October 23, 2014 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

October 23, 2014

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell (via Skype/Phone)

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional:  Marc Marquis-attorney, Karen Kornher-RH2

Guests Present:  Barb Harris, Dede Shilling
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:10 am, established a forum and named those in attendance.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the Oct 9, 2014 minutes and signed as written,  Commissioner Klasell seconded.

Public comments: Barb Harris commented on the section of the Admin & Operations document dealing with multiple dwellings on one meter.  She feels that this should be changed.  She will write the changes and bring to the next regular meeting for the Commissioner’s approval.

Project Update

Charlie reported that the electrical completion is critical to finishing up other projects and because the electrician is behind schedule, he is holding everything up.  He did point out that progress is being made now. Charlie went over the latest schedule, submitted by the contractor, and pointed out things that should have

Karen Kornher suggested that a letter be sent to the contractor pointing out the hold up of the project by the electrical contractor and informing him that if the project is not substantially complete by November 15, 2014, as agreed on in the contract, the District’s intent is to charge $1700.00 per working day in liquidated damages.  This would start as of November 17, 2014.  The commissioners agreed that the letter should be sent.

Dede Shilling was present representing, Tim Shilling, Jean McCarthy, Jenny Fredericks, Julia Richman and James Waletzky.  She presented their concerns.  The three main concerns of all of them are:

Lack of sufficient communication about project issues and schedules.
Restoration of the land
Restoration of the pavement

Karen Kornher addressed some of their issues.  The Commissioners, RH2 and the contractor will take their concerns under advisement and make sure that there are improvements made going forward.

Maintenance road progress, planting vegetation:  Karen reported that plans are to plant vegetation. She asked Dede about using vine maple on their property. Dede agreed that it would be a good idea.Charlie had requested that the District not gravel the access road but Karen reported that the forest service requires that it
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Commissioner Harris felt that about a week before the District switches to the new reservoir, all customers in the high pressure increase properties, be contacted again to see if they wanted their water turned off until they can come up here and be present when the water is turned back on.  If no verbal contact is made, their water will be turned off and a notice attached to the door of the residence.  Commissioner Klasell agreed.

The District Whispering Pines Pump House:  It was discussed that after the District switches to the new Reservoir, the water be allowed to circulate in the pump house so if need be, it can be a back-up source for the District.  Charlie agreed. Therefore the electricity will remain on but the phone service canceled.

Commissioner Harris asked Charlie if the contractor is providing Operator training with manuals.  Charlie reported that they are. Karen Kornher suggested that Charlie put a list together of training and documents that Commissioner Harris asked Charlie about a backup operator.  Charlie reported that right now he has a person that is willing to come in and be his backup but other than that, he has no one else.

Inclusion of Lakeview Drive upgrade in phase 2: The Commissioners agreed to leave as is.

Hashim connection email:  After Commissioner Harris sent a letter to Mr. Hashim informing him that the meters and water connection have been delayed until 2015 because the project had to be divided due to lack of sufficient funds, the District received an email from Mr. Hashim regarding the installation of his meter and connection to the water by the end of December, 2014.  The Commissioners are taking it under consideration.

Two track road easements:  The documents that Marc emailed  to the Commissioners for distribution  to the affected customers were discussed.  Marc will make the suggested changes and mail the letters.

Pressure increase issue: Clerk Kinney reported that she spoke to most of the customers affected by the pressure increase and left messages to the others.  Some have called back for clarification but all have been informed that they may need to install a PRV between the meter and the house.

Farnham/Overturf meter location:  Mr. Farnham is trying to obtain an easement to cross Deems land for his

Commissioner Bohn resigned his position.  The letter was received on October 10, 2014.  It was decided to advertise the position on the Lake Wenatchee Info website as well as send an email to all LWWD customers asking for any interested parties.  Commissioner Harris reported that one customer has volunteered.  They will be given until the November 11, 2014 meeting to step forward.

Snow removal bid:  One bid was received.  It is for one season. The bidding request specified three seasons which would end in the spring of 2017. Charlie reported that he just needs the area in front of the door for the new Brown Road pump house cleared for parking. Clerk Kinney will contact him and ask for a new bid for three seasons and point out the Brown Road pump house change.  The issue will be decided at the next meeting.

