the present location, he can do it at his own expense under the direct supervision of Charlie, our operator, and without interfering with the current project, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Paul Curhan: His current location is in the driveway area and the meter is 3-4 feet deep. Since the meter box has already been removed, it was decided to put in a new meter vault, and install the meter higher to accommodate the necessary plumbing.

Project Status-Phase 1

The final punch list needs to be completed. The master system source meters need to be repaired. The parts have been ordered.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for May 2015; as of 6/1/15 our funds are $50,152.15 at the County; Imprest balance is $438.15. We have 2 customers past due 90 days, Clerk Kinney has contacted them.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,054.40. Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed. The Imprest expenditures in May were $50.51 mileage and $30.29 supplies.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign P2 A19 #6 for $180,206.84 and corresponding CPF warrant for Phase 2, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. This includes POW Pay Request #2 for $147,629.09.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the May payroll warrant for $1,762.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.


Charlie presented his emergency shutoff procedure for the combined pump house. The District office has a copy and it is also posted on the panel in the pump house.

The leak on Byron Dickinson’s property has been repaired.

Commissioner Ratley adjourned the meeting at 1:15 pm.

Next meeting is June 25, 2015 at 10:00 am.


May 28, 2015 Minutes

                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                    May 28, 2015    

                                               at Station 91 Fire House

Commissioners Present: Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner-Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Dave Tice

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and established a quorum with 2 Commissioners present.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the 5/14/15 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Public Comments: Mr. Tice was in attendance to talk about the sulfur smell that he is experiencing at his home.

Charlie Cruickshank explained the steps he has taken to reduce the sulfur smell by limiting the amount of water pumped from the new well along with increasing the chlorination. He also explained why Mr. Tice and a few other property owners may be experiencing the sulfur smell. Their close proximity to the water source allows less contact time for the chlorine in the system to work on the sulfur content. The Commissioners offered some solutions that Mr. Tice could take to reduce the problem in the near term. The Commissioners will continue to monitor the situation but agreed to wait until the system is complete and all the water sources are mixed, to see if the problem decreases.


Project Status-Phase 1

Punch List: There are still items on the punch list that are not complete including the meters which do not seem to be functioning properly.

Commissioner Klasell reported that Cathy Brockmann indicated that the 5% retainer level for phase 2 funding has been verified and approved.


Project Status-Phase 2

 Brown Road Easements: The easement documents have been sent to the Dickinson’s et all and Davis. They have not been received back.

The Hashim vaults have been installed with the actual meters to follow shortly. He will be notified that the conditions of the 2015 revised MOU will have been met by the district when the installation is complete.
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Meters for upper residences: Charlie did not have a firm schedule when they would be installed.

Chelan County Performance Bond: The District cannot get one and there is indication that it is not required.

Commissioner Harris moved to email Andrew Brunner, through Bonnie, informing him that the District is unable to provide a performance bond, Commissioner Klasell seconded.

 Lakeview Drive Pavement: With all the information received to date, it appears the District will be paying for half of the road paving and the PUD the other half.



 Charlie will prepare and emergency shutoff procedure and make it available in the combined facility along with lock out tags.

Mtn. Park Leak: The Commissioners agreed to do nothing now. The line will be replaced during construction on North Shore. If it gets worse before then, it will be repaired.

Charlie reported that the leak on North Shore near Mr. Dickinson’s parcel has not been repaired. He will contact the contractor again.


Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:15 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded.


The next meeting is June 11th at 10:00 am






May 14 and May 20, 2015 Minutes

 Lake Wenatchee Water District

  Commissioners Meeting

  May 14, 2015    

  at Station 91 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Jim Ratley, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner-Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Consultants: Marc Marquis-attorney, Adam Neff-RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Ratley called the meeting to order at 10:10 am and established a quorum. All three Commissioners present.

Commissioner Ratley motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for 4/23/15 and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Public Comments: None

Project Status-Phase 1

Tice Easement: The signed easement has been recorded.

The last pay request from Belsaas & Smith has not been received. The Phase 1 will be closed when that is resolved.

Project Status-Phase 2

Brown Road Status: Marc presented three possibilities for handling the issue. His recommendation is to put the pipe in the portion of the road that has been orphaned.   Karen Dickinson sent an email indicating that she and the other owners of the property are willing to sign an easement giving the District access for the pipe.

Commissioner Ratley motioned to utilize the easement documents prepared by Marc along with a cover letter and send to the property owners of parcel numbers 271718310250 and 271718310200 as soon as practical, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

The meter locations for Mr. Hashim, Mr. Bohn, & Karen Dickinson were clarified. Commissioner Harris clarified where the Mayer service will be placed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to forego all stub outs, Commissioner Ratley seconded, Commissioner Klasell voted no, motioned passed.