Ellison Repair:  After turning the water off to the property, Charlie has not heard anything

Baker Easement: Commissioner Klasell moved to have Marc Marquis prepare an easement for the new connection onBaker’s property once the linear feet and estimated value has been determined, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Vance Lake’s property sale:  Clerk Kinney reported that she received a call.  The Commissioners gave the clerk instructions for responding.
Meter relocation of the upper six lots:  It was decided that new vaults and meters would be installed and at a later date the District may remove the old meters and vaults for backup use.

Brown Road valve leak:  Mike Dickinson has not gotten to it as of today.

Charlie proposed moving Karen Dickinson’s connection to the upper system to improve her water pressure.  She has very low pressure now.  He reported that it would not be a huge change and Karen is willing to pay any additional cost involved.  The Commissioners felt that it was not a problem.  Charlie will send Karen Kornher a map depicting the change.

Commissioner continued the meeting at 1:10 pm until to Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 10:00 am at the Fire station to discuss any additional project issues that may come up as the project finalizes.

October 9, 2014 Minutes


                                                  Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                         Commissioners Meeting

                                                                October 9, 2014

                                                         at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype/Phone), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell

Commissioners Absent: Lan Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Ryan Peterson, RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris (via Skype/Phone)

Commissioner Klasell established a forum and name those present.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the Sept 25, 2014 minutes and signed as written, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Public comments: There were no public comments

Project Updates

Construction updates: Charlie/RH2 site meeting updates: The paving on Lakeview Drive was done on 10/07/14. Charlie was approached by one of the home owners regarding cracks in their driveway. He indicated that the District needs to have a plan on how to address the driveway issues. Ryan from RH2, after inspecting the driveways feels that they can be crack sealed in Phase 1 and if necessary seal coated after Phase 2 is complete.

Commissioner Klasell moved to crack seal the affected driveways this year, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Charlie recommended to Karen at RH2 not to gravel the maintenance road. He feels it is too steep for travel by the average vehicle. He indicated that the existing tanks will not be removed for 2-3 weeks, possibly more. He also reported that one of the home owners is concerned about the water runoff from the property across Lakeview Dr. onto their property. Ryan indicated that they will look at the area and determine a solution with foliage or other products.

Charlie reported that when the area next to the Shilling residence was prepped for pavement with gravel, the contractors laid gravel over the property line onto the Tice property and that when the asphalt was applied, it went over the property line. It was decided the Commissioner Klasell will email both Tice and Shilling and suggest that they may want to provide each other with a letter indicating that they aware of the issue and that the property belonging to Tice will remain his property. Or if the wish, the contractor will cut out the asphalt and remove the gravel up to the Shilling property line.

Waletzky Project email: Commissioner Klasell will answer his concerns via email.

Other project issues
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Water pressure letter: Clerk Kinney will send the letter and the accompanying maps via email or snail mail, if no email is on record, to all customers in the Whispering Pines and Lester Addition areas. Those folks, with the highest increases, will then be phoned to make sure they received the notification and that they understand the issue.

North shore pipe easement: Tabled until the next meeting when the Districts attorney will be present.

Moving or replacing the existing meter: The 7 meters on the LW water area cannot be retrofitted for use by the district. RH2 would like to replace the 6 meters on the upper Lakeview Drive. The Commissioner felt that those meters should be moved to the public right of way. No decisions were made at this time.

Brown Rd Reservoir abandonment date confirmation: Charlie indicated that it will have to remain in place until after the new pump house is operable.

Mt. Park Additional Pressure tank: Charlie feels that we should install at least two tanks. Commissioner Klasell motioned to purchase pressure tanks and the number will be determined by RH2, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed

Two Tract linear pipe location/easements: After some discussion, Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Marc send the affected properties a letter about the needed easement and offer them the amount of compensation determined by Commissioner Harris previously, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. Letter will be sent after commissioners approve cover letter via email.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for September 2014; as of 10/7/14 our funds are $55,387.23 at the County; Imprest balance is $509.10

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $1,947.54.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.

Imprest expenses for last month were $108.00 office supplies (TAK cardstock for bills)

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for September in the amount of $1,391.50. Motion seconded by Harris, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the DWSRF budget status as of 9/30/13 and the remaining budget for Phase 1. We have spent $1,546,252.26 and have $780,882.74 remaining in the loan after A19 #32R is processed. With 10% of the DWSRF being withheld until Phase 1 is closed in fall of 2015, we might have issues paying the balance of the project this year. Commissioner Klasell will follow up with Karen Klocke at DWSRF as she had mentioned they might allow a smaller portion withheld (5%).