The performance bond required by Chelan County was discussed. The Insurance Company originally denied coverage stating that they felt it was not necessary. Commissioner Klasell sent the District Insurance Company additional information and is waiting for a reply.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for April 2015; as of 5/1/15 our funds are $54,924.28 at the County; Imprest balance is $466.22. We have 1 customer past due 90 days, and 7 customers past due 60 days, Clerk Kinney has contacted them all via email.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $5,816.22. Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed. The Imprest expenditure in March was $34.00 for postage.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the CPF warrant in the amount of $6,180.44. Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

Being over possessive or being extra caring viagra free consultation can make the partner feeling choke in the relationship. It is invented by a British scientist and marketed by buy generic sildenafil the US medicine company, Pfizer. They come to the conclusion that oral anti-impotent drugs are the overnight viagra only solution to get rid of impotence. Our ancestors believed in something called a viagra online order soul wound. Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #36 for $11,137.50 and corresponding CPF warrant for Phase 1 Easement (Mr. Tice – parcel 271718925180), Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign April payroll warrant for $1,157.50, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.   In addition, Commissioner Klasell submitted a mileage reimbursement request for $50.51 for driving to Wenatchee to record easement. Commissioner Harris approved the request.

The Waletzky email concerning unauthorized vehicle activity above Lake View Drive was discussed.

Commissioner Ratley will reply to Waletzky.

The small works roster ad will be published in June.

Commissioner Ratley and Clerk Elaine are working on the review of the Operating Directives/Policies.


The sulfur smell was discussed. Charlie explained the chlorination process. It was decided that we should reduce the amount of water pumped from the Homestead well and increase the water output from the Brown Road well.

Charlie pointed out that he is spending a lot of time in the construction area dealing with other matters than the actual inspection. The Commissioners pointed out that those hours should be charged at his regular rate. Charlie agreed.

Commissioner Ratley continued the meeting until May 20, 2015 at 10:00 am at the District office to approve the A19 for payroll payment to POW.


Continued Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2015

at the District Office


Commissioner Ratley opened the continued meeting on May 20, 2015 at 10:00 am, acknowledged a quorum.

Present were Commissioner Ratley, Commissioner Harris, Commissioner Klasell (via Skype) and clerk Kinney.

There were no public comments.

Commissioner Ratley moved to accept and sign the A19 # 5 for $307,836.88, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. This includes Pay Request #1 for POW in the amount of $289,808.37.

Commissioner Ratley moved to sign the CPF warrant for $308,517.01, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

There was a brief discussion about the dirt Brown Road easement documents.

Commissioner Ratley moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:07 am, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

The next meeting will be May 28, 2015 at 10:00 am at Fire Station number 91.


April 23, 2015 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District
Commissioners Meeting
April 23, 2015
at Station 91 Fire House

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Commissioners Present: President-Jim Ratley (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell (via Skype), Commissioner-Bruce Harris
Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank
Guests Present: Barb Harris, Dave Tice, Cleve Borth, Bob West, Jan West and Karen Dickinson
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 9:55 am.
Commissioner Harris moved to waive the reading of the minutes for April 9, 2015 and to accept as written, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.
Public Comments:
Cleve Borth gave a history of the water rights for the Byron Dickinson and Bob West properties. According to the water right transfer papers, the Bob West property has three connections. The two irrigation connections have meters for reporting usage to the DOE and one connection for Potable water that the District will meter for usage purposes. After the system is complete the two irrigation meters may be replaced with radio read meters.
Project Status-Phase 1
Tice Easement: Charlie reported that the sewer line has been sleeved.
Mr. Tice was not comfortable with the easement documents because there is nothing that relates his signature to the wording of the easement. The Commissioners told him to number the pages and have it recorded. He asked if the District would rent the property on a month to month basis. The board responded that the district requires an access right which runs with the land, not with land owner Mr. Tice said he would get back to the District in a couple of days.
Mr. Tice also brought up the sulfur smell from the Homestead well. Charlie reported that it is being worked on.
Phase 1 planting and driveway repair: Charlie reported that the grass that came up is spotty in certain areas. It was decided to have Charlie reseed the grass area and plant some vine maples. Jim Ratley will discuss driveway repairs with the affected property owners.
Commissioner Harris motioned to have Charlie get the grass and implement for spreading from Karen Dickinson, which will be replaced, plus any additional seeds needed, and reseed the affected areas, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.
Project Status-Phase 2
Brown Road Easement: Karen Dickinson presented her findings. As a result of the surveys, the road in question appears to be orphaned land. None of the land owners along the road legally own it. She will pursue obtaining a Quiet title. She asked if the District would provide and pay for the lawyer. The Commissioners declined that request.
Storage of upper meters and vaults: It was decided to store the vaults on the outside of the decommissioned Whispering Pines pump house and the meters inside of the pump house.
Notification of construction schedule to the local Fire District: It was noted that it is POW’s responsibility to notify them.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to approve March 2015 payroll as presented, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.
Commissioner Klasell motioned to approve change orders 2 thru 5, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.
Commissioner Harris motioned to authorize Commissioner Klasell to sign the change orders and submit to RH2, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.
The rental of an appropriate generator for emergencies will be pursued at a later date.
The Commissioners decided to keep the storage tank at almost full capacity to avoid running out of water in an emergency.
Charlie reported that while staging at the beginning of Fir Drive, POW, the Phase 2 contractor, found a leak in the Lester Addition source pipe. Charlie felt that since they were there with their equipment and Charlie had the parts to repair the line that is made sense for them to repair it, which he authorized. Charlie felt that it was an emergency repair.
Charlie reported that the flow from the WP spring has slowed to a trickle indicating a pipe breakage which has happened in the past. Repairs will be pursued at a later date when weather permits.
Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:40 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.
The next meeting is May 14, 2015 at 10 am.