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #32R and supporting CPF warrant for $311,490.71. This included Pay Request #4 from Belsaas & Smith in the amount of $293,516.08. Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Other Issues

LWWD ops and directive updates: Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the changes to the Op & Administrative policies as presented by the clerk, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Operations update from Charlie: Charlie reported that since he turned off the water to the property leaking in the Lester Addition, it has not been turned on. He will keep monitoring. The leak on the corner of Brown road and Fir Drive in WP is an emergency repair because of the winter season soon approaching. Therefore, Charlie will have it fixed.

Commissioner move to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 am, Commissioner Harris seconded.

The next meeting will be held on October 23, 2014 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.


September 24, 2014 Minutes


                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                     September 25, 2014

                                               at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Karen Kornher, RH2; Marc Marquis, attorney for The District

Guests Present: Barb Harris


Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:02 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for September 11, 2014; Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed and signed.

Public Comments: There were no public comments

Project Updates

Construction updates from Karen Kornher

  • Updated schedule from Belsaas & Smith has been emailed to all commissioners this morning
  • The well pump will be installed tomorrow
  • Tank staining is scheduled for 10/12/14
  • Asphalt paving is slated for 10/8; patching for 10/29
  • Mountain Park well improvements being worked on this week
  • PRV station installed

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Brown Road System Connection

Much discussion as to whether or not Brown Road will use the new tank or continue to use their existing tank before their new mainline is installed. Karen Kornher will review the plans and email a response.

Property Owner issues – none at this time.

Updates on the 2014 DWSRF loan process

Commissioner Klasell reported application was submitted online on September 17th and she received confirmation from Sara Herrara at DOH that it was received. They won’t review any of the application until November 1. Also, Karen Klocke said she spoke with Mark Barnett at Dept of Commerce and he will structure the loan to be 21 years, instead of 20 so our first payment won’t be until October of 2016. Therefore there is no need to convert our LID into an ULID.


Other Project Issues

Lester Addition water rights transfer

Marc Marquis advised the commissioner’s that DOE transferred and approved 4.4 acre/ft of Lester Addition’s water right to the District. Mark Peterson confirmed that no transfer deed for this was prepared in July of 2012 when all associations transferred their assets/water rights. Marc Marquis has prepared a quit claim deed for transfer, and based on the MOU between Lester Addition and the District it is their intent for us to receive those water rights. Since Whispering Pines became responsible for providing them water when their system failed, the last president of WPWUA has authority to sign the transfer document. Once that document is signed and notarized, Marc Marquis will record the deed at the county.

John Steer meter location

Karen Kornher confirmed that all customers that have meters relocated will be getting new meters/vaults. John Steer is one such customer; he will only be assessed for the meter reading attachment as his current meter does not have one. There was much discussion on how the meters being moved in Whispering Pines could be moved instead of replaced, as all of those additional meters were not budgeted for. No decision was made.

Two track road easement

Commissioner Bohn is concerned the pipe was placed in the wrong location. He provided a copy of the current Brown Road well easement with a drawing of where he thinks the pipe is located. He and Charlie will walk the area to determine if it was placed as designed. Until we know for sure that the placement follows the design, we really can’t evaluate how many linear feet are on each parcel. Subject was tabled.

Brown Road easement (dirt road)

Much discussion as to whether or not this is private property or a public right of way. Karen Kornher said that the assessor shows it as a non-maintained county road, but will check with Fitzpatrick (our surveyor) to verify this is true.

Notification letter of new higher water pressure in system at start up

Commissioner Harris prepared a letter to be sent to all customers in Whispering Pines and Lester addition advising them that there will be pressure changes once we switch over to the new reservoir. Karen Kornher is going to modify the letter, and include a table with the changes to their pressure at the meter (either up or down) and will also provide a way to calculate the pressure at the homes, depending on location on their parcel.

Commissioner Klasell moved that this letter be sent after Commissioners review Karen Kornher’s modifications and additions, Commissioner Harris seconded. Motion passed.

Water line AAA insurance

A customer informed the commissioners of an insurance plan for sewer and service lines, he asked that we forward to all customers. The commissioner’s decided that it was not the District’s place to distribute the information as it could appear that we are endorsing it.

Other Issues

Brown Road valve leak

Charlie discovered a valve leak at the corner of Brown Road and Fir. We are losing approximately 1/2gal/minute. Commissioner Harris said this is a known leak, and asked Karen Kornher is that line was going to be replaced. She will get back to us with that information, repair decision tabled until we hear back from her.