April 9, 2015 minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

April 9, 2015

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner-Bruce Harris (via Skype)

Commissioner Absent:  Jim Ratley

Staff Present: Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Consultants: Karen Kornher, RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris (via Skype), Cleve Borth


Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:02 am, announced those present and established a quorum.

Commissioner Klasell moved to waive the reading of the 3/26/15 minutes and to accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 

Public Comments: No comments

Project Status – Phase 1

Reservoir water loss final resolution Auto-dialer failure & Scada login – Karen K. and Charlie are not sure if the issue is software related or something with the auto-dialer.  Karen K. advised Clayton is trying to resolve, and she will have him install a backup auto-dialer on his next visit to see if that rectifies the problem.

Tice easement – no easement returned by Mr. Tice.  Commissioner Klasell sent him an email on Tue, 4/7 reminding him, no response to email.

Hashim’s final agreement – signed agreement by Mr. Hashim was returned to our attorney last week, Marc Marquis has the original but a copy is on the district PC.

Change order #6 – Commissioner Klasell motioned to approve CO6 for $1048.00 to have Belsaas & Smith sleeve the septic line on Mr. Tice’s parcel, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.  This is assuming Charlie gets approval from Mr. Tice, since we do not have an easement in place yet.

Punch-list April 13th – Commissioner Harris had questions regarding the review of the checklist items (some of which were on the punch-list) resulting from Phase 1 work that affected the Whispering Pines residents in the vicinity of the mainline pipe construction.  It was decided that the best time for the evaluation of the unfinished items would be in May.

Decision on number of ‘as built’ drawings 3 half-set were requested.

Project Status – Phase 2
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Phase 2 ROE’s – only one customer returned their ROE. Commissioner Klasell will contact owners via email and remind them that if we don’t have ROEs returned we can’t connect to their homes. 

Karen Kornher’s attendance at commissioner meetings – Karen K will attend one meeting a month at no charge to the district.  In addition, Adam will possibly attend the alternate meeting weeks if needed.

Change orders 2-4 – no actual change orders were given to commissioners for signature, but commissioners have reviewed the estimated costs and maps for each change order and are in agreement we need to proceed with them.  Pipeline relocation along North Shore Drive is affected by CO2 & CO3.  Meter relocations are on CO4 and each location was discussed; Charlie will follow up on the few that we still have questions about.

Status of Brown Road Easement – Karen K will discuss with our surveyor whether or not the west end of the road (between the Donaldson and Burgess parcel) resides on Donaldson’s parcel or Burgess’.  Once we receive determination of that, the commissioners will decide at the next meeting whether or not to send prepared easements out for signature.  In addition, we are waiting to hear back from Marc Marquis about some questions on the Donaldson easement language.

Tree removal the county has now determined that they want the trees removed from public ROW and delivered to a location of their choosing. This is not what we agreed to 2 years ago and was not put into our bid.  Karen K has asked the contractor for a price on this change, and we’ll decide how to proceed once we receive these figures.


Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #3 for $48,221.75 and corresponding CPF warrant for Phase 2; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. There was no pay request from Belsaas & Smith, therefore there was no A19 for Phase 1 to approve.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for March 2015; as of 4/1/15 our funds are $61,085.92 at the County; Imprest balance is $386.66.  We have 2 customer past due 90 days, we will have to wait until Clerk Kinney returns from her medical leave to follow up on them.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $5,540.59.  Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.  Imprest expenditures in March were $52.73 for mileage and $79.56 for Cascade Analytical water testing (bills received after O&M warrant for March was approved).