Franz Meyer Connection – no contact from Mr. Meyer or his attorney. Until we know for sure he has an easement across private property, we can’t place a meter for him next summer. This led to discussion about 3 parcels in Lester Addition that are currently sharing one service line. Commissioner Klasell will compose a letter reminding those parcels that they will need to have an easement in place and also run independent services lines to the mainline on Fir Drive to be connected next summer.

Vance Lake parcel

The District received a call from a gentleman requesting if there is water available if this parcel is sub platted. Karen Kornher determined our maximum connections (ERU) are 218 so the clerk can advise him that as of this date we do have water available. However, that can change in the future if water usage changes or more parcels connect to the system.

Operations update from Charlie

Charlie noticed big chlorine swings in Whispering Pines, discovered another leak on Lester Addition. It is very significant water loss, and the leak is on a service line that is serving 3 separate parcels. The service line has been shut off at the mainline, and Commissioner Harris will compose a letter to send to those customers advising that water will not be turned back on until repairs are made.

Snowplow Bids

Commissioner Klasell reminded the commissioners that it is time to send out request for bids for snowplowing. It was determined that the only areas for plowing will be Mtn. Park pump house LW pump house and BR new combined facility. We will issue a 3 year contract. Commissioner Klasell will compose the letter and send it to qualified parties on our small works roster.


Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:20pm, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be held October 9, 2014 at 10:00 am



September 11, 2014 Minutes


                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      Sept 11, 2014

                                               at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Karen Kornher, RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and acknowledged a quorum existed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for Aug. 28, 2014 and accept as written; Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed and signed.

Public Comments: There were no public comments

Project Updates

Updates on the 2014 DWSRF loan application for the 2015 funding:

Commissioner Klasell distributed the draft application. The Commissioners discussed the application and the budget presented by RH2. After Karen Kornher joined the meeting, she answered the Commissioners concerns.

Commissioner Harris motioned to authorize Commissioner Klasell to sign and submit the loan application only after revisions have been reviewed by Karen Klocke and Dan Bannier, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Construction startup status updates:

  • Charlie reported that the first section of the new water line passed the pressure test for leaks and the second section was having issues. As of today, they pressurized the second section and it has held pressure for 20 minutes before the meeting.
  • The Mount Baker Silo crew building the new reservoir is progressing very quickly and things are moving along. By next week it should be completed and will have to sit for 28 days before being utilized.

RH2 contract for the design work for Phase 2:

After discussion about the contract received which covers the whole Phase 2 process including the bidding, it was determined that the Commissioners would only approve, at this time, the design phase amount.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the RH2 contract for the design portion of the contract only, for the amount of $15,208.00, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.


Other Project Issues

Two Track Issue: After some discussion, the subject was tabled until the next meeting when our attorney, Marc Marquis is present.

Brown Road Dirt Road Issue: Commissioner Harris is working with the PUD regarding their easement to use that road for power. It needs to be determined if the road is a county right of way or part of each parcel. All maps indicate that it is a road, thus a right of way. More needs to be done.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for August 2014; as of 9/8/14 our funds are $51,985.65 at the County; Imprest balance is $461.94.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,823.77.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, motion passed. Imprest expenses for last month were $47.16 for postage and office supplies.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for August in the amount of $1,286.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.   

Commissioner Klasell discussed the DWSRF budget status as of 8/31/14 and the remaining budget for Phase 1. We have spent $1,068,525.46 and have $1,092,288.45 remaining in the loan after A19 #32 is processed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #32 and supporting CPF warrant for $166,326.09. This included Pay Request #3 from Belsaas & Smith in the amount of $148,666.41. Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed.

Other Issues

McCord Connection: Mr. McCord has decided to wait until spring 2015

Frank Mayer: No further correspondence has been received.

Feedback from Werth, Dickinson, and Paris parcel regarding the LID opt out: At this time we have received Diane Dickinson’s opt out, only. We have not heard from Werth or Paris.

Donaldson’s request for water availability for 8 acre plot in WP: Karen Kornher assist in contacting planning department to determine if water availability is required to subdivide land. She will also calculate our current ERUs (Equivalent Residential Usage) from our source meter data, and determine maximum water system capacity (ERUs) for the entire district. After this has been determined, Mr. Donaldson will be contacted.

Operations Update: Charlie pointed out that we need a locator device for the District. RH2 will put that as part of the final bid item.

Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 am, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be held on September 25, 2014 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.


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August 28, 2014 Minutes


                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      August 28, 2014

                                                at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Karen Kornher, RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for Aug. 14, 2014; Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed and signed.

Public Comments: There were no public comments

Project Updates

Construction updates, Charlie:

  • The plumbing for the new reservoir site has been installed. The site is ready for the concrete pour.
  • The water main is installed from the pump house on Brown Road to the reservoir located above Lakeview Drive. They are doing the pressure and leak testing.
  • The pump station roof has been fixed
  • Mountain Park: The conduit has been installed. Waiting for the PUD to pull the wire.
  • Homestead Pump house has the sheet rock installed, waiting for taping, texture and painting. It will then be ready for the electrical installation.
  • The base for the radio tower has been poured.

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Two track road easement

Karen Kornher will provide the linear feet for each of the three properties where the pipe is installed so a compensation amount can be determined before the land owners are contacted.

Updates on the 2015 DWSRF loan process:

There are no updates. Once the application is prepared, it will be presented at the Sept. 11 meeting for approval.  The issue of converting the Districts LID to a ULID so revenue can be used to pay back the loans was discussed.


Commissioner Klasell moved to contact Cynthia Weed, attorney to get an estimate to do the conversion, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.


Other Project Issues

The issue of using the LWWD radio tower to install the Wi Fi repeater. Karen Kornher felt that it is doable as long as it does not interfere with the District’s radio transmission.

Other Issues

LWWD operations and directives will be updated to include repairs of water lines and meters. Commissioner Harris will send the verbiage to Clerk Kinney to update the directives.

McChord connection: He wants to have his property surveyed before the meter location is determined.  He will let us know when this is done and whether he wants it connected this year or next.

There has not been anymore correspondence concerning the Franz Mayer connection.

There has been no feedback from the owners of the land that was sub-platted on Brown Road. Two of the three have picked up the letter.  They have until Oct. 1st to respond.  If no response is received, they will automatically be included in the LID.

The District received a call from a gentleman requesting if there is water available to properties on Brown Road that he is considering sub-platting from an 8 acre parcel. More information needs to be obtained before the District can answer for sure.  Karen Kornher from RH2 said she would determine the number of max ERU’s that the district could support given the current design.

There were no operation updates from our operator.

Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 am, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be held Sept. 11, 2014 at 10:00 am


August 14, 2014 Minutes

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                           Commissioners Meeting

                                                                  August 14, 2014

                                                           at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, President; Bonnie Klasell, Secretary; Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Elaine Kinney, Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Marc Marquis, attorney; Karen Klocke, DOH; Dan Bannier, RCAC

Guests: Barb Harris


Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum

Commissioner Harris moved to waive the reading of the 7/24/14 minutes and sign as presented, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Public comments: No public comments


Phase 1 Project Issues

Construction Status updates:

  • Charlie reported that the contractor dug the hole for the reservoir placement. At approximately 15 feet they found sandstone on the backside but on the lake site it was dirt down 6 more feet. That area will have to be filled in with gravel or CDF material.
  • At the new pump house they are pouring the pad for the electrical panel
  • At the Mountain park site, they set the framework to move the electrical panel
  • Charlie also reported that the pump station on the upper Lakeview Drive was damaged when a tree was taken down. If the station is not going to be kept, it will not be repaired.

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Commissioner Klasell moved to keep the pump station, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Property Owners Issues: The customers on the upper Lakeview drive impacted by the heavy equipment are concerned about the amount of damage. Charlie has been working with the contractor to repair the driveways. The work cannot be done until the construction is complete and the system has been pressure tested.

Two-Track Road Easement: There was discussion about the placement of the new pipeline and that it does not appear to be in the area of the Brown Road easement. Because of this, easements will have to be obtained by the affected home owners. The issue was tabled until we obtain more information from Karen Kornher.


Other Project Issues

DWSRF Funding 2015: Karen Klocke informed the Commissioners on the monies available. She cannot guarantee but she is very hopeful that the District will get the monies to complete the project. She indicated that the earlier we get the application in the better.

RH2 Amendment #8, Phase 2 work: Because Thomas, from RH2, has given his notice to leave when he finds other employment, RH2 wants permission to start some work on Phase 2. There was some discussion on the issue.

Commissioner Klasell moved to authorize RH2 to start Phase 2 work as long as they will not bill us until we have the new loan money available, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.



Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for July 2014; as of 8/6/14 our funds are $52,976.39 at the County; Imprest balance is $462.14.  Past due accounts over 90 days amount to $259.82

Commissioner Klasell moved to credit Landis Bohn $257.40 for account #Lot 5 as his parcels were merged into one parcel in February, 2014. Commissioner Harris seconded, Commissioner Bohn abstained. Motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,073.80.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, motion passed. Imprest expenses for last month were $46.96 for postage and office supplies.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for July in the amount of $1,374.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.  

Commissioner Klasell discussed the DWSRF budget status as of 7/31/14 and the remaining budget for Phase 1. We have spent $1,068,525.46 and have $1,258,609.54 remaining in the loan after A19 #31 is processed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #31 and supporting CPF warrant for $125,843.83, This included Pay Request #2 from Belsaas & Smith in the amount of $107,025.93. Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed.

CIAW insurance: Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Resolution 2014-8-14 agreeing to the changes to the bi-laws and inter-local agreement to the Cities Insurance Association of Washington (CIAW), Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.


System Issues:

McCord request for connection: WP does not have a spare vault and meter available. There was some discussion about whether to use a customer’s vault and meter that is no longer used. It was decided to use a new one. The issue was tabled until we can get a cost estimate for a new one. Commissioner Harris was to notify Mr. McCord in writing that work cannot begin until the district first receives his deposit of $1600.

Franz Mayer update: There has been no further communication from his lawyer. He is in the process of obtaining an easement to connect to the Brown Road pipeline. Work will not be done until the District has a filed easement in place.

Operations from Charlie: There was another float in the Brown Road Reservoir that failed. This is the second one so Charlie had Leavenworth Electric to a diagnosis to determine why they are failing. They determined that the float itself had a short. It has been replaced.


Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:40 pm, Commissioner Bohn seconded. Meeting adjourned.


The next meeting will be August 28, 2014 at 10 am at the District 9 Fire Station.



July 24, 2014 Minutes

                                                      Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                          Commissioners Meeting

                                                                 July 24, 2014

                                                           at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, President (via Skype) Bonnie Klasell, Secretary; Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Elaine Kinney, Charlie Cruickshank

Professional:  Thomas Leake, RH2

Guests:  Barb Harris (via Skype)

Commissioner Harris moved to rescind the motion made on July 10th  for the continuance of the July 10th  meeting to July 17th. This motion is made due to the fires which prevented Karen Klocke and Dan Bannier from attending the meeting because of road closures and increased activity at the Fire Station , Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the July 10, 2014 meeting, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed..


Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:00 am, established a quorum.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for the July 10, 2014 meeting and accept and sign as presented, Commissioner Bohn seconded.


Project Issues


Construction Update: Charlie reported that progress is slow due to the amount of rock encountered.  He reported that they encountered a large boulder that had to be broken up to be removed which takes a great deal of time.


Thomas Leake had very little to report.  He questioned a water line on a property on North Shore.  Charlie volunteered to contact the customer to find out about the line and meter placement.

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Property owner issues:  Charlie reported that the gate at the end of Lake View Drive was damaged.  It will be repaired when the concrete is available for the pump house pour on Brown Road.  The gate was damaged by someone other than the construction crew or the District.


The issue of the two-track easement was tabled until the August 14 meeting because Marc Marquis could not attend the meeting.


Other Project Issues


The meeting with Dan Bannier and Karen Klocke (DWSRF) has tentatively been schedule for the August 14th meeting.  Commissioner Harris will verify their ability to be in attendance.


Franz Mayer connection issue: Bryce MacKay, his attorney, indicated that Mr. Mayer does not want the water line installed on the Lake Wenatchee Hwy. He will obtain, and provide a recorded easement to the District, to install a line across private land or a permission letter to add an additional line next to Marie Mayer’s water line, to connect to the Brown Road line on Brown Road.


Other Issues


Charlie did not have any operation issues


Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 am, Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed .


The next meeting will be held on August 14, 2014 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station on the Lake Wenatchee Hwy.


July 10, 2014 Minutes

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                           Commissioners Meeting

                                                                  July 10, 2014

                                                           at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, President; Bonnie Klasell, Secretary; Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Elaine Kinney, Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Thomas Leake, RH2

Guests: None


Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum

Commissioner Harris moved to waive the reading of the 06/26/14 minutes and sign as presented, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Public comments: No public comments


Phase 1 Project Issues

Construction Status updates: Charlie reported an issue with crossing the asphalt driveways and possible damage. Thomas pointed out that there is money for asphalt repair. He will ask the contractor to avoid using the driveways as much as possible.