No payroll to approve at this meeting since Clerk Kinney didn’t get her timesheet in prior to her surgery on April 6th.  We’ll approve at the next meeting, since payroll isn’t entered into the County system until month end.



LWWD phone and being responsive to customers – 24/7 – Commissioners will have clerk put on district voice mail message if there is an emergency to contact Charlie directly (with his phone number included).

Power outages and “the need or no need” for a back-up generator Karen K. recommends we enter into a rental agreement with a local company, rather than purchase a generator.

Operations of main 100,000 gal tank during winter months – Charlie will review need to increase water levels during winter months.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to adjourn meeting at 12:30pm, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Next meeting – Apr 23, 2015


March 26, 2015 Minutes

                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      March 26, 2015

                                               at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President – Jim Ratley, (via Skype), Secretary – Bonnie Klasell Commissioner, Bruce Harris (via Skype)

Staff Present: No staff Present

Guests Present: Barb Harris (via Skype)

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:00 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Klasell read the minutes from the meeting on 3/1/515. One correction was noted. Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the minutes, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

Public comments: No Public Comments

Project status – Phase 1

Jon Blackmore of Belsaas and Smith reported to Karen Kornher last week that nothing new has been done on the project. As of today, there is still a list of a few items to finish, including electrical work at Mtn. Park. No ETA of when this work will be done.

Tice Easement – we mailed him the revised easement on March 13, 2015 and as of today have not received a response. Commissioner Ratley will contact Mr. Tice via email to remind him we need a signed copy back so we can record it.

Project Status – Phase 2

Brown Dirt Road – our attorney, Marc Marquis prepared easement documents for the Dickinson et al parcel and the Donaldson parcel. Commissioner Harris had a question on easement length on the Donaldson easement; he will contact Marc for further explanation. There was much discussion about who legally owns the dirt road, the commissioners decided to wait to send the easement requests until ownership can be determined. Commissioner Klasell will contact Karen Dickinson to see if we can get a copy of their property survey, and Commissioner Harris will contact Karen Kornher to see if we have engineering options regarding water main placement if we can’t determine ownership of the property and acquire easements.

Bohn ROE (Right of Entry Agreement)– Mr. Bohn returned his ROE with conditions on meter/vault placement. The commissioners discussed the options and feel there is a third option that is better for the district. Commissioner Harris will prepare a new ROE and map showing a revised meter/vault placement and will send it off to Mr. Bohn for signature. He will check with Karen Kornher first to see if our new location won’t cause any water pressure issues.

Hashim Amendment: Commissioner Klasell motioned that we sign the amendment forwarded to us by Mr. Hashim’s attorney, Commissioner Ratley seconded – motion passed. Commissioner Harris will mail the original with signatures to our attorney to be returned to Mr. Hashim for his signature.
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Schedule Delay/Impact – the contractor is delaying the start of construction from April 13th to April 20th, the commissioners only concern is that Mr. Hashim’s pipe and 4 meters are installed by July 1st, NO EXEPTIONS!

Website Updates – we will update the website with construction schedule/updates bi-monthly or as needed.

Additional ROEs : It has been determined that current mainlines reside on private property and we will need signed ROEs from a few more parcels so we can connect their service lines to the new mainline which will be placed in the county right of way (ROW). Commissioner Harris has prepared the cover letter and ROE, Commissioner Klasell will mail them out to the parcels involved. Commissioner Harris will mail a response letter to Baker advising that an easement is no longer required from her, but we will need a ROE agreement.

Change Orders – the commissioners defer to RH2’s expertise on whatever is most cost effective – individual change orders or keep track and doing an overall change order at the end of the project.

Meter placement issues:

Schulze meter – Commissioner Harris has attempted to contact Mr. Schulze regarding his meter placement, but the email address and phone number we have are not correct. Commissioner Harris will contact Karen Kornher and advise to keep meter in location across the street on the edge of his parcel.

Kulinski/Johanneson – Commissioner Klasell will email Mr. Kulinski to verify that he and Johannessen are in agreement on meter placement/running a new service line to her parcel.

Martinez has expressed that he does not want to connect to the system, as he has a permit to  draw water from the lake. This parcel is in the LID. The commissioners decided to have a  double vault placed for possible future connection with new owners.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Commissioner Harris be the point of contact for meter related questions and make decisions on any meter location changes, Commissioner Ratley seconded; motion passed.


Clerk/customer mailings – going forward, we will assign one commissioner for point of contact to advise Elaine as questions arise.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to no longer sign meeting minutes, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

Clerk will be gone from March 24 – April 1, and April 6 – 10, 2015 – Commissioner Klasell will keep the district phone to handle customer calls during this time.

Operations: Charlie not at meeting – no updates

Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 12pm, Commissioner Ratley seconded. Meeting closed.

The next meeting will be April 9, 2015.