Thomas passed out the full comprehensive schedule along with a three week schedule which will be the most accurate. He also presented the first change order, B & S pay estimate number one.

Property Owners Issues: There was a concern that there was a few more trees removed than on the plan distributed to the affected property owners. Charlie explained why they were removed. There is a remaining tree that should be removed because there is danger of it coming down in a wind storm.


Phase 2 Discussion

The budget was received for Phase 2 from RH2 in preparation for the meeting next week with Dan Bannier and Karen Klocke.

Loan application: One of the Commissioners needs to attend the Dec. 5 meeting in Olympia. If the loan is approved at that meeting we would have to sign that day. This will allow us to start drawing the money in January 2015. Commissioner Klasell volunteered to attend. Her name will have to be on the loan application.
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Potholing: Thomas recommends doing approximately 10 spots for Phase 2 while the equipment is here and available. He estimates approximately three thousand dollars plus the cost of the having the archeologist present for one day.

Commissioner Klasell moved to pothole now under the existing contract as determined by the engineer, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Scheduling for Critical dates: There are many questions for Karen Klocke regarding meeting critical date for the second loan.


Other Project Issues

Water connection for Franz Mayer (parcel 271719210050): We received an estimate from RH2 to run piping up the Lake Wenatchee Highway. Following a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Harris volunteered to write a letter explaining his options for connection. He will email both the letter and the estimate to his attorney.




Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for June 2014; as of 7/9/14 our funds are $48,961.15 at the County; Imprest balance is $380.62.  Past due accounts amount to $809.64.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,871.48.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, motion passed. Imprest expenses for last month were $59.99 Carbonite Backup Software, $34.00 postage.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for April in the amount of $1,448.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the DWSRF budget status as of 6/30/14 and the remaining budget for Phase 1. We have spent $942,681.63 and have $1,384,453.37 remaining in the loan after A19 #30 is processed.

Commissioner Harris moved to sign A19 #30 and supporting CPF warrant for $147,246.84, Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed.

System Issues:

Charlie reported that there are not new issues other than a scheduled water shutoff on North Shore. All customers involved were notified. The water was off for about 10 minutes and all went well.

Commissioner Harris moved to continue the meeting to July 17, 2014 at 10 am at the District 9 Fire Station, Commissioner Klasell seconded, meeting continued.



June 26, 2014 Minutes


                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                Commissioners Meeting

                                                      June 26, 2014

                                                at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present:  Barb Harris, Thomas Leake

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes from 06/12/2014 and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, approved.  Minutes signed.

Project Issues

Two Track Easement:  After some discussion regarding where the easement is and where the new pipes are being installed, the subject was tabled until the July 24th meeting when our attorney will be present.

Thomas Leake, from RH2, joined the meeting.  He reported that he obtained from the project manager, a three week constructions schedule. Thomas also reported that the original plan called for an expensive pitless adapter for the pump house.  The contractor is recommending another one that is  less expensive but just as functional according to the contractor and Tumwater Drilling.  Thomas presented a change order for the part which will save the district monies.

Commissioner Bohn motioned to accept the change order, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Charlie Cruickshank reported on the project process.  The contractor has encountered some issues with ground penetration due to the sandstone and rock.  But they will do what they have to do to get the job done.  He reported that there were some broken water lines that have been repaired.  They have also dug to put water lines into the pump house.
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Customer Issues with construction:  The septic drain pipe for one of the customers was crushed during the digging process.  The drain pipe will be replaced and the customer is happy with the replacement. There was an issue of a tree that the customer thought was on his land and he wanted the wood.    The contractor agreed to replace the two trees from a pile available at the staging area.  The trees will be delivered to a location chosen by the customer.

Other Project Issues

The attorney for a customer on Lake Wenatchee Hwy is requesting that he connect to the main system via his sister’s parcel, who is connected along Brown Road.  The Commissioners agreed that it is not an option. However since the project has been split into two phases, they agreed to pursue expanding our wetland permit to run a line up the Lake Wenatchee Highway at the customer’s expense.  Commissioner Klasell will email Karen Kornher to pursue the possibility and obtain an estimate of the cost.

2015 Funding:  Karen Klocke from the Dept. of Commerce and Dan Bannier from RCAC, are available to come discuss funding on Thursday, July 17th.  The Commissioners agreed to extend the July 10th meeting to that day.  Commissioner Klasell will ask Karen Kornher for a budget for Phase 2 before that meeting.


Clerk Kinney reported that she is still working on reviewing the LWWD procedures. If there are changes made, she will email them to the Commissioners for approval.

Other Issues

Commissioner Harris reported that he attended an Open Government & Transparency training session.  Effective July 1, 2014 every member of a governing body must complete training requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) within 90 days of taking office. He also informed that other Commissioners and the Clerk that the training is available on line.

Adding the agenda to the website is a requirement but only if we have more than 10 employees. Commissioner Klasell will try and do this but it is agreed that it is not a requirement for LWWD.

Charlie presented the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) for 2013 for review.

Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the CCR as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. The notice informing our customers where to view the CCR will be sent via email and snail mail to those without email addresses.

Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:55 am, Commissioner Klasell seconded, meeting adjourned.

The next meeting is July 10, 2014 at 10:00 am at the District 9 fire station on the Lake Wenatchee Hwy.


June 12, 2014 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

June 12, 2014

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, President; Bonnie Klasell, Secretary; Landis Bohn

Staff Present: none

Professional: Marc Marquis, attorney; Thomas Leake, RH2

Guest: Barb Harris


Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:02am and acknowledged a quorum

Commissioner Harris moved to waive the reading of the May 22, 2014 minutes and sign as presented, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.


Public Comments: No public comment


Project Issues

Construction Start Up Status Update

Thomas Leake reported on weekly meeting with contractor. They are currently working on installing the waterline up from Brown Road to Lakeview Dr. Biggest area of concern is the BRWU irrigation pipes are not in the location indicated on the plan. Thomas will contact Dave Leonard, prior BRWU president who installed the well and piping in 1993; he would know how they changed the piping from creek water to the well.

Karen Dickinson MOU addendum

Karen Dickson presented her argument as to why she feels the MOU is in breach and as such LWWD needs to compensate her for the items LWWD is unable to implement due to Dept. of Commerce restrictions within our federally funded loan.

Commissioner Harris moved to amend the motion adopted at the May 22, 2014 meeting to use the addendum that Commissioner Klasell prepared along with an offer of $1,000, by striking the $1,000 and inserting $2,000. Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

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Walk-through with contractor

Commissioner Harris briefly summarized what happened at the on-site meeting with the contractor on June 3rd.

Water Availability for Cona (Mt Park)

The county needs a letter from the District stating this parcel, while within our boundaries, is not part of the Mt. Park LID and we are unable to provide them water. This is because Mt. Park is a satellite ‘Class B’ system and will be at capacity of 13 connections once the LID is finalized at the end of Phase 2, summer 2015. Commissioner Harris will work up a form letter for the clerk to submit to the County.

Water connection for Franz Mayer (parcel 271719210050)

Franz Mayer’s agent had contacted our clerk about connecting to the system. The situation hasn’t changed, he will have to either acquire private easements and pay to install a service line across that easement to connect along Brown Rd., or wait until after Phase 2 is connected and pay to run a service line up Lake Wenatchee Hwy. We do not have a wetlands permit in place at this time to run any piping along Lake Wenatchee Hwy. Commissioner Klasell will have the clerk relay this information to Mr. Mayer’s agent.

PUD Fees

Karen Korhner sent an email earlier in the week the PUD Fees weren’t included in Belsaas and Smith’s bid as they were unable to get an estimate from PUD prior to the bid submittal date. The technical specifications require the contractor to pay these fees, yet RH2 had intended to remove that language since we have budgeted and planned to pay those fees directly. She asked for direction on how to proceed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned that the District will pay the PUD fees as budgeted, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.



Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for May 2014; as of 6/9/14 our funds are $49,955.55 at the County; Imprest balance is $476.65. Past due accounts amount to $234.00.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,057.06. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, motion passed . The only expense from Imprest last month was for $32.45 (envelopes)

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for April in the amount of $1,339.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the DWSRF budget status as of 5/31/14 and the remaining budget for Phase 1. We have spent $795,434.79 and have $1,531,700.21 remaining in the loan after A19 #29 is processed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #29 and supporting CPF warrant for $2,264.27, Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed.

System Issues: Charlie not in attendance to make report


Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:00m and reported that the next meeting will be held on June 26, 2014 at 10 am at the District 9 Fire Station, Commissioner Klasell seconded, meeting adjourned.